Chapter 42: Sanskruti out burst

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Nandani: no, no please don't go anywhere, we will do anything you will tell but don't go. Sanskruti beta, please make them understand, I'll make you head of this family. Plea-----
Sanskruti: still you don't get dadi, they don't need head who can control them. They need humanity, which they can have by their own no one can give that.
Everyone looked at her with surprise, she said like she is now feed up from this,
Sanskruti: you forced us to marry them to change them, but what about us, you become this greedy and lost your all humanity that you can't see the change behaviour we are having. You brought us to change them knowing the consequences very well, we changed them and they changed us. Whatever they went through, you made us to go through that.
She bear enough, she is not able to control now, one by one problem, seeing loved ones in pain. Her words was expressing the pain she is going through, her words were going deep down in everyone's heart.
Sanskruti: Whatever happened with us for that they are not responsible, you are! Because of you I lost my parents, my dad is in hospital because of you and I can't go to meet him. Because of you Ishita lost herself and became a statue,
Everyone looked at Ishita,
Sanskruti: do you all know when Ishita came back from her parents house what she said to Chachi "mummy jii you can do whatever you want with me, but don't complain about me to my parents, think that you have bought me and I don't have anyone in this world". That time we all are busy with Ruhi's incident that it slipped,
Daksh looked at Meegha and then Ishita,
Sanskruti: because of you Ruhi lost her smile and become a robot like your family wants. Because of you Kiara lost the little things she had and became a dead person, this all happened because of you and you still have guts to make us stay here. I have never seen greedy, cruel and selfish persons like your family have, when you took us in the garden and told us about our work that time only I understand how selfish you are but still I did this because of Suraj, infact we all did because of our husband.
Heirs looked at their wives,
Sanskruti: Surely they did very wrong with us but you are all responsible for that, our husbands are not bad, they are bad because you're bad. You said we have to change them but how can we? We have to change their world to change them, because their world is so cruel for good & innocent people. Look you all change us also in just a few months, so their behaviour is obvious as they are living in this hell for so long. Until their in this house nothing will change, we can heal wounds by applying medicine on wounds, not like wounds are on left hand and we can apply medicine on right hand. I will not stop them because this family don't deserve them, nor they deserve this family, if they stay here then they will be like this forever.
All the time Nandani was looking down while her tears never stopped, Saumya was crying too.
Sanskruti: everyone says that no one take place of a mother, mother meaning is a house of love, warmness and peace. How can you both become like this, you change the meaning of mother word. Mummy ji is still better, atleast they understood there mistakes but you chachi, when you will understand?
Now Sanskruti voice was little calm but emotional,
Sanskruti: Remember the day when Daksh was born, what was the first thought came in your mind, when you went through so much pain in delivery and heard new born baby's voice. I'm sure that thought was not I will make him suffer, after Daksh you got Aditya but I'm sure that time you had a selfish thought. I don't expect anything from men, because they don't know the pain women went through to born a child. But you know still you decided to become mother like this.
Sanskruti looked at Jairaj & Viraj,
Sanskruti: father means shelter, who will protects us, prepared to us to face world. But neither you take your responsibility nor they, mother and father is just word in this house.
Meegha was lost in her talks, Viraj & Jairaj finally understood their mistake.
Sanskruti: but this all don't give you permission to become like this or behave like this, what you think we all don't have past? Yes we have but does it affect anyone. You all choose cruelty because you wanted, because of you we went through so much, you all were first to break us then your family came.
Again her voice turn into fierce, she turn to Suraj and spoke while controlling her emotions.
Sanskruti: Because of you my dad is in hospital and I can't meet him, because of you they are having hard time, because of you I'm here, this why I never treat you nicely when we got married because everything happened because of you. You think I behave badly with you because you think me as your own property but this was the main reason.
Sanskruti speak harshly while some tears left from her eyes, which was giving witness of her pain, and everyone witness it but it had different impact on Suraj.
Suraj: what do you mean by forcing you for this marriage?
Sanskruti looked away from him, everyone was confused at this point and finally Nandani decided to speak.
Nandani: I'll tell you all everything tomorrow, take rest for today. Aditya, take Kiara to your room, everyone go to your room.
Heirs don't want this but still followed her order, Sanskruti went to guest room. Vivan & Daksh was curious but they don't know what to ask & how to ask, Suraj was curious too but his wife didn't give him chance to ask about anything. Meanwhile Aditya enter in room with Kiara, he placed her down on her feet, he was continuously looking down. He turn to leave but suddenly back hugged her, Kiara can hear his sobs.
Kiara: Aditya, what happened?
Aditya: I was the reason you committed suicide, wasn't I? Your in this condition because me, right?
Kiara: no,
Kiara replied immediately,
Aditya: don't lie,
Kiara: I'm not lying, look at me,
Aditya looked at her,
Kiara: it's not your fault,nor your the reason, something happened.
Aditya: what happened? And why happened, if I'm not responsible then who?
Kiara: it happened because its was written in my destiny, please leave it, I don't want to talk about that.
Aditya: ok, you can tell me whenever you feel like,I'll wait. Let's sleep, you need rest.
Kiara nodded but didn't leave him,
Kiara: please sleep with me,
Aditya was stunned but not say anything, because he know she need him and he need her. They slept together but there was no physical touch, That night went like a whole year for everyone, There is no sleep in anyone's eye, heirs just want to pass this night and know the truth soon, while girls are tensed, scared because what will happen after knowing truth.
Next day:
After breakfast everyone gathered in the hall, hardly everyone had their breakfast properly, because now everyone was curious and the urge to know the truth was eating them up. Everyone sat on sofa's, Nandani sat on single king size sofa and begin her story.
Nandani: I never thought this day will come like this, I'll tell everything from start and make fair decision at the end.
With full concentration everyone listen to her,
Nandani: Tejas and I worked together to build this empire 'Oberois Empire', it was hard, so hard but we became each other power and make it up. We become rich, I stop working and focused on family, I wanted to make a good environment for my childrens. Today's generation youth is so bad, I don't wanted that so I created a new environment for my childrens. I made some rules & regulations to make them disciplined, mannered, qualified and strong. I was so determined in this that I didn't pay attention to another changes happening in them, they don't only become disciplined, mannered, qualified and strong but also become a hard, arrogant, ego, merciless. They lost their humanity and real meaning of love, it took me time to realise it. I became numb, I don't know what to do but I didn't give up. I started to find a girl for Viraj, who will make this house a home, and then I find Saumya. Saumya was a kind and polite girl, I arranged their marriage but nothing changed, because Saumya accepted & loved Viraj as he was. She was old cultural girl, who will wait for her husband, listen to him, followed his every order without arguing. After Saumya came this house turn into home a little bit, Viraj started to love her and Saumya made good bond with Jairaj. But everything fall apart when Meegha entered, Meegha was from the greedy family, who crave for love. Because Meegha belongs to a greedy family Jairaj never treats her right, he will compare her with Saumya, never paying attention to her efforts. After getting rejected by her husband Meegha was all alone, she was not able to digest this rejection and turn into that person which Jairaj thinks of her. Slowly-slowly her poison spread all over this house, Saumya & Jairaj started fighting, because of this distance occurred in Saumya & Viraj, and Slowly Saumya changed too. This all happened during Suraj birth time, Suraj & Daksh birth was happiest moment for Saumya & Meegha, because after that both completely changed into different person. Saumya always liked to humiliate Meegha while Meegha wants everything better than Saumya, it becomes war between them and in all this Suraj & Daksh become victims.

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