Emerging feelings and Unspoken relations

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Whoosh... Thwap
Whoosh... Thwap
Whoosh... Thwap
Whoosh... Thw-

"You know it is kind to stop when none of your first three arrows hit the Bullseye."

Eunchae gave a startled jump at the familiar voice and looked back. She chuckled saying, " I know, I just want to learn the mistakes. It's been a while since I did archery my skills have gone blunt. Look the last arrow is in the ring nearest to the bullseye."

"Would you like me to show you?" Eunchae looked at him incredulously, handing him a bow and arrow.

Whoosh... Thwap

Eunchae's mouth fell apart as see saw the arrow hit the target perfectly. 'Woah'

"Here you try now. Try to see the direction of the wind. "

Taking the bow and arrow, she took the stance and shot the arrow following the instructions given. But, she missed... Again.

"Ugggghhhh why won't it hit?" The person beside her chuckled and asked her if she needed help to which she nodded.

The person stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her correcting her posture. As they silently took the stance, only two hearts beating rapidly could be heard.

"Ok in the count of three. 1...2...and 3." At the count of three the arrow was shot as it hit the bullseye.
Eunchae squealed while jumping happily and turned around and hugged the person.

They blushed as they realised but Eunchae kept her hold so the person hugged her back.

Amidst the sweet interaction, they did not notice the eyes of two people witnessing everything. (Mingyu and Joshua)

"Wah! Our maknae's seem to like each other. " Mingyu chuckled looking at the two maknae.
" I don't think they suit each other. And they are too young for this. "
"What do you mean they are too young? Hyung they are 21 years old. "
Joshua looked at Mingyu then back at the two something flashing in his eyes. "They just don't fit together. What if Eunchae gets hurt?." Saying this he turned and went back to the main hall.

'Eh... What does he mean? Why would Eunchae get hurt? Dino is not that kind of a person. Is he jealous? ' Mingyu thought looking at Joshua's back. He gazed at the two youngsters practicing again as he moved to the main hall too.

[In the main hall]

Everyone (except Dino and Eunchae) was in the hall except those who went for to the mall and these consisted of Sara, Hoshi, Seungkwan, Kazuha, Lisa, The8 and Danielle.

Members in the hall were either watching the Tv, some were assessing reports on the trainees, some were finding new groups for the alliance.
Everyone was busy in their works, when they heard the tv watchers exclaim. "The mall our members went to is on fire! " DK exclaimed pointing at the Tv.

At the same time Dino and Eunchae came toward the hall as they also heard the news. "What if they are in need of help? We should go. " Eunchae said looking at the eldest members.

"Yeah we should. Seungcheol give out the orders. " Jennie said looking at Scoups.

"Yes they would need help. Eunchae, Dino, Vernon, DK, Kyujin, Yunjin. You guys go on the spot we will follow in case of more casualties."

" Ye-" "Where are you guys going? " Everyone stopped when they heard Sara's powerful voice questioning their actions.

Seungcheol and the members moved forward hugging the others. "Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I am fine oppa. And you don't need to sulk standing their Cheol. " Both Jeonghan and Sara laughed looking at Coups suking face who got pushed by Jeonghan. During these days, Sara has grown close to Jeonghan and he treats her like his own baby sister.

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