Chapter 19: Shopping

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Entering a resort type villa, Vivan sighs feeling exhausted after a long travel. all servants came and stood in line and one of the servant spoke,
servants: we had arranged your rooms sir. should I show you, your rooms? Vivan nodded, and they all went to their rooms. After yesterday's incident Kiara didn't talk much, she was so quiet. Sanskruti, Ishita, Ruhi decided to give her space while Aditya was not bothered or we can say all heirs was not bothered. after all ruthless runs in their blood. remaining day went in resting and chilling.
2nd day of honeymoon:
Vivan & Aditya has gone somewhere because of their business stuff. Ruhi knocked and entered inside, Kiara was standing in front of the window. kiara smiled at her, Ruhi stand beside her.
Ruhi: isn't it beautiful? Ruhi said looking out of the window, Kiara nodded.
Ruhi: do you want to go anywhere?
Kiara: no.
Ruhi: let's go for shopping.
Kiara: I'm not in the mood bhabhi.
Ruhi: please Kiara, I didn't bring my luggage and I don't want to go alone. Kiara nodded, Kiara was not able to say no, after hearing her request which was looking like she was begging.
They went for shopping, they went around 11am and return at 3pm. They shop alot because of shopping Kiara forget everything and become stable.
Ruhi: you like shopping alot,I guess.
Kiara nodded, they were sitting in the hall on the floor exploring their shopping. Kiara was so happy but she was hiding so much emotions behind her smile, which didn't go unnoticed by Ruhi. Ruhi went towards her, keeping her hand on her back gently she said
Ruhi: are you ok? Kiara's smile dropped and she looked at her. Kiara saw so much concern in her eyes, her gentleness, kindness. she was not able to control, she hug Ruhi and burst out in tears. She was crying and crying, Ruhi know she in pain and she felt bad too seeing her in pain. Ruhi patted her back continuously and held her gently with so much love, her actions make Kiara more emotional. God know how much she cries,
Kiara: it hurts Ruhi, it hurt so much. Kiara called sometime Ruhi by her name without any respect and Ruhi don't have problem with this so she allowed Kiara.
Ruhi: I know Kiara but I appreciate you, your so strong. Kiara hugs her more tightly, After some time Kiara calm down and said.
Kiara: you know its felt like it's been years I cried hugging someone.
Ruhi just smile at her,
Kiara: after 3 years I went for shopping, it felt so good that's why I was so happy.
Ruhi: 3 years? Why?
Kiara: I was not allowed. Ruhi notice she was hesitating to say so she didn't go further. They started talking something random, Ruhi was trying to divert Kiara's mind.
They were talking when Aditya came, he grab Kiara hand pulled her upward. It made Kiara stand up, Ruhi stood too.
Aditya: where were you? He yelled
Kiara: what happened Aditya? She ask gently but Aditya grabbed her face Harshly,
Aditya: I told you nicely, didn't I? do you like to disobey me? I'm not doing anything that doesn't mean your free do anything. Don't forget your place your just toy for me, you called me psycho right, let me be that.
Kiara: Aditya what happened? She again asks not knowing what happened to him suddenly.
Aditya: where were you? He shouted, Tightening his hold.
Kiara: I went for shopping with Ruhi bhabhi.
Aditya: oh shopping, yes right you're on a honeymoon trip, Now I understand. He said in sarcastic way.
Aditya: Today I'll show you what is consequence of disobeying me. He said dangerously looking in her eyes, he harshly jerked her face.
Kiara: Aditya.......
She called him but he went somewhere, he returned with a bottle in his hand. All the shopping materials were kept on the floor, Aditya started to pour liquid which was inside that bottle. Smelling it Kiara said with shocked expression,
Kiara: Aditya is it petrol? Aditya didn't reply after he was done, he slid his hand inside the pocket and took out the match box from pocket. He looked at Kiara, they were staring at each other. Aditya's eyes were showing anger and Kiara eyes were showing amazement.
Aditya slid the match stick, they were still staring at each other. He brings a match stick infront of her and release it, soon all shopping materials catch fire. It was like their standing opposite to each other & fire was in middle of them, they didn't stop staring. Ruhi was beside Kiara, she was so shocked to process anything & scared. Kiara move toward him, reaching him she slapped him. She slapped him so hard, Aditya looked at her. Fire was now inside the Aditya, he grabbed her throat and put pressure, she started to choke. Ruhi came and started to pull Aditya but Aditya didn't move, he was looking at her like he will kill her today. Ruhi don't know what to do so she kneeled down and started to beg
Ruhi: Aditya bhai I beg you please leave her, please bhai leave her. Her begging did work, he come back to his sense. As soon as he regained his sense he released his hold from her throat, Kiara started coughing enabled to breath properly. He looked at her then Ruhi and leave from there. Ruhi rush towards table and bring water to Kiara, Kiara drank it. Ruhi hugged her and Kiara started crying, today Kiara saw extreme level of his psychoness.
All servants witness their sir cruelty and feel bad for her But their feeling is nothing against Ruhi.
Now Kiara is in her room and Ruhi was in the garden, she was sitting on bench hugging her knees.
Ruhi Pov:
Everything happened because of me, if I didn't insist her for shopping then she would not come and nothing would happen. I did everything to decrease her pain but the next moment I increased her pain because of me she is in pain. I didn't bring my luggage so I could take her shopping and lighten up her mood but everything turned upside down. I really didn't mean it but it happened, Thank god I at least brought the saree which I was going to wear in marriage. Today we have to attend the marriage( sighing she continued) how she's gonna handle the things.

