Chapter 37: Power off

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That night before dinner:
Sanskruti & Ishita are having rest in their room, Kiara & Ruhi are in the kitchen cooking dinner, as Ishita is not ok. Heirs are in Suraj's study room, discussing today's matters and elders are in their room. Suddenly power went off and darkness spread all over,
Ishita was lying on bed but sat straight when power went off, Ishita started panicking but she managed. She somehow started finding her phone but did not find it, she got off the bed and started searching for a candle or torch. Not finding any of them, Ishita panicked more, her breath became uneven, past memories flashing in her mind and brain. Ishita ran towards the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. Ishita banged the door, the more Ishita was losing her sense the more banging was getting lower.
Ishita: Dadi opens the door, I'll not do it again. Please open the door, mom please do something.
Ishita was repeating the same thing,
Meanwhile heirs:
When power went off, heirs waited for some minutes for generators to turn on. When nothing happened, Daksh stood up.
Vivan: where are you going?
Daksh: Ishita is scared of darkness, I have to go.
Suraj: wait, we will come too.
Heirs moved out of the study room, when they were near Daksh's Room they heard Ishita's voice and low banging sound. They ran towards the room, Daksh was about to enter but noticed the room was locked.
Daksh: Aditya go fast and bring spare keys,
Aditya nodded and ran,
Daksh: Ishita, Ishita I'm here calm down.
Ishita: Dadi opens the door, I'll not do it again. Please open the door, mom please do something.
Ishita was repeating the same thing,
Vivan: what is she talking about? she is talking about our family?
Daksh: I don't know, I'm worried about her.
Suraj: relax, Aditya will come soon.
Daksh nodded and continued talking with Ishita, Ishita was listening to him but she was in her right sense. Aditya came along with Ruhi & Kiara, Daksh took the key and opened the door. As soon Daksh opened the door and entered, Ishita grabbed his legs and started begging.
Ishita: Dadi I'm sorry, don't lock me again.
Daksh was not able to move, so he kept his hand on her head, trying to calm her. Ruhi holds Ishita by shoulder while Kiara tries to lose her grip from Daksh legs.
Ruhi: bhabhi look, it's Daksh Bhai.
Hearing Daksh name Ishita loosen her grip, Daksh sat on knees and cupped her face.
Daksh: it's me Ishita, calm down, breath.
Daksh made her breath calmly, but it was the last thing she did because she fainted later.
Daksh: no Ishita, Ishita!
Daksh closed his eyes and joined his forehead with hers,
Daksh: I can't see you like this.
Daksh sigh was picking her up, he was about to place her in bed but everyone heard Sanskruti screaming.
Suraj: Sanskruti!
He ran towards his room while everyone followed him, leaving Daksh. Daksh stays with Ishita,
Meanwhile Sanskruti:
Sanskruti was sleeping when power cut, suddenly Sanskruti sleep got disturbed by a laughing sound. Sanskruti opened her eyes and looked here and there, she saw some shadow near the window.
Sanskruti: Suraj, is that you?
That shadow turns to face her, as soon Sanskruti eyes meet with his, she screams.
Sanskruti: SURAJ!
That shadow started to laugh, his laugh was horrifying Sanskruti more.
Sanskruti: SURAJ.........ISHITA.......SURAJ...
As soon that shadow heard the door knob clutch sound, he jumped from the window. Suraj with everyone entered, they saw Sanskruti was sitting on bed on knees while looking at the window.
Suraj: Sanskruti?
Suraj called her, as soon she saw Suraj she ran to him and hugged him. Suraj move back because of force, but hugged her back. Suraj can feel her rapid heart beat,
Sanskruti: Suraj he was here, he came, why did you leave me alone.
Suraj panicked but stayed calm,
Suraj: shhhh! Calm down, who is he?
Sanskruti came back to her sense and broke the hug and started to move back,
Suraj: what happened? Are you ok?
