Chapter 38: Problems

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After some days,
In these days both Suraj & Daksh didn't leave their wives alone. Even if they go to work they will make sure Sanskruti & Ishita are not alone, not only Sanskruti & Ishita, heirs make sure their wives are not alone. Girls are noticing the heirs protective nature towards them, but one by one the problem is knocking on Oberoi's door.
Same for today, Today Saumya's sister and her husband are visiting Oberois house, whom Vivan hates the most. As soon Saumya got to know she tensed up and immediately informed Suraj, He sent Vivan to the office early without telling him the reason and told him to come home late. Vivan found it strange but Suraj told him that he will tell him everything tomorrow. Girls don't know about Vivan and Saumya's sister (Neha)& husband( Ashish) relation, Suraj was at home and it was strange as Suraj is most workaholic, he was in tension and it was visible, brides understood something is off.
As soon as Saumya sister meet new brides, she looked at them up and down and made faces. Brides understood she is like Meegha, they maintain distances but they notice how her behaviour is different towards Saumya's daughter in law and mainly towards Ruhi. Suraj was trying to manage surrounding and not to cause any problems but destiny is not with him, Ruhi and Neha had fight. Neha and Akash left the house angrily, Viraj is very angry and Ruhi & Saumya scared. Viraj called Vivan home, everyone is present in hall.
Viraj: first you left without meeting them and then they left because of your wife, your wife disrespect them.
Viraj complain about Ruhi to Vivan, Ruhi get scared and try to defend herself
Ruhi: no, no papa ji,
Vivan: whom are you talking about?
Vivan said annoyingly,
Viraj: about your masi and her husband, they visited our house today, don't behave like you don't know.
Vivan expression changed, he was looking like beast,
Suraj: oh god!
Suraj said in low voice seeing Vivan, girls heard it too and looked at Vivan, they all know something bad is about to come
Vivan: I don't know, and I'm not interested either.
Viraj: Vivan, are you mad? I'm complaining about your wife's behaviour and you are showing this kind of behaviour.
Vivan: I don't care what Ruhi do with you all,
It was visible Vivan was trying to control his anger but Viraj's anger was in the sky,
Viraj: you both decided to disrespect them, right?
Ruhi: n--
Viraj cutted Ruhi in middle,
Viraj: shut up! If they had not been there, either would your husband have been accommodated in the hostel.
Viraj shouted at Ruhi and that's sit, Vivan lost control and came infront and yelled,
Vivan: don't you dare to shout at my wife or else you'll see the worst of me.
Viraj: VIVAN, shameless fellow! Have a little brain and stop being brat, you have a wife now, take your responsibilities.
Vivan: I know I have a wife, you don't have to tell me and I'm ready to take all her responsibilities,
He said angrily and rudely,
Vivan: and I'm ready to destroy anyone who dares to hurt her, including you.
Vivan said while clenching his jaw,
Viraj: oh, I see, with your support only she is being brat too.
Ruhi: no papa ji, sorry!
Ruhi said looking down, Vivan looked at her and kept looking at her, he felt pain  seeing her in pain.
Ishita: she was very harsh on her that why she didn't reply to her, why you only scolding Ruhi, she was in fault too.
Ishita was not able to control it anymore,
Viraj: they are elders, you should respect them at any cost.
Vivan: no,
Vivan moved his gaze from Ruhi to Viraj,
Vivan: your wrong, they don't deserve respect and neither you.
Viraj: oh really, then what you deserve? You should be glad you born in Oberois,
Vivan: but I'm not,
Viraj: you are such a bad son, it waste of time to talk to you, leave.
Viraj said giving up,
Viraj: you both will go to their house and with respect you will apologize to them.
Vivan: no, my wife will not say sorry to them, she didn't do anything wrong.
Ruhi looked at him,
Viraj: she did and she will say sorry,
Vivan: she will not, and I'm not Suraj bhai whom you can order,
Viraj: you can't be either,
Vivan: I don't want to be either, before listening to the person like you, I'll prefer to die.
Vivan said in disguisting way, Viraj got angry and came forward to grab his collar but Ruhi came in between. Vivan looked at her suprisingly,
Viraj: move aside, he needs a lesson, first he puts false accusations on them, disrespect them, and now with us too.
Ruhi: ple-ase pa-pa ji, if you want I can say sorry but leave Vivan,
Arguments are affecting her and it was visible,
Viraj: you'll say sorry at any cost but I'm not leaving him today, I had enough of him. Always being selfish, talking back, disrespecting, causing problems, not caring about image we made.
Ruhi feels disappointed after knowing the reason Viraj's angry, she thought he is angry because Neha is upset but he is angry because of the image.
Ruhi: you all cared about this,
Viraj: because it is the most important thing for me, he is a monster without any brain or sense.
Viraj said in a humiliating way,
Ruhi: please stop papa,
Ruhi said annoyingly, which surprised everyone and increased Viraj's anger. Vivan was lost in Ruhi, she is taking stand for the first time maybe and that to for him.
Viraj: who are you to tell me? When Your husband doesn't matter to me, who are you to me?
Ruhi: I'm the wife of that person whose parents are monsters, and my husband is not monste.
Ruhi said confidently, Vivan eye expression changed, Saumya is trying to  control herself from crying.
Ruhi: You had not seen what I have seen, how soft and innocent souls live inside that person whom your calling monster.
Ruhi said like she is in peek to cry,
Ruhi: I believe him, I believe that he didn't put false accusations on them, I believe when he said he lives in the monsters world.
Vivan looked down,
Viraj yelled taking step forward but Suraj came in the middle, in a protective way.
Suraj: dad please control,
Tears form in Ruhi's eyes, but never came out, Vivan looked at Suraj suprisingly.
Viraj: so now you all are making team, and that to against us, don't forget who we are and what we can do.
Suraj: how can we forget dad, what you are and what you did with us,
Suraj said in a painful voice, which everyone recognised, Viraj's anger cooled down.
Vivan: don't worry dad, even if we die we will never able to forget.
Their voices held pain and poison, Viraj got hurt but didn't show.
Viraj: you have 3 days to apologise.
Vivan: no need, we will not apologise.
Viraj gave last glance to Ruhi and left,
Suraj: are you ok?
Suraj asked Ruhi while Vivan just kept staring at her, girls came to Ruhi.
Ishita: ooohhooo!
Ishita said teasingly,
Kiara: you rocked bhabhi,
Girls are proud, Vivan smiled and left, Ruhi stare at his back till he is gone.

