Chapter 26: Guilt

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After Ishita completed, Divya sigh and said.
Divya: can you please tell me in detail what happened in car?
Divya said looking at Vivan, Vivan nodded and said everything that happened in detail.
Divya: she is traumatized because of speed.
Vivan: what do you mean?
Divya: you were driving with high speed and it triggered her, that's why she is in this condition.
Aditya: can you be more specific?
Divya: she is scared of cars.
Vivan: why?
Divya: she lost someone who was very precious to her in a car accident and( she paused for some moment and then continued) unfortunately she was in the car when a car accident took place, She witnessed everything.
Everyone looked at her unconscious body with a pity look.
Divya: it triggers her when someone is arguing or if there is something related to cars like high speeds, horns,road crossing, etc. She became anxious and in the worst case, she became traumatized. She was last traumatized when she was learning how to drive, it took her 1 month to become stabilized but it was the first time she is mentioning someone. No doubt you and your gave her so much trauma.
Divya moved towards Vivan and stand infront of him.
Divya: our dad love her alot, she was his favourite child. He kept her away from all evil eyes because of her innocence.  He treated her like someone treated their plants in the garden always nourishing, giving proper care, loving them. his life resides in her, he never raised his voice on her than raising hand is far away even our mom never raise her hand on her. They not even once hurt her, she was a peace of them and that house. They love her a lot and she also loves them a lot. She was a perfect daughter, Arguing, disrespecting and disobeying was never her thing. She didn't bring that moment where our parents need to scold her or beat her. She is so innocent and pure, she don't deserve this.
Divya joined her both hand(🙏) in front of Vivan while tears never stopped coming out, everyone was looking at her with so much guilt.
Divya: If you don't like my sister or don't need her, please leave her. Don't torture her or hurt her, I can't even imagine the scenario if our parents got to know this. We love her alot,we will gladly welcome her back.
Vivan just look down,
Ishita: after he did so much wrong with her, why are you still calm?
Sanskruti: why are not angry?
Divya: maybe he and his family are responsible for her condition but because me she is here, I'm responsible for that. How can I be angry when I'm equally responsible for her condition, She said yes to this marriage because of me. After we saw his behaviour in engagement, We were going to cancel this marriage but Ruhi dii didn't agree. We were against this marriage but she wanted this marriage, we don't know why she was so determined to marry him. We convinced her a lot but she didn't listen, It was the first time Ruhi dii went against the dad.
She completed talking but there was silence in the surroundings, no one was uttering a word but Divya decided to break this silence.
Divya: can I stay here for a night?
Suraj: yes, yes you can.
Suraj said welcoming her in their house.
Divya: I want to sleep with dii, can I?
Everyone looked at Vivan including Divya, Vivan nodded. It was visible that he forcefully given the permission.

Next day during breakfast:
Everyone was having breakfast including Divya, Ishita was about to stand after having breakfast but Sanskruti pulled her back,
Sanskruti: eat little more.
She whispered,
Ishita: no,no bhabhi I'm full.
With this she stand up but Daksh stopped her.
Daksh: Ishita eat more.
Ishita ignored him and started walking but Daksh stood up and grabbed her wrist, Ishita jerked his hand.
Ishita: don't touch me.
Daksh: first eat your food.
Ishita: I'm full.
Daksh: you didn't eat last night too, eat more.
Ishita: I'll not.
Ishita said without looking at him, it was clear she is controlling herself.
Daksh: why?
Now Ishita control, patience everything broke and she burst out, pouring all her anger.
Ishita: HOW CAN I EAT? I can't get food down my throat because of guilt and you're telling me to eat more. How can I eat the food like nothing happened While the guilt is eating me up, they all are going through so much because of me, because it was my idea of divorce. Knowing you all still I suggest this idea, Sanskruti bhabhi was telling me please calm down Ishita, don't make such important decisions like this( everyone looked at Sanskruti but she was looking down at her plate) But I was so determined to go away from you and make them away from your brothers that I didn't listen to her, I was so stupid. When I see Ruhi, Kiara & Sanskruti bhabhi guilt and regret rush over my body, it hurts to see them like this because of me. I'm having a hard time to even breath without guilt and you all are behaving like you all didn't do anything and having food here shamelessly. How can you all eat peacefully after doing so much wrong? How can you all be this horrible? They both are lying in bed fighting with physical and mental pain, Sanskruti bhabhi & I have to ignore all our pain because they both need us, We are going through so much because of you all but still you all don't care.
Ishita looked at Vivan,
Ishita: I, Sanskruti bhabhi & Kiara at least fight for ourselves but Ruhi, she never fight for herself. Even when we have group discussions she never talks bad about anyone or points out anyone's mistake. It's nearly 2 months you married to Ruhi but she never once took your name from her mouth, this how much she is horrified of you. What does that innocent soul did to you and your family that she is going through this.
She turned her gaze to heirs,
Ishita: When I was new in this house I used to call you all wild animals but I was so wrong, Sanskruti bhabhi gave you right name, monster. You all are monsters because animals at least have heart not like you. What you all thought when you were marrying, bring a wife treat her like shit and then have kids and then treat them to like shit too. In this surrounding how you all grow they will grow too, is that what your motive was. I don't know about your past but from what I got to know and what I have seen in this months, if you both (pointing towards Suraj and Daksh) cared little less about yourself than these two ( pointing towards Vivan and Aditya) won't be like this and Ruhi & Kiara won't be lying on bed unconsciously. You all don't believe in family but have you all ever thought you all can have your own family if you were together. But you all decide to be a monster, after doing such cruel thing you all didn't even bother to say sorry.
Ishita looked down, controlling her anger. Her breath was uneven because she was putting so much pressure while talking, her chest was going up and down. Taking long breath and releasing it, she continued with low tune.
Ishita: What was our mistake that you all go this far? How can we live with someone who thinks us as their own property, slave,toy or.......(she paused and looked at Daksh and again looked down). We are human, we get hurt too, we do have feelings but you all think us your thing. You all treat us like you all bought us and now we don't value, you can behave however you want.
She looked at Daksh with so much pain,  by her that look Daksh heart ache.
Ishita: You made me feel like I shouldn't be born, It would have been better if I had died at birth.
Daksh looked down while she just smiled and looked at heirs.
Ishita: If you all bring us to torture us, hurt us or to play with us, please kill us. It's really better than this, we really had enough. We can't handle now, please kill us rather than killing us every day with you torture.
With this Ishita ran towards her room, Sanskruti stood up and left without looking at anyone or making eye contact with anyone. This whole time Suraj never took his eye from her while she never looked up, she was looking down continuously. Hearing Ishita, first time heirs felt guilty.