Now Ruhi & Kiara were sitting in the hall, all ready and waiting for their husbands. Ruhi was wearing a saree while Kiara was wearing long anarkali. Her necklace was covering her mark on throat a little and left over her hair was covering. Ruhi was in guilt but Kiara was behaving normal, soon they heard cars horn indicating they had come. Both girls move out of the house, Vivan & Aditya looked at their wife's. The moment girls come in their view from that moment they are staring at them, they were memorized by their beauty. They came and sat in the back seat, Vivan started the car and drove to venue. The whole time Kiara & Ruhi were looking out of the window, which both heirs noticed but didn't say anything. Aditya was having glance to Kiara time to time, he did notice mark on her neck and felt guilt too but he ignored that feeling. Soon they reach their destination, their ready to enter Vivan & Ruhi was standing together and Aditya & Kiara was standing together. Kiara didn't spare a glance to him, they enter.
Marriage was going well but Kiara was feeling suffocated, remaining her marriage days. Ruhi notice and said,
Ruhi: what happened Kiara?
Kiara: nothing bhabhi, it's just I'm not feeling well.
Ruhi: let's have drink.
Kiara nodded, they stood and went to bar area. They order two soft drink, sipping it Kiara felt relaxed. They were standing in the corner enjoying their drink but they don't know their husbands are having eye on them.
Ruhi: are you feeling better?
Kiara: yes!
They are talking and Vivan and Aditya was observing them from far while talking with their business partner. Suddenly Ruhi notice a baby was crying in her or his mom arms, Ruhi try to ignore but it was grabbing her attention. Kiara, Aditya, Vivan notices it too as she was looking at that baby continuesly. Not being able to control Ruhi went towards that lady,
Ruhi: excuse, why baby is crying?
Lady: I don't know, I think she is feeling suffocated because of crowd.
Ruhi: oh! It is girl. Lady nodded with smile.
Ruhi: can I take her? Lady nodded and handed over the baby to Ruhi, Ruhi started to play with her, swinging her. Baby stop crying, She was enjoying her time with baby while Vivan was admiring her and Kiara was happy seeing her happy.
Vivan: I think she likes baby.
Aditya: yes it is looking like that.
Vivan: oh I said it loud.
Aditya: do want to admire her secretly?
Vivan: I'm not admiring her.
Aditya: It doesn't look like that.
Vivan: what about you? You're also staring at Kiara from the start.
Aditya: it's not like that. He said looking down, Vivan understand something has happened.
Ruhi was having fun but suddenly her eyes with his, she stopped for moment. Her smile, happiness everything dropped, seeing her facial expressions Kiara got confused and follow her gaze. Looking at Vivan, Kiara understood what happened to Ruhi. Ruhi hand over the baby back to lady, Vivan didn't like it. He was enjoying view, he went towards her while Aditya follow him.
Vivan: why you handed over the baby?
Ruhi didn't reply,
Vivan: Ruhi! He called sternly.
Ruhi: I thought you didn't like it so I handed over. After that day when Ruhi gives punishment to Vivan, Ruhi is LITTLE comfortable with him. She is still scared of him and still avoids him.
Vivan: I like it, continue. His sudden confession suprised them, Ruhi nodded and take the baby again. Ruhi was enjoying so much with her,  she was lost with that baby.
Ruhi: look Kiara her smile. She said to Kiara in excitement,
Kiara: she is so cute.
Ruhi: right, look look she smile again. Ruhi said but baby turn her head to opposite side.
Ruhi: Divya Divya look at Kiara aunty, Divya, Div----.
She stopped in middle, they looked at her. Feeling their gaze Ruhi faked smile and return the baby to lady.
Vivan: what happened?
Ruhi: nothing, when we will return to villa?
Vivan: soon.
Everyone noticed her sudden change but ignored it. Everything was done, saying bye they left from there. The whole time Kiara didn't even once looked at him.

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