Sanskruti: y-ea-h!
She was shuttering, Suraj move toward her.
Suraj: ok, calm down Sanskruti,
Sanskruti: I'm ca-lm,
Sanskruti is now panicking, she was behaving like someone caught her mistake. Everyone notices it, Suraj was trying his best to calm her.
Suraj: please don't panic, calm down, what are you afraid of ?
Suddenly light came, Sanskruti flinched and lost consciousness. Suraj ran towards her and pulled her on his lap,
Suraj: Sanskruti, oh god! What is happening?
Suraj picked her up and placed her in bed,
Kiara: already she had an injury in her head and all this from above.
Ruhi is a very quiet person, and she  becomes more quiet in matters like this. So everyone became shocked when Ruhi suddenly spoke,
Ruhi: you should ask her strictly, what happened today.
Vivan: what are you talking about?
He asked, Ruhi answered looking straight to Suraj.
Ruhi: you know she is lying, ask her.
Suraj: I thought it was just me thinking that she was lying,
Ruhi: she is hiding something,
Suraj: yes, I'll ask her, till then no girls will roam here and there alone, maybe now Sanskruti & Ishita is the target but we never know what will happen further.
Everyone agrees and Ruhi & Kiara nodded,
Vivan: even if we are not present in house, don't be alone, company each other every time.
Aditya: we don't know cause so better take precautions, and it looks like Sanskruti bhabhi & Ishita bhabhi is the current target.
Kiara: do you think someone is doing it?
Vivan: not 100% sure,
Suraj: it looks like someone is doing it purposely.
Aditya: it maybe household members or outsider, we don't know.
Vivan: we will find out,
Suraj: we must find out before it's too late,
He said looking at Sanskruti, Everyone nodded and went to their rooms,
After sometime, Ruhi was sitting on a bench in the garden alone. Vivan came and sat beside her, Ruhi knew who sat beside her so she didn't starled.
Vivan: Suraj bhai had told you not to stay alone, then why are you here alone?
Ruhi: I wanted to relax,
Vivan: why did you come alone? You should tell me we both would have come.
Ruhi: so much is happening nowadays, it feels like we are running behind happiness and peace, and problems, fight, bad luck is running behind us.
Vivan( in mind): whatever happened today, must have an impact on her.
Vivan: chill, they will be fine and you too.
Ruhi looked at him,
Vivan: I'll protect you!
Ruhi smiled,
Ruhi: now we're together, right?
Vivan: we're?
Ruhi: everyone leaving elders,
Vivan understands what she means,
Vivan: I haven't decided yet,
Ruhi: your hearts want this,
Vivan: no,
Ruhi: then why your listening to Suraj bhai so much?
Vivan kept quite,
Ruhi: sometimes listening to your heart is good,
Vivan: what if he broke my trust then?
Ruhi: he will not, and if he breaks then there will be reason.
Vivan: why do you trust him so much?
Ruhi: because I can see, how hard he is trying to become a family and trying to melt your hate. You can't see it, because you're blind with hate.
Vivan: do you want me to give him a chance?
Ruhi: yes,
Vivan: why?
Ruhi: you deserve happiness, once you'll have the family, you'll know how it feels to have a real family.
Vivan: did they deserve me?
Ruhi: try to change,
Vivan: I tried,
Ruhi: we can try again,
Vivan: you'll change me,
Ruhi: I can help you,
Vivan: you'll change me,
He said sternly,
Ruhi: ok,ok!
She said while smiling,

In Suraj's room:
Sanskruti woke up, holding her head.
Suraj: are you having headache?
Sanskruti starled and looked at him, Suraj noticed it. Sanskruti nodded, Suraj came closer to her and held her hand gently.
Suraj: what happened in the morning, Sanskruti?
Sanskruti looked at him shockingly,
Suraj: I know your lying and I don't know the reason, but I want to know the reason. I'm your husband Sanskruti, I should know your ups and down, I should be there when you need me. Tell me, please!
