Chapter 39: Prove Vivan?

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Next day:
Ishita told everything to her sister in law, Ishita was so nervous and shocked. Kiara & Ruhi was making fun of her while Sanskruti is teasing her, Ishita was so feed of them. Ishita was feeling so shy that she didn't go in front of Daksh, Daksh noticed it and smiled internally. He knows he has an impact on her, and he feel happy to see it. The girls were having fun while teasing Ishita and Ishita was blushing, after so many days they are happy. But Ruhi didn't forget her deadline,
Next day:
After breakfast heirs didn't saw any of the girls, confusedly heirs asked Nandani.
Nandani: Ishita and Kiara went to their parents home, Ruhi & Sanskruti went to brought something.
"Why" Daksh & Aditya asked at the same time and "what" Suraj & Vivan asked at the same time. Nandani laughed a little,
Nandani: so much is happening this days so they both went to their parents house to change the environment, they will return don't worry. And about Sanskruti & Ruhi I don't know, they didn't say reason.
Heirs nodded and left for office,
Meanwhile Sanskruti & Ruhi:
Sanskruti & Ruhi went to Neha's house without telling anyone, they got to know that Vivan accused Neha's family for abusing him but no one knows how much true it is. God knows why but Ruhi beleive that Vivan didn't lie, if he is saying they abuse him then it's true, somehow other girls believe too. Sanskruti & Ruhi are determined to know the truth of this matter, they have fixed the camera in Ruhi's locket, if they say something abusing type or try to do something then it will prove that Vivan was not wrong. They are currently in the kitchen, Neha came
Neha: when you both came?
Sanskruti: just 1 hour ago,
Neha: why you both came?
Sanskruti: Ruhi wants to apologise to you & Masuji.
Neha: really?
She said in taunted way, Ruhi nodded, she came closer to her and harshly grab her jaw.
Neha: don't you have tongue, can't you speak? Open your mouth,
Neha was forcefully opening her mouth,
Neha: I said open your mouth,
Sanskruti pulled Neha away from Ruhi, Ruhi was breathing, Neha jerked Sanskruti and left from there.
Sanskruti: are you ok?
Ruhi nodded, one of the servants came and told them that Ashish is calling Ruhi to his room. Ruhi was so scared but still decide to go, Sanskruti told her not to go alone but she didn't listen. Sanskruti didn't find this as a good idea so she called Suraj,
On call:
Suraj: hello!
Sanskruti: we are outside,
Suraj: I know, but where are you?
Sanskruti got silent, Suraj got a little hint that something was up again.
Suraj: Sanskruti?
Sanskruti: umm, we are at Masi's house,
Suraj: what are you doing there?
He asked tensely,
Sanskruti: Ruhi wants to apologise,
Suraj: Ruhi is with you too?
Fear was in Suraj's voice,
Suraj: do you have any idea how much Vivan will get angry if he got to know?
Sanskruti: I know that's why I called you and not him, please tell him and come here, I'm having bad feelings.
Suraj: did something happened?
Sanskruti: not yet,
Her response convinced her that something was about to happen,
Suraj: ok, we will come in 30 minutes.
They hanged up, meanwhile Ruhi enter in room, Ruhi stand infront of him. He was sitting like a mafia with a dangerous look on his face,and it scared Ruhi.
Ashish: you came, I know you'll come, your family respect us so much, leaving that brat.
Ruhi understood about whom he is talking,
Ashish: he says we abuse them but no one believes him, he is such liar and stupid person. We punish him because of his mistakes and he accused us about abusing, He is a very ungrateful boy.
Her heart beat was racing rapidly, she didn't want something cruel to happen with him in the past.
Ruhi: what kind of punishment you gave to him?
Ashish: he was such a spoiled brat and naughty boy, it was hard to deal with him but he don't know us. I gave him punishment depending on his mistakes, one time he broke our favourite vase so I broke his hand.
He smiled remembering it while Ruhi widen her eyes,
Ashish: He was so clumsy, One time he spilled all the food while bringing it so I didn't give him food for 2 days.
Ruhi: are you really a human? How can you do this?
The first time Ruhi felt anger for someone in her life,
Ashish: I think your also like your husband, I can fix you too.
Ruhi: you abuse him in the past but leave him now, don't come into his life again.
Ashish: first you disrespect us and now accuse us like your husband, you deserve punishment too.
He stood up and slapped her harshly, the force was so much that Ruhi fell on glass table. Ruhi landed on the glass table on her back and the glass table broke, fresh glass pieces hid her. She screams a little because of pain, Sanskruti was outside the door but after hearing glass break noise,she started to bang on door. Sanskruti was worried about Ruhi,
Vivan: bhabhi?
Suddenly Vivan called Sanskruti, Sanskruti looked at Suraj, Vivan called Sanskruti but her eyes only landed on Suraj. She looked at him and left a breath, like finally someone came.
Sanskruti: Ruhi is inside and something is happening inside, please do something.
Vivan and Suraj came running, both bang the door but nothing happened. They looked at each other and broke the door, but next view make Vivan blood boils. Ruhi was lying on ground in glass pieces while Ashish was pulling her hair and Ruhi was struggling while crying. Vivan stormed towards aashish, Vivan grabbed his collar and move away from Ruhi while punching him continuously. Suraj was shocked but thought to leave as he deserves it, Sanskruti & Suraj went to Ruhi.
