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THE DARK LORD WAS THRILLED WHEN DRACO MALFOY, HIS RIGHT HAND IN LINE, INFORMED HIM ABOUT TWO NEW PEOPLE ON THEIR SIDE. He was even more thrilled when he found out that those people were none other than Hermione Granger and Ginevra Weasley, the best fighters and the most powerful witches in the order despite Granger's blood status. He heard and saw what they could do a lot of times and now he had them in his army. With a small smile on his pale face, Voldemort clapped Draco on the shoulder, silently praising the young man. It was a matter of time before he officially became his right hand. And young Malfoy could not wait for that day. It was his goal to become important and trustworthy in the Dark Lord's eyes and reach the highest rank he could. Being a high rank follower in Voldemort's army meant that he could do more to protect his mother and best friends who were like a family to him than he was doing now.

Draco's occlumency walls were high up whenever he was around Voldemort and death eaters. It was so much easier that way and he was able to think straight and stay cold-hearted. But he still felt amazed and had a barely visible smirk when he watched Granger and Weasley stand tall in front of Voldemort. It was a very small crack in his occlumency walls but he had never seen people act like that around the dark wizard. Both women were standing with brave faces, looking straight into the eyes of the Dark Lord. There was not a single drop of fear or discomfort on their faces or eyes. They even showed him their memories to ensure him that they were here because both of them changed sides and they were not spying on him. And then two Gryffindors darkly smirked when Voldemort shared his plan to make them his secret weapon. The leader of the death eaters and the dark side welcomed his new lethal assets with open arms, already thinking about the ways to win this war and rule the whole world.

" That was hot, " Blaise murmured loud enough for Draco, Theo and Adrian to hear. Three men glanced at their best friend who was staring at the red-haired girl.

" Seriously? " Draco asked and rolled his eyes. Bloody hell, they had to deal with this when they were in Hogwarts because Blaise Zabini had the biggest crush on Ginny Weasley since his fifth year. He talked his friends' ears off about it for two years straight. Then the war started and they had not heard about it for three years until today.

" What? Red's hot, single and on our side. Sorry for being a man, " Blaise murmured, still holding his gaze on the youngest Weasley. Theo groaned and Draco rolled his eyes again. They had more important things to think or care about than crushes. Besides, it was not a time and place for this.

" Well, just don't forget to put a silencing charm on the room. We don't want to hear you or what kind of freak in the sheets you are, " Adrian clapped Blaise on the shoulder with a teasing smile on his face. The dark-skinned wizard swatted his friend's arm away and Adrian chuckled. " Of course, we can't forget mister broody over here too, " he glanced at Draco who had no emotions on his face and his occlumency walls up.

" That's right! " Theo shouted loud enough for his friends to hear. " Blaise wasn't the only one with a crush on the Gryffindor. What was up with you two and that house anyway?

" They wanted what they couldn't have, " Adrian laughed, spinning his wand between his fingers.

" Fuck off! We were teenagers, " Malfoy's voice was full of annoyance. Yes, Theo was right. Draco and Blaise had secret crushes on two Gryffindors in Hogwarts but it was a long time ago. Both of them were teenagers back then. Draco's crush on Granger started after the Yule ball and ended at the beginning of the fifth year. It was a simple crush on the girl that quickly went away. However, he was not sure about his best friend and his crush on Weasley. Right now it looks like it never went away and never will.

Hermione and Ginny elegantly bowed to the Dark Lord, when he dismissed them. Both women said their goodbyes to him and made their way towards four Slytherin men, who were waiting for them. It has only been a few days since the betrayal and it was still weird to be living in the Malfoy manor with all these Slytherins. The good thing was that it was huge and everyone had their own space, and everybody respected each other's privacy or the need for space. That rarely happened at the order's base. Hermione and Ginny did not plan to stay at the manor after their talk with Malfoy but when they were ready to leave, they were stopped by Narcissa Malfoy and Daphne Greengrass. Both of them were suspiciously friendly towards them and insisted that the two Gryffindors stay in the manor. All of the death eaters were living either in the bases or their own places and it was nowhere safe for people who were supporting Voldemort. That is the reason why Narcissa and Daphne did not want Hermione and Ginny to go and look for a place to stay. The manor was accommodating ten people now. It all started when Theo asked Draco if he could stay after the battle of Hogwarts. Soon Blaise and Adrian moved in. Then Pansy, Daphne and Astoria. Lastly, Hermione and Ginny. Narcissa was happy to have a manor full of young people. It was like a coping mechanism for her. It helped her move forward, live through this war and not feel alone. Of course, Hermione and Ginny felt like intruders but everyone was taking small steps to get along. After all, all of them were on the same side and living under the same roof. They needed to be at least civil towards each other.

" I have never seen anyone stand in front of him like you two did! " Theo shouted happily when they were away from Voldemort and between the walls of the manor. " You are way cooler than these guys! " he pointed his thumb to his friends. Three men were not happy to hear this. They furrowed their eyebrows, killing Theo with their gazes. Hermione and Ginny chuckled. Blaise almost broke his neck when he heard it, turning his head to look at the redhead. It was the moment when he realised that his crush which started in the fifth year never went away and his heart was still occupied by her.


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