Now Divya is going back and both girls and heirs are here to sent her.
Sanskruti: wait until Ruhi woke up and meet her then leave.
Divya: I can't, if Ruhi got to know that I know about whatever happening with her then she'll be tensed. I don't want that, I'll leave.
Sanskruti agreed with her and Divya left, Ruhi was unconscious from last night.

Around 3pm Ruhi finally regained consciousness, she was able to recognise everyone but she was very very scared of Vivan. So the doc suggested to Vivan to stay away from Ruhi until she became fully stable. While Kiara don't know anything till now neither she had spoke a word from that incident. Sanskruti was giving medicine to Kiara but her next question made Sanskruti to stop on the spot.
Kiara: where is Ruhi bhabhi?
She spoke for the first time after that incident, Aditya was there too. From that incident Aditya never leave her alone, sometimes he leave room to eat but only when she is sleeping.
Kiara: what happened to Ruhi? She asked again but Sanskruti didn't reply again, Kiara held her hand.
Kiara: bhabhi?
She called her softly, Sanskruti looked at Aditya. Kiara looked at him too, Aditya was just staring at Kiara like he was waiting for this moment for so long, for her one look. Aditya nodded still staring at Kiara and Sanskruti told everything that happened with Ruhi to Kiara.
Kiara: I want to meet her.
She said removing the blanket, Sanskruti held her.
Sanskruti: stop, your feet are banded.
Kiara: I'll manage bhabhi.
Kiara was convincing Sanskruti when Aditya came toward her, Kiara looked at him while he was staring at her already. They maintain eye contact, Aditya bent down and picked her up. Kiara made circle of her hand on his neck, they were staring at each other so deeply. Sanskruti was watching this very carefully, Aditya started walking with Kiara in his arm. Sanskruti followed them, they entered inside Ruhi room. Ruhi was lying on bed closing her eyes, hearing door opening sound she open her eyes and looked at the door. Ruhi gasped and sat straight on bed, Aditya placed Kiara in sitting form on bed infront of Ruhi and backed off.
Ruhi: what happened?
Kiara: are you ok?
Both asked at the same time, they laugh. Sanskruti & Aditya smile looking at them, after so much finally someone laugh in this house. Aditya was standing beside Sanskruti,
Ruhi: I'm fine, what about you?
Kiara: I'm fine too.
Ruhi looked at Sanskruti and noticed bandages on her wrists,
Ruhi: what happened with you all? Is everyone ok?
Kiara doesn't know either so she looked at Sanskruti too, Kiara noticed bandages on Sanskruti wrists and bruises on Ishita's neck earlier only but she was not in state to talk.
Sanskruti: Ruhi, you came to your senses today only so don't take tension. We all are ok and about what happened, we will talk about that later. Kiara you need to rest you still have slight fever, Aditya take her in room.
Kiara: Sanskruti bhabhi, can I rest here?
Ruhi: yes bhabhi let her be here, I don't want to be alone.
Sanskruti: ok but don't say anything sad or bad, try to make your mood fresh.
They both nodded, Sanskruti & Aditya came out of the room.
Aditya: is ishita bhabhi ok?
His question suprised Sanskruti,
Sanskruti: she will be, she is having so much pain, guilt and regret. I wonder how she managed to control till now.
Aditya: like you are doing.
With this Aditya walked passed away from her, Aditya never talk anyone kindly including girls. This was new, His behaviour always confused Sanskruti to understand him, he is complicate.

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