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THE NEXT MORNING TWO LIONESSES WOKE UP AS YESTERDAY DID NOT HAPPEN. It was for the best not to overthink everything and move on with their lives. What happened, happened. The order made its choice. Now, Hermione and Ginny had to make their own choice that would or would not change everything. Yesterday, when Hermione wiped away her own tears and Ginny stopped sobbing, the brightest witch of her age shared her thoughts with Ginny. When Hermione said aloud a question 'Were we on the wrong side all these years?' that replayed in her mind over and over again, the youngest Weasley looked at her best friend who was more like a sister to her now and started to wonder the same thing. Was it wrong to fight on the order's side?

Hermione and Ginny shared their thoughts and talked over some worries over breakfast and then grabbed their things. Crookshanks was not happy to be put in the transportation cage so soon again but he just gave Hermione an angry look and laid down. They did not know what led them to this verdict. Maybe it was what happened yesterday that led them to this joint decision or maybe it was something more that was hiding deep inside of them and they just did not know it yet. Overall, something helped them to decide. That's why Ginny grabbed Hermione's hand and the brown-haired woman apparated them to the place she never wanted to come back to.

The manor was standing a couple of hundred meters away from them. The big black gate was open and it looked like an invitation to step on the property. Like someone was waiting for them to show up here. The dark clouds were swirling in the sky, making the manor look more depressing than it was on a beautiful and sunny day. The rain threatened to start any moment and the two best friends needed to hurry up if they did not want to have a shower in the rain, but Hermione could not move. She still had nightmares about the events that took in this manor right before the battle of Hogwarts. They were rare now because her nightmares were different now, but she still dreamed of it. She still screamed in her sleep when Bellatrix Lestrange was crucioing her teenager's body and laughing loudly because she enjoyed seeing Hermione in pain. Seeing a mudblood wriggling on the floor because of the unforgivable curse. Hermione just needed a moment to gather herself and she would be ready to step through the gate.

" Mi, are you okay? We don't have to do this. We can send the message to them instead and ask them to meet us somewhere, " Ginny's voice was gentle and she spoke with the care and platonic love she felt for her best friend.

" No, Gin. Those shitty memories don't control me. Let's go, " Hermione said and took the first step. Ginny reached her friend and both of them made their way towards the manor's entrance, hoping that the offer made yesterday was still available today.


When they reached the grand entrance, they stood there for a couple of minutes before Hermione rang the bell near the door. The brightest witch of her age counted three minutes until the door was opened and two lionesses saw the smirking face of Theodore Nott. He leaned against the door and looked at the brown-haired and red-haired women he saw yesterday on the battlefield. He was the one who spoke up first when they all saw Potter and Weasley leave both girls on the battlefield, surrounded by the enemy. Theodore was surprised that the two of them did that. No, scratch that, every single death eater, who saw it, was surprised. No one expected Potter and Weasley to betray Granger and Weaselette who stuck with them through thin and thick.

" Hello, girls, " Theo decided to greet two Gryffindors in front of him. " How can I help you? " he watched them exchange glances and then look at him. He did not show it sometimes, but Theodore Nott was smart. He had a hunch why the two of them were standing on his home porch but Theo needed to hear the answer from them.

" Yesterday one of you made a proposition for us. We thought it over and we are ready to accept it, " Ginny answered and Hermione nodded.

" But we do have one condition. We don't want to take the death mark. Not now at least, " Hermione added quickly. Theodore's smirk grew bigger if that was even possible because two women, who were the best fighters the order had, who were so powerful that some of the death eaters were afraid of them, were standing on the death eaters' home porch.

" Well, then come in, " he straightened up. " Come to the dark side, ladies, we have cookies, " Theo stepped aside, letting the two betrayed hearts step inside the Malfoy manor. Hermione and Ginny let out a small laugh when they heard his remark about the dark side and cookies. That made Theo smile. He liked it when people laughed at his jokes and funny remarks. It made his dark days a little bit brighter.

" I should tell you that Malfoy was the one who offered you to join us. You two should talk with him right there, " Theo waved his hand at the closed door. "At the end of the day, he's next in line to be Dark Lord's right hand, " he knocked on the door. When three of them heard a firm 'come in' , Theo opened the door and stepped inside a small home office first. " Our new friends are here. "

" We're not your friends, Nott, " Ginny followed him inside, leaving Hermione to come in last. Draco Malfoy raised his head to look at three people in his small, dark office that was full of books and documents.

" That's not what you two said in our sixth year. "

" It was different then. "

" Well, well, well, look what we have here, " Draco finally decided to speak up, standing up from his desk chair. He walked around his desk and stopped a meter away from the other three. The tall Slytherin could not ask his other question because Theodore Nott was faster.

" They're joining us! " a smile appeared on his young face. Theo always tried to enjoy even the smallest things when he was not on the battlefield, fighting and killing the people he once knew. Everyone looked at him and he just smiled the most innocent smile he could. Draco raised one of his eyebrows, making a mental note to have his best friend tested, and then looked at Hermione and Ginny.

" As Nott was saying, we are here to accept the offer that was made yesterday, " Hermione started to speak. " And we have already told him that, but we have one condition. We don't want to take the death mark. Not now at least, " Hermione and Ginny wanted to take precautions when it came to the dark side. The death mark was a sign, a label and they did not know if they wanted it and if this was their side yet.

" Welcome, " Draco extended his arm for the two women to shake. It did not matter to him if one of them was a muggle-born witch even tho he was raised to look down on them. They were on the same side now, they needed to be able to work together. Also, all of them had a history together but it was a story for another time. Besides, it was a proper way to welcome them and make it official. Hermione Jean Granger and Ginevra Molly Weasley were now on the dark side, fighting side by side with people who was their enemy yesterday.



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