The Allies

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After a heartious dinner celebrating their official clan announcement, Seungcheol returns to his office to check upon the file of allies carefully made by his members.

He takes the file set on his table and opens it finding the name of the oldest and most trustful allies.

Name of Allies

Yoon clan
Hong Clan
Kim Clan (Jisoo and Jennie)
Kim Clan (Mingyu)
Lee Clan (Woozi, DK, Dino)
Wen Clan
Xu Clan
Jeon Clan
Kwon Clan
Boo Clan
Chwe Clan
Huh Clan
Jung Clan
Park Clan
Manoban Clan
Kang Clan
Marsh Clan
Nakamura Clan
Lee Clan (Minho)

'These are mainly the members, we will need more clans in our side.' Seungcheol thought and started to read the rest of the file. The second page gave a brief about some clans that they can possibly connect too.

Knock knock

"Come in", said Scoups inviting the person in his office.
" Oppa. Are you looking at the briefing of the possible allies? " " Yes I am. " He replied without looking at his sister.
" I think we should start with BTS, Astro, and, MonstaX. It's better to have the top ranking Korean clans in our side. Our main would mostly lie with the Russians and Italians. They are more power hungry then us. "
Scoups looked at his sister nodding in acknowledgement. " I know right. Let's send a invite to BTS for a meeting in our mansion. " " Ok. I will send the invite tomorrow. Are you going to sleep? "
"No. Not now I-" " Cheol you should sleep early ok. Good night. " Sara cut his words and slipped through the door going back to her room.

Scoups lingered in his office for a while reading the rest of the file. He kept the file and ventured towards the attached balcony. The soft chill wind blew past him making his hair sway. He was enjoying the serene climate when he heard the door to his office open followed by footsteps and the opening of the balcony door.

"Scoups-yah, what are you doing outside?" Han asked moving to stand beside him and take in the atmosphere surrounding them. "Nothing. Just taking a breather and appreciating the beautiful view." He moved to look at Han, smiling at the picture in front of him.
The glow of the moon bathed Jeonghan, making his beauty enhance by 10 folds in his eyes.

He saw a stray hair moving out of place due to the air and blocking the view. He raised his hand slightly tucking the hair back in place. Jeonghan moved his head at the action making him move closer to Seungcheol's face.
They stared at each other's eyes taking in the beauty of the person infront of them, their hearts beating loudly. They moved back at the same time blushing hard.

"You look pretty." " I know. It's a huge advantage to me being a manipulator. I can use my beauty and brain to trick both men and women." They both laughed at that and fell into a comfortable silence.
"So, why are you here at the middle of the night instead of sleeping?" Han asked looking at Cheol. "I could ask you the same. " "Yeah, but I asked first." Scoups chuckled and said, " I am not sleepy and these past months I acheived my biggest dream. It still feels surreal. What about you why are you here?" " I was sleeping but woke up abruptly and now I can't seem to fall asleep so I came out for a stroll when I found the office lights open. I saw you in here and thought of joining you.I like spending time with you."

Seungcheol was in a state of shock and surprise to hear that from Jeonghan, thus he finally replied with a small smile," Me too." They spent some time together until they saw the time. It was 1 in the morning. " We better go sleep coups. Tomorrow's a new day." "Yeah let's go."

They both ventured out of the room locking the balcony doors and switching off the lights and moving to their own bedrooms. "Good night, Cheol." "Good night, Hannie."

[Next morning]

Scoups woke up to the sound of several of their fighters training in their well hidden training grounds. He saw the time and nearly gasped noticing that he woke up pretty late. He went to his bathroom and got ready. He went downstairs to see the training himself where he was joined by his sister and the six heads of combat (Jun,Minghao,Mingyu, Haerin, Kyujin, Eunchae).

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