Suraj: stop, I'll bring her, there is glass.
Sanskruti nodded, Suraj went towards her. He slowly and carefully picked her up, her back was bleeding and she was not able move. Suraj brought Ruhi towards Sanskruti carefully, they were about to give leave but Ruhi stopped.
Ruhi: stop bhai, I have to go to Vivan.
Suraj: he is very angry and I don't want something happened to you.
Ruhi: what if something happened to him? Papa ji will scold him without knowing reason.
Suraj: bu---
Sanskruti: leave her, Vivan will not do anything to her.
Suraj slowly put her down, Ruhi with help of Sanskruti move towards Vivan. Vivan was beating his shit out, it feel like he will die at anytime, he had lost his half conciousness but Vivan was not ready to leave him. Ruhi know nothing can stop him, Ruhi gather all her energy and ran towards him and hug him. As soon Ruhi's body crash on Vivan, Vivan stop beating.
Ruhi: please leave him,
Her voice is like she is pleading, Vivan leaves him but he doesn't hug her back. His breath was uneven and body was hot, all veins were visible, eyes were red, knuckles were all damaged from beating continuously, Ruhi can feel his anger. Ruhi never saw Vivan this angry, Vivan was not able to control anymore and tightly hug her back. Vivan was tightening the hug, while his anger was slowly going down. But his hold on her waist was so tight that it was hurting her, as she got wounds on back. But she control her pain for him, their hug was holding so many meaning, desires, needs that Sanskruti & Suraj also melt. They were admiring them, Ruhi was not able to breath now and pain is unbearable. Ruhi lost her control and hissed in pain, her hold on him loosen. Vivan loosens the hug (not break) and looked at her, he noticed her back and blood on his hand. He sigh and picked her up carefully, and moved out, Sanskruti & Suraj followed them. They reach home, Suraj had already called doc, Vivan hurriedly went to their rooms with Ruhi in his arms. Everyone was shocked seeing them, everyone gathered outside the their room to know what happened, Suraj told them everything. Sanskruti & Vivan were in a room with Ruhi, Vivan moved out of the room when doc said she have to remove Ruhi's clothes. As soon Vivan came out his eyes meet with Saumya, Saumya looked down with guilt, Vivan scoff. Even if Suraj had told everything, Viraj was still not believing it, everyone was able to hear Ruhi's scream because doc was removing glass from her back. Vivan closed his eyes, Everyone could see how much pain he was in, every sec was going like hell for him. After some time Sanskruti with doc came out,
Doc: she is fine, just gave her rest till her wounds recover.
Vivan nodded and doc left,
Sanskruti: I know still some people won't believe that Masi & Masuji (Neha & Ashish) are bad, but don't worry we have proof.
Everyone looked at her confusedly,
Sanskruti: follow me,
Everyone followed her to the hall, Sanskruti put pendrive in tv and a video display on tv, everyone gasped seeing how Neha & Ashish behave with Ruhi while Vivan was getting angry. Suddenly Vivan broke the vase, everyone looked at him. Slowly- slowly Vivan started to break everything present in the hall and in a few minutes he turned the whole hall in complete mess. But still his anger didn't calm, he was continuously punching on the wall, blood started running from his knuckles, hands,arms. Suraj had enough, he couldn't see his brother like this, same with Daksh & Aditya. Suraj looked at Daksh and Daksh nodded, both looked at Aditya, Aditya gave them look like 'let's go'. They came forward and tried to stop him,
Suraj: control yourself Vivan,
Daksh: calm down, she needs you.
Vivan stopped and looked at Daksh,
Vivan: when she wakes up, I'll meet her first.
With this he left from there, after him Viraj left and slowly-slowly everyone left.
When Ruhi woke up, Vivan was the first person and only person in room she met. Ruhi was little scared of him, knowing how badly she had messed up and anger was clearly visible on his face. They were just staring at each other, Ruhi gulped and spoke.
Ruhi: Vivan,
Vivan didn't reply,
Ruhi: I'm sorry!
Vivan: why did you went there without telling me?
He asked while raising his voice a little,
Ruhi: Because I knew, you wouldn't let me go,
Vivan: why you want to go on first place? Didn't I tell you there is no need to apologise.
He said annoyingly plus anger too,
Ruhi: I didn't went to apologise,
Ruhi said looking down,
Vivan: then?
He asked confusedly,
Ruhi: to prove you,
Vivan sigh and then burst out,
Vivan: I don't need anyone to believe me Ruhi, I just want you. When I saw you like that, I feel like my soul left my body, I want to destroy everything, everything including me.
His voice was like pleading type, like he is scared.
Vivan: When you take a stand for me, for the first time I felt warm from inside, when you said you beleive me I felt like someone hug my soul, your presence is insane. Your presence only can calm this beast, I want to get rid of these anger issues, this beast side because it hurts so much, so much.
He said last line in low tone,
Vivan: Please heal me, change me, I want to see the world with another perspective, with your perspective, I want you, just you.
He said everything in low and calm tune,
Ruhi: believe me, believe yourself that you can change and everything will be fine.
She said while smiling, Vivan sat beside her and cupped her face with his hand. He stare at her without saying anything, he kissed her forehead and connect their forehead.
Vivan: I'm blessed to have you,
Ruhi looked at him,
Vivan: even if I have to die then also I'll never leave you.

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