The Chaos

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" I like to gift the person back who gifts me something. It's a small token of love please accept it. It's been a long time.........oppa."

As soon as the word left her lips, everyone excluding some were shocked to the core. No one in the mafia world would have thought that the heirs of the two biggest mafia groups could be related in the most strongest collection of blood. Cameras flashed at the two smiling at each other and the news spread like wildfire reaching the ear of everyone related to the mafia.

" I know it's been long a hug to brother." Seungcheol hugged his sister tightly feeling satisfied to see his sister after soo long.
While they were hugging each other, their parents appeared from the crowd. "I think it's time for family hugs." The mother said this while gesturing her kids to hug their parents.

Members of both the group bowed low to their respective former leaders. Sara and Scoups walked to their parents and joined the group hug.
At the altar the new weds stood and announced, " We are so happy that today could be your reunion day. " "Thank you bro for giving us your special day to share."Scoups replied smiling at the groom and bride.

After the reunion the music starts again and everyone starts to dance with their families and other halves. Scoups asked his sister for a dance to which she agreed.

"So, how are we going to explain it to our members about everything?" Sara asked her brother to which he replied," Let's go to the family mansion or we can go to mine if you want and we can explain them everything." "Yeah ok. I think that would be fine. How have you been brother? Have you found the special someone for you?" " I have been great and I think I have found someone but I am not sure. How have you been munchkin?" "Hey don't call me that. It's a very cute nickname and does not align at all with my line of work. I have been good and we completed our task. We both are at the top oppa and the chaos created today is going to be big and would take time to sort." "Don't worry munchkin. Your brother will sort out everything." They both danced for a few more minutes before their parents came to talk to them.

" Cheol, Sara let's go to our mansion you need to explain everything to your members." "Ok mom, let me inform my members." Both the siblings went to their respective groups telling about the future plans.

"Guys! I know this is shocking news for you. But, trust me and my brother/sister we are going to explain everything. Let's go our parents mansion for the time being." All the members nodded at their leader's words and together they went towards the car exiting the wedding.

[At the mansion]

When everyone arrived at the mansion they took a seat in the big hall while keeping a distance between each other as the group members are not familiar. Sara and Cheol noticed it and chuckled. " Guys, I think you should start interacting as from now on our groups would be working together." Sara said while looking at each one of them.
"Why don't we introduce ourselves to each other? I will go first. Hello ladies! I am Choi Seungcheol the current leader of Seventeen and the elder brother of your leader. "

"Then I will go next with the intro. Hello gentlemen! I am Choi Sarang the current leader of Blaze and the younger sister of your leader." After Sarang, all the members gave their intro to each other and were now a bit less awkward.

All the members were sitting forming a circle and were eager to listen to the story. Cheol and Sara narrated their parts of the story giving them all the necessary insights.
"So, Why didn't you tell us about it ? You never spoke about your childhood. Did you not trust us?" Kyujin asked hesitantly afraid if the question might upset the leaders. " Oh no Kyu! That's not the case it never was. It was in the deal we were put into. I trust you guys with my life, but mother and father made us swear on each other that we would not tell anything to our members till the right time comes."

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