I have a bad feeling about you...

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Fell still couldn't tell how long he'd been here in the Mansion. But he obviously knew one thing, and that it was his practical kidnappers (aka the gang *cough*) that decided they'd give him more food. Which, okay cool whatever, but damn it he wouldn't lie if he said the food was fucking good.

And he still couldn't tell how long he was in this dungeon for...might've been a long while if he didn't knew. Damn it.

He could just bust out of this room, if he could change his form without some sort of camera around here....knowing his bad luck, there probably was. Whatever then. He didn't care about a stupid camera more than his own life.

And he was getting pretty close to demanding on being let out. Ironic he didn't do it sooner rather than later. But he was always like this no matter how he denies it.

Which was a lot of times actually now that he thinks about it...hm. Maybe he should just accept one thing about him for once. But knowing how he acts like such a bitch and desperately trying to forget every painful thing, he doubted he would even accept himself as a whole.

And- holy fuck, that was some bright ass light that just came over his cell. Jesus fucking christ...why did those idiots have to open it at a time like this??

Okay, maybe he should shut up in his mind now..nah. It's fine, and besides. You guys are here anyways to hear his depressing thoughts whenever his captured or some other shit.

Okay okay...perhaps he should genuinely stop talking in his mind. The skeleton in front of him seemed to be getting weirded out.

Dang it. He should've gotten his glasses earlier..it's too damn blurry and he doesn't like it. He blames on being blind in his human life. Well, not really blind but you get the jest. Probably-

Oh well. He'll just wait and see what his children want out of him.


Half good news. Error released him from his, uh, hug? His not even sure if it was one. Half bad news. His still stuck in Error's sttings so theres that.

It felt really uncomfortable, and it was practically digging into his bones. Guess it'll leave a scar then..like always.

And he feels exhausted actually...but whether emotionally or physically, he didn't know. Most likely both, he did just reap SOUL's earlier...and you already know what's happening with his stupid ass mind.

He feels a bit lightheaded though...and his sockets just refused to stay open for more than five minutes. How many times has he slept now? Kind of seems like the author is running out of ideas...

Which that I am, sorry :(...

Hehe. Don't worry about it so much. You've done enough anyways.

Oh. Where was he? It seemed like he was talking to thin air..silly him. There isn't anyone else here, asides from himself and Error of course.

It seems he got too caught up in his thoughts once more. And Error is basically forgotten...sad, but this ain't about him for the moment at least.

Well, not like every character gets enough screen time to have development, mostly my fault, as I suck ass at character development and dialogue.

The skeleton shook his skull around when he felt the tingling feeling of someone being seated at his right side. And no he wasn't talking about Error, he was seated to his left.

He doesn't know why he mentioned that...it wasn't that important to mention anyways. But he did feel the urge to say it for some reason..weird.

Hm. He must've just felt air...once again, weird. How can air get into the Anti-void? There isn't any way for it to come in either way..oh well.

And- oh. Was that Undernovela? That AU is really interesting..so he of course watched it in his free time as Error. He did feel a bit bad for using their AU as a drama show.

But he kinda liked drama..if it wasn't about him, and when it wasn't about anything too serious. Then again Undernovela seemed quite serious in terms of drama...it's not his problem though, so he doesn't really pay much attention to it..

Oooo.....it was getting really good right now..okay, he'll relax for a moment and forget his job for now..he has a show to come back to as of right now.


Shit. He almost fucked up. He almost exposed himself to the others damn it. He should really pay attention more...then maybe no one would know.

Well. They always don't know. Because of course he wouldn't let them know. It was almost useless anyways, he'd die before they could do anything. It wouldn't make a difference at all.

Ah fuck. He got off track there- shit, already? He hadn't even gotten interogated yet, his still in the damn throne room right now.

..actually, he should pay attention, lest if he wants his skull sliced with a tentatacle. Or a axe. He didn't like either but whatever, his been through with 'em before no biggie.

..ugh. His getting too uncomfortable here, why they'd gotta tie his wrists again?? Safety precautions and all that bullshit seems unnecessary, they were all stronger than him so he didn't know what they were doing.

And he was feeling extra tired, noted from the probably noticeable dark circles beneath his sockets currently.

He sighed quietly and waited with baited breathe for whatever will happen to him. He hoped it wasn't anything bad, his already done with life throwing their shit at him for the past few cycles.

He really hoped it wasn't anything bad...


Reaper didn't know Error was looking at him with a look that almost said that he knew. That he knew Reaper wasn't who he was currently.

He checked Reaper's stats, unknowningly by the skeleton before him of course. And the fact it was all glitched out, to the point he couldn't read it even if there was some binary in it, surprised Error to say the least.

Error narrowed his sockets at the skeleton before him, scrutinizing him to look at even a hint of anything unusual. There didn't seem to be any, but Error had to make sure.

His sockets sharpened as a single thought crossed his mind.

I have a bad feeling about you, little grim reaper...

Repeated Reincarnation (REWRITE!) {LONG HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now