Chapter 45: A hard time

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Next day:
After Suraj came alone everyone panicked and asked but Suraj didn't tell anyone anything. But told everything when Daksh asked, Ishita, Ruhi, Kiara called Sanskruti to know what happened. Sanskruti told them not to worry, she told everything that happened in the hospital. Everyone was shocked after knowing Suraj past, Ishita heart aches after having a glimpse of Daksh's past.
Ishita(in mind): god knows, how I will handle my heart when he will tell me his past.
No one knows if Sanskruti will come back or not, other daughters in law will stay or not. It felt like someone was dead in the house, it was a hard time. Suraj stays most of the time in the office, other heirs waiting for final decisions from their wives. 3 days are over, all womens of house went to mandir to pray for Sanskruti came back. Suraj with a heavy heart went to Sanskruti's house,
Meanwhile Sanskruti:
Sanskruti's heart was thumping rapidly, finally she knows what she wants, she wants to go home, she wants to go to him. She was engrossed in her thoughts when Gopal came toward her with everyone. Gopal tapped on her shoulder, Sanskruti looked at him, and then noticed everyone was there.
Sanskruti: what happened Dad?
Gopal: 3 days are over,
Sanskruti: what is your decision?
Gopal: what is your decision?
Sanskruti was stunned to speak,
Gopal: I notice how you change, I can feel you're lonely without him. I always tell you 'everything happened for a reason', it happened because you're destined with him. I liked Suraj!
Sanskruti looked at him, Gopal wants to clear things from his side because he knows, even if she wants to go she will not go without his permission.
Gopal: how he behaves, tells everything, manages everything that day says, how much he is good. He didn't do anything to his brothers still take blame, because he was not able to see their pain. The person who loves their brothers this much, so think how much he will love you. I want to clear that I'm not sad if you go back to him, decision is up to you, if you want you can stay here.
Sanskruti looked down and spoke,
Sanskruti: when he was going that day leaving me, my heart beating rapidly. I feel like it is our separation, I want to stop him and go with him. First time I feared to lose something, I love him too dad! I want to go back with him.
Gopal smile and caressed her head, Radhika came and hug Sanskruti, they have family hug. Suddenly door bell rang, Sanskruti immediately looked at door, Gopal smiled.
Gopal: go open the door for my son in law,
Sanskruti smiled and went to open the door, as soon she open the door both made eye contact. Suraj sigh, like he finally meet his peace, how much he miss her was visible in his eyes. Sanskruti smiled at him, Suraj felt his whole world, Sanskruti smiled internally looking at her impact on him.
Payal: let him enter Sanskruti,
Sanskruti moved and Suraj entered but his eyes never left Sanskruti, Suraj came and touched Gopal and Payal feets. They him blessing, which suprised Suraj, he sat on sofa. Radhika gave him water and he took with small smile, Sanskruti was happy seeing Suraj like this. She felt like they are lovers and Suraj came to ask her hand from her dad, Gopal sat infront of him. It was visible how desperate he is to know the answer,
Gopal: your desperacy is visible on your face,
Suraj: fear too,
Gopal laughed, Suraj was confused by their sweet behaviour.
Gopal: yeah that too,
Gopal looked at Sanskruti, Suraj followed his gaze and looked at Sanskruti too.
Gopal: after you leave, my daughter never feel like my old daughter, we all can see how much you roam in her mind. Because I'm angry with you & your family, I can't ignore my daughter happiness. My daughter is yours, take her, but please don't hurt her again.
Suraj: don't worry dad, I'll not give a chance to complain again. I'll treat her like princess like you do, value her, respect her, love her.
Gopal was surprised when he called him dad, but when he said he will treat Sanskruti like him. He felt like he is the man he was looking for,
Gopal: parents are able to see that which you can't see, just by looking we can sense what is good and what is bad. your not my choice but your best choice for my daughter.
Suraj looked at him with suprised,
Payal: just don't make us regret later,
Suraj: I assure you for that, today I feel like I win the world.
