Coronation of the King

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A man clad in a fantastic black suit walks through the big doors leading to a ball room filled with people and their whisperings. Those who saw the man bowed to him but the man didn't. He walked with pride unleashing his powerful aura.
Reaching the middle of the room the man is joined by a woman clad in a beautiful black silk dress unleasing the same powerful aura as the man.

When both of them reach the podium they take a glass of wine each, waiting for the right time. When the time came, the woman took a spoon and clinked her glass. 'Clink'. This grabbed everyone's attention.

" A very good evening to everyone present here," the woman said smiling. " Today is a very auspicious day for The Clan 'Seventeen'. Today our son would take over his father's seat and become the next ruler of the power and lead the clan to victory!"
"I am very happy to step down of my position and give the clan to my son." The man said happily.

"Let's welcome our son for the coronation Choi Seungcheol" both the man and the woman said looking towards the gigantic doors to their right.

[Behind the doors]

" Do I look fine? Is the fit okay on me? Will I be able to do it?!" asked a nervous 18 year old Seungcheol to his sister who was accompanying him in the room. " Oh please bro! You are one of the deadliest, strongest and smartest mafia heir out there and you are scared of a coronation?!" stated his sister.

"Shut up I know my abilities but now I am given a responsibility -" Seungcheol sighed and took a long breath composing himself " - that too a big one."

His sister smiled at his words and took out her present. " Here it's my present to you." "You didn't have to " he said smiling at his sister and opened the present. It was a neckpiece that enhances the beauty and aura of a person.

"Help me wear it" he said to his sister who looked shocked at his words, but soon smiled and moved forward to help him.
" Go on look in the mirror and tell me if you like it."

Seungcheol was visibly amazed by his sister's choice

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Seungcheol was visibly amazed by his sister's choice. "I love it"

His sister smiled, " It's time bro, father will soon declare your name to the public." "I know"

They hugged each other, but, the hug was a sad one.
"I will miss you" said Seungcheol to his sister, his sister smiled sadly and said," I will miss you too, but, after 3 years we both need to work our way to the top to meet again and get the task from our parents." "Yes" said he.

They heard his name being called so they parted. " Alright brother go ahead, do your best I will be watching from that window there," said his sister pointing to the window above.

" Ok !! bye take care. We love you." Seungcheol said to his sister and faced the door while taking a long breath.
Soon the gigantic doors were opened by gaurds and Seungcheol stepped out enchanting everyone.

After Seungcheol stepped out, she watched her brother's coronation as promised from the window. As it ended, she stepped down and took out an envelope from her purse and kept in on her brother's study table.

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