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VOLDEMORT HELD AN IMPORTANT MEETING AFTER THAT BATTLE WITH THE ORDER. He praised his soldiers for a good fight and one more win for the dark side, saying they were one step closer to the final victory. He silently listened to his followers who told him what they had learned from this fight about the order's new tactics and weaknesses. Then Hermione spoke up, saying that she recognised a few tactics the order used today. It was from the battle plans she created but the order never used them. She had a feeling that Kingsley did not want to use her plans. Voldemort smirked when Hermione offered to create a couple of battle plans for this side so they would be prepared for future fights with the order. She knew what she created for the order. And she knew what to plan for future battles so the dark side could win. The Dark Lord nodded. He liked the idea of being prepared and winning against the order.

After that, Voldemort stood up and gave a long speech about loyalty, partnership, strength and power. Everyone listened to him. Then he invited Draco Malfoy to stand by his side. Theodore, Blaise and one more death eater had to hold back Bellatrix when her Dark Lord announced that she was no longer his right hand and that it was Draco's position in this army now. The three of them had to hold her tighter and take away her wand when Voldemort continued his announcements and declared that Hermione Granger deserved to be a high-rank soldier despite her blood. Starting today, she would be Voldemort's left hand. Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were in the highest rank of this army now, standing near Voldemort in their positions. All of the death eaters had to answer to them and their Dark Lord himself.

Bellatrix was furious after these announcements and changes in this army because how dare the Dark Lord trust the mudblood more than her? However, Voldemort did not care about the unhappy Bellatrix and her screams about this new order of their army. At the end of the day, Voldemort knew that he made the best choice he could. He has seen Hermione and Draco's training matches. He saw what both of them could do while working together, how much power they had together and what kind of damage they could do. The Dark Lord was ready for whatever both of them could bring to this side.

" We need to celebrate! " Theodore shouted when six of them came back to the manor after the meeting.

" What are we celebrating? " Pansy asked when she and the other women came to welcome all of them home. She wrapped her arms around Theo's waist. He hugged her back and pecked her forehead. They had free time at the main Voldemort's base before the meeting with the Dark Lord to properly heal Theo and get him to clean up. He was still a little bit weak but his life was no longer in danger and they did not frighten Pansy, Daphne, Astoria and Narcissa with all the dried blood on Theo or Hermione. She spent some time getting Theo's blood off her hands after she fully healed him and she still did not feel one hundred percent clean. Hermione was sure that she still had Theo's dried blood on her dark clothes somewhere.

" Well, I didn't die today all thanks to Hermione. So that's one reason to celebrate. The second occasion is to congratulate Draco and Hermione on becoming Voldemort's right and left hands, " Theo answered, letting go of his girlfriend. He was already making his way towards the cupboard where alcohol was kept when the information sunk to Pansy and the other three women. Narcissa looked with worry at her son. She never wanted this kind of life for him. Draco caught her look and nodded as if saying he was okay. He was because he finally did it. He was finally Voldemort's right hand.

" What?! " Pansy shouted and followed Theo to the living room. Adrian dropped his arm around Daphne's shoulders and she grabbed her sister's arm. The three of them went after Pansy, not caring about the couple's argument and leaving Hermione, Ginny, Narcissa, Blaise and Draco standing in the hallway. The five of them looked at each other and followed the others.

" Oh, yeah. Horrible experience. I do not recommend it, " Theo said, opening a new bottle of Firewhisky and taking a huge sip straight from the bottle. Then he held it out for Draco to take it. Malfoy took the bottle from his best friend and got the glasses for everyone from the cupboard while Theo was talking with Pansy about his near-death experience.

" Why are you so calm about this? " Pansy asked her boyfriend. Narcissa grabbed one glass of Firewhisky, kissed her son's cheek and whispered something to his ear. He nodded and she left the young people in the living room alone. Theo glanced at Pansy.

" I don't know! It's war, Pansy! You don't go into the battle without thinking that you might die! " he shouted and took another huge sip of Firewhisky. Pansy let out a sigh and came closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled up to him. Theo immediately wrapped his arms around her shoulders and drew her closer to him. He knew that she was scared and worried about him every time he went into the fight. Hell, Pansy, Daphne, Astoria and Narcissa were scared and worried for everyone every time the six of them left the manor to go to the fight or mission.

" Thank you, Granger, " Pansy looked at Hermione. " I have a feeling it's not the first time I'll thank you for saving Theo's life. "

" Well, I can't leave a friend to bleed out on the battlefield, " Hermione raised her glass with a small smile on her face.

" Friend, huh? " Theo beamed. " A month ago I heard different. "

" A month ago we weren't friends, " Ginny spoke up, pouring herself another drink.

" You're forgetting the sixth year again, I see, " Theo smirked. Hermione smiled, remembering her sixth year in Hogwarts. That year was something different and one of the best even tho the war was coming.


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