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HERMIONE WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING WITH RED HAIR IN HER FACE. She pulled it away from her face, sat in her bed and looked around. Ginny was snuggled against Hermione's right side, Daphne was sleeping next to her and Pansy made herself comfortable against Hermione's left side. Hermione smiled. This reminded her of the spring break in the sixth year when she and Ginny decided to stay at Hogwarts because their favourite Slytherins were not going home. The four of them had sleepovers like this one almost every single night. The boys sometimes joined them too. It was the best time Hermione and Ginny had; through that time, all of them got even closer to each other than before. But no one knew that in a few months, everything would change and their friendship would become a memory, Hermione would go on the Horcrux hunt with Harry and Ronald, hoping to destroy Voldemort, Ginny would stay at Hogwarts, Draco would go to the dark side.

Hermione silently got out of her bed without waking up the girls and searched her drawer for a hangover potion. When she found it, she drank it and left the other three small bottles on her nightstand for the girls to find when they woke up. Last night was a very needed time with alcohol and people, remembering their sixth year and for the moment forgetting about the war, but it was yesterday. Today was a new day and Hermione needed to make important battle plans for Voldemort to look over and approve. When she went downstairs with her supplies for the plans, the brightest witch of her age was surprised to see Blaise already awake. He was sitting at the dining table, holding a mug of coffee and reading the Daily Prophet.

" Good morning, " Hermione greeted the dark-skinned wizard and put her supplies on the table.

" Good morning, Hermione, " Blaise raised his head to look at her. " There is a fresh pot of coffee in the kitchen if you want it. "

Hermione Granger loved coffee but it became a rare pleasure when the war started. The order needed her here and there, she had a lot of missions and other stuff to do. It was her lucky day if she was able to grab something to eat before going out to do what she was ordered to do by Kingsley or someone else who was higher in the order than her. But now Hermione has noticed that being here she was able to enjoy a cup of coffee more often because everything was so much different on Voldemort's side. Here, it was rare not to have a meal before the mission or the battle. They did not have schedules or something like that but somehow everything was perfectly in place and everyone managed to finish everything on time.

Malfoy was the last one to join the young people at the dining table. Hermione was working on her second plan when he showed up all dressed up and ready for the day, being the complete opposite of others. Everyone was sitting in their pyjamas with bed hair, fighting off their hangovers, nursing their cups of coffee or tea and enjoying the morning with people they loved and cared about. Malfoy said a polite good morning to everyone and went to grab a cup of coffee. When he came back with his morning drink, he looked over Hermione's shoulders to her battle plans and scoffed before sitting down near Theo.

" What? " asked Hermione, turning her head for a second to look at him. Theo let out a very loud, dramatic sigh, pretty well knowing that this was going to escalate to a full argument.

" Do you really think this is going to work? " Draco waved the paper with the first plan to her face. It was not a question of worry or a doubt. No, this was a mocking one. Hermione gripped her pen tighter. It was easier for her to draw and plan on muggle paper and with the muggle pen.

" Draco, " Pansy's voice was firm and with a hint of the warning for him to cut it off.

" Yes, I do, " answered Hermione and tried to take back the paper from Draco's hand but he stood up and looked down at her first battle plan. There were various drawings and writings which explained everything.

" Well, then you aren't as smart as you look because this is bullshit. We're going to lose the second we do the first move. "

" We won't. I know what I'm doing. "

" Doesn't look like that. This is a stupid strategy which is going to cost us the lives of a lot of great fighters, " Draco said. His harsh words were affecting Hermione but she did not show it. She always felt affected when someone was insulting her intelligence. Blaise, Astoria and Daphne silently left the room, and Pansy, Ginny and Theo stayed. Just in case their friends decided to kill each other.

" You don't know the order like I do. You don't know their strategies like I do, " Hermione stood up to look straight into his eyes. Her angry glare almost made Draco apologise but he swallowed that feeling. It was a stupid strategy that would get them killed. " You don't know what or how they are thinking but I do! "

" You think you could do better?! " she grabbed the second plan and without a blink tore it. Pansy's mouth formed an 'o' while watching the scene in front of her, Ginny had a proud smile on her face and Theo was just staring at Draco and Hermione. " Then do it! " that was her last words before she stormed out of the room. Ginny stood up and went after her best friend, leaving three Slytherins alone.

" Hey, " Theo started to speak after a few seconds. " I know that you built these walls around you when the war started and you rarely let them down, but you have to remember one thing, " he stood up and put his arm on Draco's shoulder. " She was your friend once and you never questioned her. You have to trust her again, Draco. "


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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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