Payal: let's have lunch jamai jii( son in law).
Suraj smile hearing that and nodded, Suraj looked at Sanskruti, don't know why Sanskruti feel shy, Suraj smirked. They all went for lunch, during the whole time Suraj eyes never left Sanskruti and first time in their relationship, Sanskruti was feeling nervous. Every was witnessing their lovely scene and was happy too, finally Suraj come back with Sanskruti. Relieve sigh left from everyone's mouth, girls hug Sanskruti and heirs smiled, they were happy for Suraj. But now the main decision is yet to decide, whether they will leave their husband or this house. Girls said that they'll tell their decision tomorrow.
Now girls are on terrace having their meeting,
Sanskruti: let's begin,
Sanskruti said but no one was ready to speak,
Sanskruti: you all are so strong, I know you're in pain and hurt, it is clear by your behaviour. But we have each other, no need to go through alone, atleast we can share.
Ishita: I'll not leave Daksh,
Suddenly Ishita spoke up,
Kiara: I don't want leave Aditya either,
Everyone looked at Ruhi, she was quite,
Ruhi: me too,
Kiara: what took you so long,
Ruhi: I'm just little scared because this time, it is different.
Kiara: yeah!
Sanskruti: what your husbands told about this matter,
Ruhi exhale and told everything that happened that day, after her Ishita and then Kiara. Girls were little shocked by Aditya's action,
Ishita: are being forced to stay,
Kiara: no, when he woke up that day he apologize for his behaviour and told me to do what I want.
Ruhi: so that mean you want Aditya,
Kiara fake coughed, Ruhi smirked and Sanskruti & Ishita smiled.
Sanskruti: after long time I see smile on your face Ishita,
Ishita face left the smile as soon Sanskruti spoke,
Sanskruti: and you Kiara, you have decided to become a dead person, right?
Kiara looked down,
Sanskruti: I don't know what happened but something terrible must had happened. But let's focus on the present and future, you all don't want to leave your husbands, so what next? Are you all ready to give a chance to your husbands?
Ruhi: are WE ready?
Ruhi emphasised 'we' Sanskruti looked at her,
Sanskruti: I'm ready to give him a chance but this chance will be last chance for him.
Ishita: how you know your ready?
Kiara: and are they deserve this?
Sanskruti: answer is in your heart, keep your hand on your chest and think about your husbands.
They kept hand on their chest and closed the eyes, they started to think about them.
Sanskruti: remember that horrible time, start of our marriage, you can still feel the pain. Now remember the moment they begged you to stay, you can feel the difference. They are the same person but everything has changed, whatever they did was wrong but taking the wrong decision because of that will only result in regrets in future. Everyone says this and that past sympathy, stupids women and so on. But you have to live your life, just listen to your heart, if you think you can have a better future with them, accept them then. It's up to your heart,
They opened there eyes, they was silent but Kiara broke the silence.
Kiara: then what about family?
Ishita: are we giving a chance to this family too?
Sanskruti: I don't know, what you all think?
Ruhi: if we give then probably our husbands will get the love they starve for,
Kiara: or probably another past,
Sanskruti: we never know,
Ishita: we have lost the parents, we know the pain they went through, just think our parents come to us and ask for forgiveness and second chance, like mummy ji & badi mummy asked. Will we give?
Kiara: no I can't,
Ruhi: but they are guilty,
Kiara: that doesn't matter Ruhi bhabhi, sometimes wounds recover but still leave the mark.
Sanskruti: so you want a separate life?
Kiara went silent, does she want this?
Sanskruti: why are you silent?
Kiara: I don't know, it suffocate to live here now.
Ruhi: in this house?
Kiara: in this world,
It surprised them but they know she had committed a suicide, she still in pain.
Ruhi: please Kiara don't say like that, we don't want to lose you.
Kiara just smile, but pain can senseble,
Ishita: tell me who hurt you, I'll give that person a tight slap.
Kiara: like you gave to Daksh Bhai,
Everyone laughed,
Sanskruti: your strong Kiara, don't give up!
Kiara nodded,
Sanskruti: let's take sometime, Let it continue as it is.
Ishita: we will decide later when we all get the answer,
They nodded,

#Vidhi kothari

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