Chapter 16: Ishita Outburst

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Ruhi & Ishita are resting in the bedroom while men are in the office, they can sacrifice everything but not work.
Sanskruti: Kiara you take care of Ishita, I'll take care of Ruhi Because leaving you with Vivan is risky.
kiara:ok bhabhi.

after dinner everyone went to their romms,
Daksh's Room:
when Daksh entered the room Ishita was lying on the couch, ready to sleep. Daksh has lots of question to ask but he don't know how to start.
Daksh(in mind): after so many years I'm feeling something.
The first time Daksh is feeling awkward with Ishita, seeing him Ishita turn to opposite side. Daksh know she is so angry but he was determined to have conversation.
Daksh: why did you cancel my punishment ? she didn't reply nor looked at him.
Daksh: don't you hear me? ishita gets up and about to leave but Daksh pinned her to the wall by trapping her in between his both arm.
Daksh: your taking small steps and walking weakly because you don't have energy but still being dump. He said coldly,
Ishita: don't you have little shame? her voice was showing how hurt she was, He removed his hand from the wall and placed it on her waist. He pulled her closer, she put her hand on his chest maintaning distance. He was holding her like he is helping her to balance herself which she understand but ignored.
Daksh: I did ask politely earlier ?
Ishita: i don't want to talk you. Only she knows how she is controlling herself.
Daksh: why?
Ishita: how can you be this shameless? after doing this much you still dare to ask such questions without shame. Do even know how much I went through because of you, every part of my body was paining like hell and I was so weak that I can barely move my hands. The pain was so much that I was crying miserably, I was asking for help but no one was able to help me, I was telling Sanskruti bhabhi like an idiot if they erase my pain & I'll do whatever they'll say. You don't know what i went through, each and every moment I was in pain I hate you more and more. Finally she burst out while tears form in her eyes, he kept listening with full attention and staring deep in her eyes.
Daksh: if you hate me this much then why did you cancel my punishment?
Ishita: no matter how damaged or hurt I'm, I'll never hurt anyone in the same way I've been.
They were so close and staring into each other's eyes,her every word was marking pain & guilt in his heart.
Daksh: your kindness will burn you one day. He said, she was just staring in his eyes while tear was in her eyes and open hair was increasing her beauty.
Daksh: this tears which is fighting to fall today, the day will come when they will be not in your eyes because you will become like me emotionless. He said caressing her cheek,
Ishita: your so evil, I hate you Daksh. Daksh just stared at her deeply continuously caressing her cheek, Ishita broke the eye contact and said
Ishita: please leave me alone for sometime. Daksh left the room.

Vivan's Room:
Vivan enter in room, seeing him Ruhi gets up from bed and started walking with help of furnitures.
Vivan: where are you going?
Ruhi: to ma-ke m-y bed. Ruhi said shuttering,
Vivan: no need, sleep on bed till you recover. Ruhi looked at him surprisingly, he came toward her and picked her up and started walking toward bed.
Vivan: I told you, don't roam here and there without my permission but still you waste your energy. he placed her on bed and sat beside her.
Vivan: you can sleep on the couch when you get well, don't sleep on floor and I take back all my restrictions I had made. you can do whatever you want just don't do something which will make me angry, don't disrespect me or disobey me. he was saying everything looking to his hand, not getting reply he looked at her. their eyes met, both maintain eye contact.
Vivan: what is my Punishment ? she stunned little but didn't't said anything.
Vivan: Ruhi speak. He order her
Ruhi: will you please respect both the bhabhi & kiara and talk them nicely, they are so nice & kind. somehow Ruhi gains courage to speak without shuttering, she still scared of him but he is acting different today.
Vivan: how is it punishment?
Ruhi: isn't it for you? now he understands why she considered it as punishment.
Vivan: I'll try. he said while giggling, it was the first time Ruhi seeing his this side she didn't even saw him smiling and it's first time that they are having normal conversation.

Daksh returns in Room after 2 hours, he saw Ishita was sleeping on couch. He went towards her and pick her up, he placed her on bed gently don't want to disturb her sleep. He turn off the lamp on table but as soon as he turn off Ishita sat leaning on Daksh holding his collar.
Daksh: what happened? He didn't get reply, her eyes was closed. Not knowing what happened he turn on the lamp, she left him and lay down.
Daksh( in mind): what is happening? Maybe she was doing in sleep.
With this he turn off the lamp again but Ishita again did the same.
Daksh: what is happening Ishita? Daksh asked softly holding her face, she didn't reply. It took time to understand for him, she always kept the lamp with her, is it because she is afraid of dark?
Daksh: are scared of the dark?
Ishita just nodded, immediately Daksh turn on the lamp and Ishita lay down again.
Daksh: ok I'll not turn off the lamp,sleep.
Daksh went to take a bath, after he came he saw Ishita was moving uncomfortably in sleep. He went to her and bent down to her level.
Daksh: Ishita what happened? Are you feeling pain?
Ishita was moving holding her stomach in sleep, he tapped slightly on her cheek to wake her up. She opened her eyes half,
Daksh: are you on your periods? He asked guessing by her position,Ishita nodded. Daksh went out of the room and brought a hot pack, He climbed in bed and placed a hot pack on her stomach while massaging too. Soon she slept,
Daksh( in mind): she was having periods that's why she is so weak. Not having dinner for 1 week continuously worsens the situation.

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