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THEODORE POURED EVERYONE ONE MORE DRINK AND SAT DOWN CLOSE TO PANSY. The six of them had a free day tomorrow. It meant that there were no meetings with Voldemort and other death eaters or another battle with the order. That was why they let themselves get drunk, not caring about a hangover tomorrow, and enjoy each other's company. Everyone was relaxed with alcohol in their bloodstream. Even Draco has loosened up and was not as tense as every other day. He smiled and laughed, nursing his drink. At this particular moment, they looked like a group of friends who had known each other for a very long time. Like people who became best friends in school and stayed in contact after they graduated, who had their weekly dinners and hangouts to talk with each other and relax from the long week of work. It was a moment to dream that there was no war between good and evil right now,

" Red, why are you always forgetting about the sixth year? " Blaise asked, drunkenly looking at Ginny whose head was resting on Hermione's lap. The redhead slowly sat up and glanced at the dark-skinned wizard. Blaise's question caught everyone's attention and Ginny let out a sigh.

" It was yours sixth year, " she said with a small smirk on her face. " I was a fifth year. I only say that, but I never had and never will forget it. I... Convincing myself that what happened at Hogwarts should have stayed there and that I need to forget that year, helped me deal with everything after that, " Ginny glanced at Hermione who was looking at her almost empty glass.

" Kingsley found out about our friendship, " Hermione continued, not raising her eyes to look at the people around her. " It was about a year after the battle of Hogwarts. We still don't know how he found out but he did. He said a lot of bullshit about it and didn't listen to us. Just like that, " she snapped her fingers, " we became an enemy in his order to him. His trust issues with us started. We were one of the best fighters there. Kingsley let us go to the fights but he didn't listen to our opinions or suggestions. "

" Because of the Hogwarts friendship? " Theo could not believe what he was hearing. It looked like a stupid reason not to trust the people who at that moment were fighting for order but, on the other hand, Theo did not know the full story and the girls were ready to tell it.

" Yes! " Ginny and Hermione shouted in sync. Both of them looked at each other and chuckled. Then they continued to speak.

" We told him that it was only a Hogwarts friendship that lasted a year. He didn't believe us. "

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