Chapter 8: First rasoi(Ruhi and Kiara)

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Oberois is standing in front of cars deciding who will go in which car. Lastly they decide Viraj, Jairaj, Saumya & Meegha will go in one car and Suraj, Daksh, Sanskruti & Ishita will go in one car and Vivan, Aditya, Ruhi & Kiara will go in one car and Nandani & Tejas will go in one car. After hearing the decision Suraj went to driver sit, now everyone looked at Sanskruti expecting her to sit in passenger sit. Sanskruti understood what everyone was expecting from her but grabbing Ishita hand she went to sit on the back seat, Everyone looked at her like "what is this" but she ignored.
Suraj(in mind): so now she is gonna ignore me.
Daksh silently went to the passenger seat and sat seeing everyone settled in the car.
Seeing this Ruhi and Kiara decided they will do same, they did too.
Meegha: Whatever the big ones do, the small ones do the same.
After returning everyone went to their room. Coming to the room Suraj went to take a bath while Sanskruti sat on the couch waiting for him to come so she could take a bath too. After Suraj came Sanskruti went to take a bath, totally ignoring him. Suraj went to bed for sleep but decided to pretend to sleep so he can know where she sleep. After taking bath Sanskruti went to sleep on couch.
Suraj: is she mad or what, if she sleeps here its not like that I'll do something to her without her consent. Shrugging this, he drifted into sleep.

Ishita came to the room tiredly,
Ishita: where is he? Is he taking a bath?
Confirming it Ishita went towards her luggage and take out night dress( simple kurti with plazo). Daksh came out of the washroom, seeing him coming out she directly went to take bath ignoring him. Daksh too was curious to know where she sleep so he too pretend to sleep. After taking bath Ishita came out, seeing him peacefully sleeping Ishita said
Ishita: I really want to ruin your peaceful sleep. Daksh did hear her but he decided to continue his acting, saying this Ishita went towards her luggage taking out a small lamp and placing it on a table nearby, she slept. Seeing her sleeping on couch, Daksh sigh.
Daksh: oh god, this girl is too much.

Ruhi and Vivan came to room together, ruhi was following him. Entering Vivan directly went to take bath, Ruhi went towards her luggage ( all brides didn't get place in their husbands wardrobe yet). Taking night dress( simple lose kurti with plazo)she started to wait. After he came she hurriedly went to take bath not wanting to face him. He was too tired to notice her and her action, he went to bed and sleep. He is not curious like his brothers neither he cared. After coming back Ruhi makes her bed on the floor and sleeps.

Aditya was on call so Kiara alone came to room and went to take bath, when she returned she saw Aditya sitting on bed waiting for her. Standing Aditya started to walk towards her, seeing him coming near and near Kiara started to take steps backwards until her back touch wall. But he didn't stop, keeping his hand on wall trapping her in between.
Aditya: I like when you behave like this under my dominance. She was looking at him the whole time, not to lie she was nervous.
Aditya: I hear that you had fight with mom. She look down thinking he might do something now.
Aditya: you had just came and preparing for leave but don't worry I'll not leave you. Didn't I say once you trap with me there is no turning back, so there is no turning back in any way. Welcome to hell doesn't mean I'll make hell for you, this house is already hell I'll just make your Life hell. I think now you understand what I mean that time, so let me welcome you again as you know now what I will mean. Aditya came closer to her.
What happened next surprised Aditya, Kiara swapped their places and keep her hands on his shoulders. She tip top her feet to match his height and whisper near his ear,
Kiara: You too hubby. Saying this Ishita move back while continuesly looking at him with smile. Aditya was too stunned with her action. Aditya didn't once move his gaze away from her looking like he is admiring her. Smiling Aditya said,
Aditya: It's the first time you talked to me. Aditya stated,
Kiara: don't worry, soon you'll get tired hearing my voice.
Hearing her, he smile get wide turning back he started to go towards washroom.
Aditya: didn't I tell you, it's goona fun to play with you.
Aditya ( in mind): It is really gonna fun.

