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HERMIONE AND GINNY DID NOT GO TO THE BATTLEFIELD FOR A MONTH. For four weeks both of them were training with the different death eaters, getting ready for whatever Voldemort had planned. Most of the time they were training with Malfoy and Zabini. Nott was banned from training with two girls after the three of them could not concentrate and they spent all the time talking and joking around. Now, Theo was only allowed to watch and he cheered loudly every time Hermione or Ginny successfully disarmed or won a fight against Draco or Blaise. Hermione would lie if she said that a beautiful friendship with Theo was not born during this month. He was the easiest person to get along with. The whole training thing was a part of Voldemort's greatest plan. The Dark Lord wanted to unexpectedly surprise the order with two women, whom they betrayed, and show the order what these two were really capable of. Because the order was afraid to see their full power and use it. Voldemort, on the other hand, was thrilled to help two Gryffindors explore themselves and their magic, listen to their mind and encourage them to be who they really were. The order was scared of them and had their doubts about them but Voldemort did not. He was proud of his secret weapon and he believed that he could win this war.

Harry Potter was shocked to see his biggest enemy on the battlefield surrounded by his followers. Usually, Voldemort did not participate in the fights. He would send his army into a battle and wait for his soldiers to be back. Today was different. He did not want to miss expressions on order members' faces when his two lethal assets would come out to the battlefield to play and they would realise that the two women who once fought for them were now fighting against them.

" It's show time, ladies, " Theo, who was standing with Hermione and Ginny and waiting with them for a perfect time to show up on the battlefield, looked at his two new friends and smiled widely. He put on his death eater's mask and Hermione put her hair up in a tight ponytail, getting her curls away from her face. They were the ones who suggested that both of them did not need masks and it was when Voldemort came up with a plan to surprise the order.

" Let's go, " Ginny nodded and the group started to make their way towards action. Theo was in the middle of the two women. With his death eater's mask and his special walk for the battlefield ( he called it like that himself! ) he looked threatening and ready to cause havoc. Hermione and Ginny by his sides made the three of them look unstoppable, carrying destruction on their shoulders. Every single one of them wore a serious expression on their faces, eyes were focused on the ongoing battle, and their wands were in their hands, ready to shoot hexes and curses.

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