Time Lapse

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(Somewhere in an abandoned building)

[At 2:45 A.M.]

'Jun hyung where are you?' Dino speaks onto the microphone attached to his wrist, holding a gun and crouching behind a half-demolished wall. 
'I am near a mirror wall, not sure if it has something behinf it. Woozi check it for me.' 
"Ok" said both Dino and Woozi. 

Woozi quickly checked the blueprint of the building and searched for Jun.
"Jun you have reached the entrance of the hidden location. The8 and Hoshi go near Jun he is to your right. As soon as you reach their I would hack the door to open for exactly 10 seconds. Hoshi you enter, then I will open it for the second time." Woozi looked at Joshua to see if he gave the right command to which both the planners nooded.

On hearing Woozi both The8 and Hoshi went near Jun. Woozi opened the door,and Hoshi disguished as a member of the enemy slipped past the door.
He started walking his way trying to find the operating unit of the enemies. 

"Hey where have you been?" someone interrupted Hoshi from the back. The man caught up to him. "Oh! I was just checking some things." Hoshi replied. "Are you new?" Hoshi nodded." Oooooo cool I am new too. Where were you going?" "I was going near the operating unit." "I am also going that way let's go together." 

Both Hoshi and the man walked towards the operating unit. Reaching their the man left Hoshi saying he had too a little ahead.  Hoshi ensured that the man was out of sight before peeking into the operating unit.
Finding no one there he slipped into the room and placed the device Vernon gave his to induce Virus into it. 

'Woozi the virus device is placed. Did it work?' Woozi quickly checked it and started working.
"It's done. Move out of there to a place from where you can attack or flee the location. I will cut of the lights there along with the cctv recordings. You have around 60 seconds." 

Hoshi quickly went near the entrance changed his guns and double checked his fighting equipments. Outside the mirror wall all the combat members were present (Jun, The8 and Mingyu).

Exactly after 60 seconds all the lights went off and the mirror wall opened letting the three combatiers in.
Jun took out his katana and went near Hoshi slowing moving towards the left. While Mingyu and The8 with his daggers, went towards the right.

Even if they walked on both directions, killing some enemies on their ways, they ended up coming together in a large hall filled with enemies. 
'Woozi we are outnumbered, we can only keep them busy for 15 minutes inform the assaulters to come quickly.' "Roger that. Scoups, Dino, Seungkwan move towards the center quick. And Wonwoo be ready for any other backup teams coming in.' 

'Okay' replied all four of them and moved accordingly. Wonwoo informed the snipers surrounding the building to kill any oncoming backup teams.
On the other hand, Scoups, Dino and Seungkwan moved towards the center of the building, where they saw Mingyu, The8, Hoshi and Jun fighting with the enemies. 

They quickly spotted the leader trying to flee so Dino moved sideways to catch him. 
Sound of Jun's Katana could be heard slong with Hoshi's gunshots. 

The8 threw daggers after daggers hitting and killing multiple of the men. Mingyu kicked a man on his chest while headlocking the other and throwing his body at the oncoming enemies. Two men snuck behind them but before hitting, they were killed by two bullets jammed into them by Scoups and Kwan. 

Scoups ran towards the group of enemies shooting them with his rifle with precision. He his someone's head with the back of the gun and then fired at the man coming from the back.
Killing the members surrounding him he ran towards the leader to join Dino. 

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