The start of the Rule

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'Bang, Bang, Bang' every bullet hit the bullseye.

"Ah-hah!" exclaimed the man, " Well done my kids, Bravo !"

"Thanks dad!" exclaimed the 13 year old boy and the 10 year old girl, both dressed in black combat clothes and a gun in each of their hands.

" You have proven that you are fit to rule the world babies " said their mother moving closer to the man who was their father.

"Thanks mom!" said the kids.

Their mother smiled and said, " Now listen up you two, go to your rooms and change and come to the living room. Mom and dad have something important to discuss with you guys."

The kids nodded and trudged back to their rooms as they were pretty tired. 

"Honey are you sure about this , is it the right time ?" the man asked his wife . The wife turned to her husband with a sad face and said,"Yes love, even if it will be hard for them they need to know sooner and come to terms with it. " I think you are right let's go and tell them."

[20 mintues later]

"Mom, dad we are here." Hearing their kids the parents came and sat across their children on the sofa.

"We will get straight to the point," their dad said, " as you know kids that... your mom and I are the top mafia queen and king in the gang industry respectively. But we don't rule the same clan. The Seventeen Clan is mine and The Blaze clan is your mother's. "

"When I was married I told your father that our first child would rule his clan and the second child would rule mine." The mother said to her kids. 

"So that means he will rule seventeen and I will rule blaze? Isn't that cool." asked the girl.

"Yes!" said the parents. "But there is something you should know. You both have been kept a secret from the world, no one except for the close ones have seen your faces till now. The industry doesn't even know if both of my kids are boys or girls or both. When the ceremony happens, your brother would be automatically revealed to the world." said the father. " But when your ceremony happens nobody will know whose daughter you are as Blaze represents the strongest mafia queen which happens via selection if the current queen doesn't have a girl heir. But you being my daughter will get the throne immediately the selection held will give you the world's best female fighters by your side," said the mother.

" That's ok mom and dad, but what's the problem?" asked the boy.

"Well as you know that Blaze is situated in Vienna. So just after your coronation your sister would be sent to Vienna to practice and rule as she would be the next queen. So after 5 years you would be seperated and when you reach the peak you would be given a task."

The kids took a good 5 minutes to digest everything then looked at each other and then at their parents and exclaimed: 


Hey everyone !! I hope you like the chapter and story ahead. It is my first time wriing a story so feel free to leave suggestions.
Love to all ^_~

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