Sanskruti feels so much pain inside, she was holding herself back but not anymore, she started to speak.
Sanskruti came down to cook lunch but she got confused when she didn't saw any one in kitchen. She went to Ishita's room but she was not present in the room either, she searched whole house but no one was there. Slowly fear rush all over Sanskruti's body, she started to hallucinate. She was seeing some shadows, hearing laughing sound, footsteps sound. She was running here and there like a mad person, because she knew it's hallucination but still getting scared. While running she slipped and fall from staircase,
Flashback ends,
Sanskruti: I don't want to become mad Suraj, trust me I'm trying my best not to scare.
she was pleading in front of him, Suraj heart ache, Suraj wanted to tell her that there may be a real shadow and not her hallucination, but it will scare her more so he decided to not to tell her now. Suraj cupped her face, Sanskruti held his hand which was on her face.
Sanskruti: please don't leave me alone, I don't want to become mad person.
Suraj: shhh! Your not mad, I trust you and I will never leave you alone, even you get mad, I'll be still there for you.
Sanskruti looked at him, her eyes were holding so many different emotions, she just wanted to hug him but didn't hug. Sanskruti had to control her emotions and heart,
Suraj: let's sleep,hmm?
He said while caressing her cheeks, Sanskruti nodded and they slept, Sanskruti slept on bed and Suraj on couch.

Ishita suddenly woke up while patting heavily,
Daksh: calm down, did you have a nightmare?
Ishita sighs in relief after hearing his voice, she throws the duvet and hugs him. Daksh got starled so he didn't move, but after some minutes he hugged her back, He noticed how scared she was. Daksh got worried and tried to part away but she tightened the hug,
Ishita: please!
Her voice was so low and scared,
Daksh: I don't have any problem with this Ishita, I'm just worried about you.
Ishita: I want to be close to you,
Daksh heart flutter,
Daksh: you're scared, right?
Ishita nodded,
Daksh: I'm sorry, I will not leave alone again.
He tightened the hug,
Ishita: it's not your mistake, why are you Apologizing?
Daksh: when I married to you, I took all the responsibility of yours. I am responsible for whatever has happened to you or whatever will happen to you.
Ishita: you're only responsible for those things which are related to you.
Daksh: do you want to sleep more?
Daksh tried to change the topic and Ishita understood it, so she nodded,
Daksh: good night!
Daksh got up and turned to go towards the couch but stopped when Ishita held his hand Daksh looked at her
Ishita: let's sleep together,
Daksh got shocked,
Daksh: are you sure?
Ishita: I don't want to be alone, let's sleep together if you don't have a problem then.
Daksh: I don't have any problems, but remember that I will not touch until you give me permission, so don't worry.
Ishita knew Daksh is more uncomfortable and concerned about matter like this than her from that incident, he wants to touch but he doesn't want Ishita to feel uncomfortable or think in the wrong way. Ishita smiles at him and lays down, Daksh lay down beside her, there was proper distance between them. During the night Daksh woke up feeling moments beside him, Daksh saw Ishita was getting scared in sleep. Daksh heart ache after seeing her like this, Daksh move closer to her and calls her to wake her up. But she didn't wake up, rather she move closer to him. Daksh got nervous seeing her close and feeling her touches. The first time something happened like a couple between them and the reason behind this held so much meaning, they came closer to support each other and be with each other in hard times. Daksh didn't waste the time and hugged her, he doesn't want to take advantage of her but she needs it now. Ishita clutched his shirt tightly but got relaxed after some minutes, he was caressing her hair to calm her while admiring every feature of her face.
Daksh: so beautiful, I'm lucky to have you and I'll try my best to not become your bad luck.
Daksh was so happy, not because they are cuddling or being close, he was happy because Ishita chose him with her own will, she is comfortable with him now, she chose him in her hard time, finally he was able to do something for her. They slept while cuddling,

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