Too good to be true.

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He was so hungry. He was starving. And yet, she didn't give them any supplies or food at all.

Why did she do this? What does she get out of this? She's just hurting all of them.

He didn't like her, not anymore. She used to be his friend. Now she's just nothing more than a traitor to him and his brother.

Why did the human leave? They left, killing the king and queen as they went. They killed some monsters aswell, looking like they didn't regret a thing at all.

He was so hungry...but yet. He knew he shouldn't eat. His brother needed the food more than he did.

He was selfish anyways.


Killer was just a little bored, and lonely, but there wasn't much to do.

He could write, but his getting a little more drained than usual. So that's crossed out.

He didn't want to get up, the floor in his room was unexpectedly more comfortable than he thought. Maybe because of the fluffy carpet that he had.

He sighed as he rolled over and yawned, getting increasingly bored. (Not like he didn't have a breakdown just two days ago. It almost seemed like he just had one right now. Or that he was just THIS close on having a breakdown again.)

He could go to the library...he did like reading, he'd read books before in his past lives. Especially as Nightmare, a lot of Nightmare's seems to like books a lot...

But again, he didn't want to get up at all, but he was bored..

To the library then, he couldn't handle his boredom.

He teleported to the library (He finally remembered that he had literal magic-) and yawned again.

He calmly walked inside, taking his time as he was safely inside a building, where he couldn't be surprise attacked. (He unknowingly remembers that he was attacked in his own home. Multiple times, heck he even died once because of it! HE HATED THE FEELING OF BEING SURROUNDED)

The library wasn't dark, but not too bright as well. Just the perfect lighting he could say.

He paused as he saw a book that caught his interest. He didn't know Nightmare had this in his library, maybe he didn't see it...

The book was about AU's. He vaguely remembers a AU Sans named Abyss that had a similar book as this one, he vaguely remembers the Sans being one of his favorites...

He curiously grabs it out of the shelf, slowly sliding down the floor to get into a comfortable position to read. He could go and sit on a chair elsewhere, but he wanted to place the book back where it was without forgetting where it originally was.

He flipped to the first page, curious to see what was inside.


He didn't really like what was happening right now.

He knew that Nightmare would come get him, but..he didn't think it would be this early... was it early? He didn't really know, couldn't remember much. He didn't like that.

He didn't like this Nightmare. He was just like his canon self. Cruel, manipulative, greedy, selfish and other sorts of things.

He didn't like the others as well. Killer was too cruel in his taunts or his supposed pranks, Dust was too annoyed, too agitated, Cross was too serious, too obedient to Nightmare.

He was glad that they didn't really acknowledge him much. He was glad that sometimes in his lives, he was ignored, and in a sickeningly good kind of way.

Because then he couldn't get into much trouble, and he preferred it that way.

He sort of wishes he could eat though.

Maybe next time.


Killer couldn't help himself and had read more books than he thought he would. He did place them back when he was done though.

He was still reading, he didn't know the time. But he did hear the ticking of the grandfather clock in the library, he could at least hear it going off two times. But he wasn't sure what it meant specifically.

He wasn't sure where the others were, he did remember that they left to go somewhere, probably to their rooms if anything.

He shivered a little at the light breeze coming in. Was a window open? Or was it actually really cold still that it could come inside the mansion?

He perked up as he flipped the page to see Error, a little confused on who made this. If they think Error is an enemy, why would they include him for?

He grimaced as he saw the info inside. He didn't know what Error was like in this Multiverse, but they really gotta tone down their hate for the guy geez...

He oddly felt attacked, emotionally that is. Maybe because he was Error as well.

That could get really confusing..


They were fighting the Stars again. They always fight them, and they would win. Again and again and again and again...

Well, you get the point already. They never lost against the Stars, ever. Not once, but they were sometimes close to it.

Nightmare got too much of an ego to let them lose.

He didn't know the benefit of fighting the Stars, he couldn't get it. Why fight when you can ignore them anyways? Sometimes, he felt like he was the only one with a brain even if he actually didn't have one.

He was fighting Blue again. He thought it was kinda unfair as he was bigger than him. But he did feel a little proud of Blue not backing down at all even with a disadvantage.

Blue was honestly great by battling someone like him almost every day. He felt bad for basically having to fight him.

So he made himself much easier to battle this time, but not that easily as Nightmare would get suspicious of him..

He paused as he heard a loud screech, holding Blue down to the ground as he snapped his skull up. He felt shock go through him as he saw the scene in front of him.

Nightmare was clutching his skull as an arrow was in his only visible eye-socket. It wasn't an ordinary arrow, it was an arrow made of positivity.

He flinched as Nightmare growled and snapped at Dream as the guardian was backing away, looking almost horrified at what he'd done.

He gently let go of Blue, standing up but slouching ever so slightly. He simply ignored Blue getting up and rushing towards Dream.

He couldn't take his gaze away from the scene.

It felt oddly familiar to him, not only the scene but the scream as well.

He felt like he went through this before.


Killer hummed as he had a thought. He flipped the page, almost finishing the book.

He could get a nickname, one where he couldn't get confused for if he was in another Multiverse. He didn't know why he didn't thought of this before.

Then again, would he even go into another Multiverse? The chances were slim, but perhaps not that low...

He sighed as he rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming in.

He didn't know why he was getting those lately. But he vaguely remembered that he would get headaches in his actual past life. He didn't know when..that could be a problem, especially for him.

He was interested on getting a nickname though, just for him to know so he didn't confuse himself.

Yeah. He cou- should get one. Maybe then life wouldn't be so confusing.

Repeated Reincarnation (REWRITE!) {LONG HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now