I wish we could turn back time.

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Killer took a sip from his mug, gently holding it.

Currently, Dust and Cross huddled next to his sides as apparently he was the warmest out of them. Horror even went and hugged him from behind.

Nightmare was still on his chair, but he was also shivering from the cold. Killer still wonders if it's actually that cold right now.

He took another sip before gulping down his hot chocolate, deciding that a sip wasn't enough for him. He also ate the marshmallows as it tasted good anyways.

He practically breathed out a pleased sigh and placed the mug on the table again. He thought of getting up towards Nightmare, but the grip the others had was quite tight, so he'll let them be.

He wonders if his personality is even the same, it always seems that he'd get reincarnated sometimes without RESET's so it's both a pleasure and pain for him.

Because he obviously doesn't know what the person or skeleton's personality is, as his currently inhabiting the body. But they don't seem to question, for some reason...

They don't seem to mind. So it's fine, right?


His still confused about the supposed coldness. The others seemed really bothered by it.

He did like the jacket, gloves and beanie he got though, so he won't question it.

Nightmare moved much closer and wrapped all of them in his tentacles. At this moment, the once cold tentacles were warm, like being near a fireplace. Which they are right now.

Killer couldn't look at them properly. He probably can't even look at his "enemies" properly. Besides, in his past life, they fucking killed him as Cross. Well, Horror, Dust and Killer did.

He didn't know where Nightmare was, probably oblivious to what his supposed "sons" were doing to his youngest. (Was he young? He went through a lot of lives and had different ages. Is he young? He didn't know. He probably was in his actual past life, maybe early twenties? He didn't know he didn't know he didn't know he didn't-) He supposed that he was elsewhere, busy with something. Like always.

He stared at his now empty mug. Feeling numb again, he didn't like that feeling. It felt weird, and unlike him.

He broke out of his trance when he felt someone clung to him more tightly, and heard a rumbled purr behind him. That made him smile a bit, finding it almost difficult not to actually react and hug Horror back.

Cross was nuzzling him by his side as Dust leaned into him, obviously trying to get his warmth.

His still confused. But he felt tired, like he wanted to sleep.

His eye-sockets felt heavy. But he didn't want to sleep. Especially at this time. It wasn't the afternoon yet.

He didn't like to sleep much. At least not anymore. He subtly remembered that he used to sleep a LOT in his actual past life. But now? He would try every damn thing to just not. sleep. at. all.

He didn't like the bad memories he had at all. (He didn't like to call it bad dreams or nightmares. The idea of calling it that felt sickening to him for some reason.

But he also felt bitter at some of THEM as he hated the way they made him feel.) He didn't want to burden anyone for his problems, he was too far gone anyways. No one can stop his everlasting curse of repeated cycles of life.

But he guessed they could make it better. Ease his problems away, even for just a moment, a minute or a day.

It was better than wallowing in his pains alone and numb than having someone not be there with him.

He knew what that felt.

He experienced it practically everyday. And he would make damn sure no one else he loves feels it.


Killer was...acting different. Very different. Was Cross's first thought as he looked up at the tear marked skeleton just blankly staring.

He was also breathing quite quickly and heavily.

Cross expected Killer to make some sort of noise, like knocking on the wall or something so everyone could know he was there.

But he was quiet. Uncharacteristically quiet.

It felt abnormal, out of place for Cross. He...didn't really like it. But he didn't do anything about it. Maybe Killer was just having a bad day waking up, that's all.

But he can't help but feel that isn't entirely the case.

He noticed that Killer's eye-sockets seemed to droop slightly, but he quickly opened them up more widely. Seemingly trying to stay awake.

Cross was now concerned. Did Killer sleep at all last night? Perhaps not...

He'll try to make him sleep later. He does have to take care of himself anyways.


He liked this, cuddling with his family.

Horror rumbled out a pleased purr, hugging the wrapped up trio close as he continued.

Horror really liked them, especially Nightmare. His nice to him and his bros, he gave them food, shelter and clothes.

He looked after them since two years ago, he liked Nightmare.

Horror's purr got louder, getting shaky chuckles from everyone besides Killer who just leaned into him, bringing the other two with him.

He still couldn't understand why Killer wasn't cold, it was practically freezing outside! They knew that, as they accidentally opened the door to go outside.

Lessons learned, check the weather on the internet first before you go out and decide it's a good idea for a walk.

Horror let out a tiny whine at that thought, feeling Dust move about to look at him in confusion as he pouted.

Horror couldn't help it okay, he just wanted a walk. The cold ruined that.

But hey, at least they could spend time together anyways.


Killer felt incredibly tired, his eye-sockets were heavy, drooping down as he tried to stay awake.

He yawned as he leaned further into Horror, almost sliding on the floor.

He was really, really tired. But he didn't want to sleep. Sleep felt terrible for him, especially if he had those.

Sleep felt kinda like a volcano. Sometimes, you won't know you slept for a long while until you erupt and feel your emotions going haywire and crazy if you had a bad memory vision or some other shit.

He yawned again as his eye-sockets almost closed, feeling safe and secure but also not at the same time.

He didn't want to feel trapped in his own mind, trapped by bad visions of his multiple past lives, trapped by his own family that was currently different than before.

He didn't want to sleep, but his body begged for it, practically pleading him to actually sleep without a care in the world.

Few minutes after, he passed out, asleep. Feeling increasingly safe and secure in his family's e̶n̶e̶m̶i̶e̶s b̶e̶t̶r̶a̶y̶e̶r̶s embrace.

But he knew. By the time he'd wake up.

Everything would go to shit and he'd feel bad for everything even though it's not exactly his fault.

But for now, he'll pretend his pain isn't real. Even for a few minutes or hours.

He kinda wished he can turn back time willingly.

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