That day in kitchen:
Meegha: don't think yourself so high because of that day, because I don't care whose wife you are.
Meegha is scolding Sanskruti, which is common.
Ishita: you should care about mummy, whether you accept or not he is the son of this house.
Ishita jumps in the middle, another common thing.
Meegha: I know, you all should be glad. You'll get married to heirs of Oberois because hundreds of girls are dying to marry them.
Ishita: if they got married to them in real life, they had died till now in real life.
From the day Ishita had fight with Jairaj, Meegha behaving way too bad with Ishita, Kiara & Sanskruti trying to take stands for her but failing sometimes.
Meegha: what you all think of yourself ? What are you all without Oberois surname? Every time behaving whoever you want, respecting no one, talking back.
She said while raising her voice a little, Meegha is angry because one by one every girl is disrespecting their father in law.
Ishita: were something that's why only Dadi got impressed by us and forc----
Sanskruti stopped her,
Meegha: o really! I don't see anything, you slapped my son that day without reason, first you dare to run away from him with your lover and then slap him.
Meegha suddenly brings that day topic, Anger rushed all over Ishita's body after remembering that day,
Ishita: he deserves it, and you also deserve whatever is happening with you. Having two sons and both are hating you, you deserve this.
Ishita felt a hard sting on her face, Ishita looked at Meegha. Everyone gasped, girls came running towards Ishita while Saumya held Meegha.
Meegha: then you deserve this,
Kiara: mummy!
Kiara shouted,
Meegha: shut up or else you'll get one too.
Ruhi stopped her,
Saumya: Meegha you went too far,
Meegha: don't come in the middle, you have a decent daughter in laws but look at my.
Ishita: you only deserve us,
Saying this Ishita ran away, other girls followed her, girls try to talk with her but she was so off that girls have to leave her alone for sometime. At night, when Daksh enter Ishita was lying on bed, pretend to sleep. Daksh frowned,
Daksh(in mind): she should be in kitchen cooking dinner, shouldn't she?
Daksh shrugged off and went to shower, after coming back he didn't saw Ishita.
Daksh: where she went now?
Daksh went down for dinner, Daksh sat on his place, he notice girls strange gaze on him. He try to search Ishita but not find, he was feeling strange now. Ishita came and sat on her place, which was infront of Daksh. While eating Daksh was continuously looking at Ishita, while Ishita never looked at him, Daksh found her behaviour strange. Daksh frowned when he saw some marks on her cheeks, he stand and bend towards her. Ishita move back, Daksh grab her chin gently and turn her face to see clearly. Everyone was looking at them suprisingly, Daksh closed his eyes tightly.
Daksh: what happened to your cheek?
Ishita: nothing,
Ishita try to take her face away from him but he pull her face closer,
Daksh: who slapped you?
Ishita: no one, and it's none of you business.
Daksh left her chin and yelled in anger,
Daksh: it is my business, your my wife!
Ishita got shocked,
Daksh: Sanskruti bhabhi, what happened?
Daksh looked at Sanskruti,
Daksh: I want honest answer,
Sanskruti nodded and looked at Ishita, while Ishita was looking at Daksh. Sanskruti said everything happened in kitchen, Daksh looked at Meegha, first time family members are seeing Daksh this angry leaving Ishita.
Daksh: who gave you permission to slap my wife? Who are you to slap her?
Meegha: she need i----
Daksh: SHUT UP YOU GREEDY WOMEN, how you dare to slap her,
Meegha: your talking me like this just because of this girl,
Daksh: don't say anything to Ishita, understand? You are nothing to me, I never thought you as mom, never. You are just a woman who gave me birth nothing more, and I'll not adjust any disrespect or bad behaviour towards Ishita from anyone. If anyone do anything to Ishita, I'll do the same with you.
Daksh said angrily, Ishita's tears left from her eyes, Daksh grab her wrist and went to their room. After reaching in room, he made sat her on bed and sat on his knees.
Daksh: I'm sorry,
Daksh said looking down, Ishita cupped his face and made him looked at her, Daksh saw tears in her eyes and look down again.
Ishita: Daksh look at me,
Daksh obediently looked at her,
Ishita: you did what you should do, and this all I want from you, your support.
Daksh: I will always support you, My morning will start with you and my night will end with you, I will only feel emotions when I'm with you, I will only show emotions to you, I will do anything to make you happy, I'll show how this emotionless person can love someone.
Ishita widened her eyes at his last sentence, Daksh kissed her forehead and went to sleep, leaving Ishita in shock.

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