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THAT NIGHT HERMIONE AND GINNY BROKE INTO ORDER'S BASE WHILE EVERYONE WAS IN THE MEETING, DISCUSSING TODAY'S BATTLE WITH DEATH EATERS. It was a stupid move for the order not to change security spells right away after the stunt on the battlefield. They knew how much power both women had, they knew their characters, they knew them. Unless... Unless they did not think that two betrayed women would ever come back here. But they did. They took down security spells when they apparated near the base and silently made their way towards their rooms. Both of them wanted to grab some things that belonged to them and then go away from the people who once were their friends and family.

Hermione tapped her wand three times against the floorboard in her room. Well, now ex-room. The floorboard opened up, revealing her hiding place, and she grabbed a small bag which had an extension charm placed on it. It hid all of the money she had. The brown-haired witch put the bag inside her backpack and then shoved inside some clothes and a couple of other things. She could not take everything even if she wanted but there were only two things left to grab. A single photo frame was standing on her nightstand and holding a memory of her once-happy family. Hermione was posing with her parents and all three of them were smiling. It was a summer before Hermione went on the Horcrux hunt with Harry and Ron, before the war had started. She gently put the frame into her backpack. The second thing she grabbed was Crookshanks. She put a not-very-happy cat in the transportation cage and picked up a piece of paper. Hermione wrote a few not-very-friendly words on it and left it on her perfectly made bed for someone to find. Then she grabbed her backpack and Crookshanks's cage and left the room.

Hermione stopped by Ginny's ex-room she shared with Harry. The redhead's backpack was already on her back and full of things the woman shoved inside but she could not leave the room without leaving a message on the wall so when Hermione showed up, the younger woman was working on it. Then Ginny was done, she charmed her message so no one could remove it with magic or muggle way and looked at Hermione who was standing in the doorway and watching her. Ginny had a proud smile on her face and she stepped away from the wall, revealing her creation. The message was short and simple but radiated anger and hurt. There were the words 'THE BOY WHO BETRAYED' in big letters and red colour and a 'We are so over' underneath it. Hermione smiled and put her thumbs up, silently complimenting Ginny's work.

" We need to stop by Ronald's room and then we can go, " whispered Ginny with a small, mischievous smile. Harry and Ron were Hermione's best friends and even tho she wanted to do so much more than leave them a very short letter on her bed, she did not because the brightest witch of her age saw this situation coming. But in Ginny's case, Ronald was her older brother and Harry was her long-time boyfriend, without a few days fiance. They were planning their future together, talking about marriage and having a family. Hermione did not judge Ginny for wanting to have her own twisted fun to show her anger and other emotions.

" Shit, " whispered Hermione, when she heard loud voices on the first floor, meaning that the meeting was over and everyone would be scattered around the base. The brown-haired witch grabbed her best friend's arm and apparated them both to the first place that came to her mind.

" Where are we? " Ginny asked while looking around. The trees and grass around them were green. The summer sun was slowly setting down, painting the sky with beautiful evening colours. The air here was fresher and a good change from the air in the city that smelled like war, pain and death.

" The forest of Dean, " answered Hermione and made a few wand movements to reveal the hidden tent and change all the spells that surrounded it. She needed to put up stronger protection spells around the tent and put a barrier for Crookshanks so he would not wander off deep into the forest and far away from the tent if he decided to go outside.


It was dark outside. The sun set a couple of hours ago, giving up the place for the moon and the stars. Crookshanks was peacefully sleeping inside the tent while Hermione and Ginny were sitting outside near the small bonfire. Two best friends were not talking to each other. They were silently sitting together, watching the flames dancing and listening to the music that crickets were playing this evening. When the sky turned black and warmingly embraced the moon and the stars, the true feeling of betrayal finally hit two brave lionesses. When it happened and until they sat down near the bonfire, they felt angry, disappointed and hurt, but they did not cry or show other emotions. But now... Now when the darkness of the night found two betrayed hearts, it wanted them to feel everything they were holding inside of them. Ginny was the one who broke down first.

It all started with a few silent tears, running down her beautifully freckled cheeks. She angrily wiped away those tears and took a deep breath but five seconds later she let out a loud sob. The order was her family as much as Hermione's, but the redhead had her real family there too. She did not know if her parents and older brothers, except Ronald, knew about order's plan to get rid of her and Hermione. Both of them knew that Kingsley was behind all of this, the mastermind of the plan. That crazy man had all of these doubts and trust issues when it came to Ginny and Hermione. They heard it one time when they eavesdropped on a secret meeting they were not informed about even tho they both were on one of the highest order's ranks.

Hermione gently hugged her best friend and let herself cry too. Just for this one evening, she will let her walls break down. Tomorrow she will build them up again and will be ready to face the world where she and Ginny were no longer a part of the order. She did not know what they would do next. They could spend all their time here, surrounded by the forest where there was no war between Voldemort and the orders' sides, but on the other hand, both of them were fighters and goddamned good ones. They were fighting for three straight years without a stop. They were in every single battle, fighting against the dark side. Both would not know how to sit calmly while the war was still going on. Yes, they were betrayed by the people who were closest to them, were their friends and loved ones. Yes, it hurt like a bitch and more than wounds after a hard and brutal fight with death eaters. But the war was still worth fighting. If not for the others, so for themselves.

Hermione hugged Ginny closer to her when the younger woman's sobs became louder and more heartbreaking. They have lost everything today. They have lost a place they called home. They have lost their friends and loved ones. They felt like they had lost a part of themselves too. Hermione replayed today's events in her mind while holding her sobbing best friend. She saw Harry and Ronald leave again and the three death eaters, standing right in front of them. Three death eaters. She remembered the conversation with them and replayed the few snippets of their conversation over and over again in her mind. It means we could have the best two fighters the order ever had on our side. Because we are the better side. If I were you, I would want revenge. Join us and you will be able to destroy the order. Hermione looked down at Ginny whose sobs were slowly quitting down. Maybe, just maybe all of these years they were fighting this war on the wrong side.


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