Next day:
After getting ready all brides came down as today was Ruhi and Kiara first rasoi, everyone was present in mandir for pooja leaving heirs. Pooja started when they came, another regulation of oberois. After doing breakfast heirs went to office.

In kitchen:
Nandani: Ruhi you make lunch & Kiara you make sweet dish, one more thing today don't pack lunch for your husbands. They will come home till lunch time as all relatives and guests will go today, so bid them bye they will come.
Ruhi look at Nandani,
Ruhi(in mind): I don't want him to come.
Now only brides were present in kitchen.
Sanskruti: I haven't met you yet, Hi! I'm Sanskruti Sharma. She said to Kiara, Kiara looked at her and hesitantly said
Kiara: I'm Kiara.
Ishita: Hii guys, I'm Ishita Arora. Ishita said cheerfully.
Ruhi: hi, I'm Ruhi Thakur. Ruhi said with small smile.
Ishita: we all are same. Kiara and Ruhi looked at Ishita confusedly.
Sanskruti: she mean we all don't want this marriage because we introduce ourselves with our previous surname.
Kiara was so quiet the whole time looking like she is maintaining the distance which Sanskruti notice but didn't say anything.
Kiara: you all don't want this marriage. She ask,
Sanskruti & Ishita: yes. While Ruhi just nodded.
Kiara: why did you all marry them then? Her question caught off-guard, they all are not ready to share such things Afterall they just met.
Sanskruti: let's stop here for today, you both have to make food. Sanskruti said making the situation normal which was pretty awkward. Sanskruti and Ishita left leaving Ruhi and Kiara alone, looking each other awkwardly they started their work.

At the dining table:
Everyone was settled on the dining table, all brides were sitting in line while their husband was sitting in front of them. Everyone started eating without uttering a word but Ruhi was getting tense but then Ishita whisper to her
Ishita: it's tasty, don't worry. Smiling Ruhi started eating.
After lunch everyone is waiting for Kiara to bring a sweet dish, after bringing a sweet dish Kiara gives 1 bowl of kheer to everyone including Aditya. Aditya was waiting for this moment since he came home, smirking Aditya was looking everyone to see their reactions. Aditya got shocked when everything went well, and confusedly Aditya took the first bite of kheer but spitted out getting bitter taste.
Meegha: what happen Aditya? While Vivan pass him water.
Aditya: it's so bitter.
Saumya: no, it's fine.
Kiara: what happen? Did your kheer taste bitter. Kiara said smirking by which Aditya understood everything.
Aditya: no wifey, it's so tasty that mouth got bitter.
Kiara: oh, I think your mouth is like you.
Hearing them, everyone understood everything but everyone was shock by Kiara this side. But no one says nothing thinking it's husband's wife matters, but Ishita was so happy knowing she found someone like her.
Now everyone was segregated, Kiara was coming out of the kitchen with Ruhi but suddenly someone grabbed her wrist. Seeing Aditya Kiara try to free her wrist, Kiara knows he is angry and why he is angry that too know. Tightening his grip Aditya started to drag Kiara to their room, Ruhi just kept staring them. Aditya released her wrist once they entered the room.
Aditya: what is this? He said pointing to the wardrobe.
Kiara: what? She ask
Aditya: don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about Kiara. He said grabbing her elbow, it's first time he is saying her name. Kiara didn't say anything increasing his anger, tightening his grip he said
Aditya: with whose permission you kept your clothes in my wardrobe.
Kiara:Who are you to take permission. Kiara said more likely stating than questioning.
Aditya: Your husband.
Kiara: If you think to yourself as my husband then I'm your wife too,  I have full rights to do this.
Aditya: What did you mean by "if you think",I'm your husband. He said pulling her closer
Aditya: And I don't think it's the right choice to show wife rights because (he was looking at her lips now)
She pushes him knowing what his intention is without letting him complete his sentence and ran away, Aditya smile without knowing himself.
Kiara(in mind): calm down heart you're free now, what was that. He is crazy, a moment ago he was angry and now. He is so complicate to know with my this brain.

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