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WHEN WE ARE YOUNG, WE ARE TAUGHT THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN A HERO AND A VILLAIN. We learn about what is good and what is evil. We try to understand who is a saviour and who is a lost cause. Our life is either peaceful or we are fighting a war. A war which is pain, death and inevitable destruction.

The world of the wizards had not lived a peaceful life for three years now. The battle of Hogwarts did not end the reign of Voldemort. The heroes have lost the battle and the villains used this as an opportunity to continue what they had started when Voldemort came back. The evil wanted to rule the world but the good was determined to fight till the last breath and the last man standing.

This was the reason why Hermione Granger was fighting side by side with Ginny Weasley right now. Two women were casting curses and hexes right and left. Their movements were like a perfectly choreographed dance and both of them were in perfect sync. They had each other's backs and successfully battled their enemies while Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and a few other order members were fighting further away.

" Shit, Mi, look! " Ginny shouted to Hermione and then cursed her ex-classmate, who was now on the dark side, for the last time in this battle. He fell on the ground unconscious and the redhead woman looked at her best friend to see if she was seeing what Ginny saw. She was and Hermione was staring at the army of the death eaters. Voldemort's followers were moving towards them from different directions.

" Hey, guys?! We could use some help! " Ginny yelled to Harry, Ron and the others. George and Neville were on injured members' duty today and they apparated away with the last wounded person when death eaters started to surround two women. Both men did an amazing job of helping the injured. There was no one left on the battlefield and everyone, who was fighting, was able to focus on the battle because the wounded were taken care of.

Hermione knocked out the death eater who was too close to her and she got a couple of seconds to look around. Something was not right. The members of the order were slowly falling back and apparating away. She did not hear the command to retreat from Harry. He did not say it so why were the others leaving the battle? Yes, there were more death eaters than order members this time but they still had a chance to win this one. Numbers do not win a battle.

The numerous death eaters circled them around and stopped, trapping two women in the middle of the circle. However, the three figures did not stop and continued to make their way towards Hermione and Ginny. Both of them raised their wands and got ready to fight them off, not taking their eyes off them. Hermione could swear that she recognized the walking style of the death eater in the middle and she was pretty sure she knew who was coming towards. She heard Ginny shout for Harry and Ron one more time and then she looked at her two boy best friends. She never thought she would see this.

Her two best friends, since they were eleven, were just standing there with unreadable facial expressions, looking at Hermione and Ginny. Not a single movement to show that they are going to help them escape. They did not raise their wands or make a move. Absolutely nothing. And at that moment Hermione understood everything. Ginny too. The youngest Weasley's face turned red because of the anger. The brightest witch of her age gritted her teeth and squeezed her wand tighter. Three death eaters and two women were watching Harry Potter and Ron Weasley turn away and leave. The boy who lived left his best friend and a girlfriend. His sidekick left his best friend and a sister. They just left both of them surrounded by the enemy.

Ginny yelled angrily and let out a spell to the spot, where a few seconds ago Harry and Ron were standing. The redhead was disappointed and hurt but overall furious. Hermione, on the other hand, did not show any emotion. She was standing emotionless but inside... Inside she was screaming and hexing these two boys to oblivion. And not only them. The order too because she knew who was behind all of this. She and Ginny acted as if they knew nothing way too long and now Hermione wanted to hurt them as they hurt her and Ginny.

" Did they really just fucking leave you two here and bailed? " decided to speak up one of the three death eaters. The feeling of betrayal made them forget that they were surrounded but the voice of the young death eater brought them back to reality. Both women eyed the three figures, who were standing right in front of them. Masked death eaters looked threatening but they did not make any movement to harm the two of them. That was weird because they never missed an opportunity to attack the member of the order.

" Well, it's better for us, " another death eater started to speak. " It means we could have the best two fighters the order ever had on our side. "

" What makes you think that we want to change sides? " Ginny hissed angrily, directing her wand to the tall masked figure. The tip of her wand was touching his neck but the death eater did not move. Ginny did not see this but while hiding behind his mask, he glanced at her wand's position and smirked.

Hermione was not saying anything. Instead, she was studying three death eaters who were in front of her. She also was able to count how many of them were surrounding her and Ginny. 83 souls. The dark-brown witch did not want to lose her focus, chatting with the enemy. She tried to think of a plan to escape them but it was too many of them. So many things could go wrong, especially when three of them were standing near them.

" Because we are the better side, " the voice, that spoke up first when Harry and Ron left, made a joke. The death eater, who was standing in the middle, slightly smacked him on the head. " Ouch! Okay, because they fucking left both of you here alone like they want you dead. If I were you, I would want revenge. "

" So, I have a proposition for both of you. Join us and you will be able to destroy the order. "


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