Hope is excruciatingly cruel.

544 62 11

Fell yawned in the comforts of his room. Well, not exactly his room. More like the room in the gangs mansion really.

Apparently after deeming him momentarily safe and innocent, he was reluctantly given a room. Which not gonna lie, was a nice fucking room actually. Even if a little gloomy looking, but who was he to judge? He had rooms like these before so eh.

The bedding was soft at least, he liked that one fact. It was better than the fucking ground at least, the ground was rough and it was hard to sleep unlike the bed.

Anyway, where was he? Oh yeah, he probably was gonna say that he was damn tired. It'd been a rough day for him, and for the others too perhaps, and he would rather sleep it off right now. But he couldn't, sadly.

His body just seemed to refuse sleeping as a whole, which fuck you body, he didn't like those shit happening to him.

Ugh..he wished he had some kind of soothing music to put him to sleep, he didn't want to admit it but he suddenly liked listening to music to fall asleep to. It calmed his nerves down, enough to let his guard fall down, and eventually fall asleep comfortably.

But he won't admit it to anyone, lest if they want to literally dust him in his goddamn sleep. That was one way to die. Sleeping when you were a Fell Sans, and then waking up as either a Farmtale Sans or Swap Sans. Harsh reality huh?

Whatever. 's not like he can do much of anything anyways, he really can't. That'd be kinda breaking the rules of a fictional character huh?

Wait. What the fuck happened again? What did he say?? ...fucking whatever, probably nothing important, if it was, it probably wasn't to him.

Maybe he should just stay up a bit longer..


Reaper was quite surprised Error had let him go and do his job. He kinda thought he would keep him there in the Anti-void longer...he already missed Undernovela, and it was on a good moment too!

Oh well...can't do much of it anyways, he does have a job to do..and it's basically like doing work as a human but probably a few times worse since you don't get to have a break for more than just maybe five minutes or something.

Agh..what was he thinking of again? Ah whatever, it probably wasn't that important to him anyways.

He hummed soothingly as he sat down on the grass, gently cupping a SOUL as it calmed down. His scythe momentarily forgotten for the time being as he waited for the SOUL to eventually calm down.

It's times like these that he liked the fact that some SOUL's wouldn't panic too excessively when seeing his appearance, but of course he still had to soothe them down so he can continue his job.

He liked holding SOUL's of monsters, maybe it was because it was easier to comfort them than humans, since they can tell someone's intent through the SOUL. In this specific life that is.

It was..fascinating, to say the least. And he liked it. Because it could mean he can just pour his intent on something when speaking gets a bit too hard for him.

But he does hope they know what it means technically..hm..

Reaper blinked out of his trance when he heard he heard a almost bell like noise, smiling softly when he realized it was the SOUL. He liked the noises the SOUL's made, they had different ones for different traits.

He chuckled quietly to himself as the SOUL flew up to his neck to snuggle there.

He'll let the little SOUL-ling stay there for now, besides, he still has a job to do anyways.

Maybe this life would be more bearable than his last two lives..


Fell didn't come out of the room (he didn't have the heart in him to say it was his now, it really wasn't. The gang was just being nice.) and his like, half sure the gang is worried.

Horror had came to his room at least three times now, asking if he wanted to come down to eat. Of course Fell just had to fucking say he wasn't hungry and denying everything about his hunger being obvious as hell.

Because he sure as fuck didn't deserve the food currently, I mean..he sometimes wouldn't accept the food when he was in the cell, so what if he skipped a meal? It wouldn't fucking matter anyways.

He'd just be reborn over and over again, an neverending loop of multiple lives on top of another one. It seriously wouldn't matter anyway.

It didn't matter if he was Ink, Error, Nightmare, Dream, Swap..or the other gang members. It didn't matter if he was Outer, Farm or Sci. And it definitely didn't fucking matter if he was Reaper, Fell, Geno or Lust.

I mean. Why would he matter to anyone? He was just a human in multiple Sanses body, he was practically a nobody. It genuinely wouldn't matter.

Especially if you were here to witness it firsthand and do nothing about it.


Reaper blinked away the tears as he tried to forget that little flashback. Stupid little flashback coming in while he works...he dislikes (dislike is a little too mild isn't it?) those thoughts coming in at the worst possible time.

He jumps a bit as he heard multiple gentle ticking noises. He chuckled with no mirth in particular when he remembered that he had little SOUL-lings with him right now.

Ah..him and his thoughts being little buddies...not really but he liked to think off that. Even if thoughts didn't have a literal actual form. Unless something happens, you'd never know for sure, especially in this fandom.

He hums quietly as he got back to work, thinking on how many times he'd have broken the fourth wall...maybe ten by now. Or was it more than ten? Maybe the readers could answer that one..if they want to that is.

He smiled at the thought, trying not to laugh or else he'll just let out full blown manic laughter with it anyways, he didn't want to scare the SOUL-lings now...

Hm..he wonders how Grim is doing right now, maybe doing his job aswell...didn't he ask for a break from Asgore? Or was it the day before...his losing track of time now..

Repeated Reincarnation (REWRITE!) {LONG HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now