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He feels really lightheaded...and he feels out of breath as well..is something over his mouth and nose to stabilize his breathing? He can even hear beeping...it doesn't sound good if anything.

He can't exactly open his sockets...that's fine. He doesn't really care anymore. Dying in a hospital seems rather nice..just him and the world as he drifts off to sleep.

But his still alive. Or at least he thinks so? He feels like he isn't connected to life...the universe decided to fuck him up more huh? No matter then.

His SOUL hurts...it hurts so much, much more than earlier. At this point, death should just claim him and end his suffering and stuff him into his next life. At least that would be better than having to die painfully.

He kind of wonders whose body his basically gonna take over...maybe Horror? His cycles seem to like going in order of any Sanses that always stick together...like the Murder Time Trio, the Star Sanses, and the twins..

It would've maybe been cool, if he wasn't already in hell right now. Everything is so burning hot. Like the lava at Hotland. Don't ask him how he knows that, he definitely did not jump in there a few times in his cycles.

Sci is constantly in his room since he needed to be there to stabilize the Sans. Said skeleton felt bad for keeping him here. The scientist seemed stressed out, and always seems to try and keep tabs on his health.

He shouldn't have gone outside..

And fuck the rain for being poisonous. He swears if any Deity did that, he'd stab them on sight if he was Error or Ink. Or literally anyone, it didn't even matter to him at this point.

Or any higher beings above the Deities. Perhaps the creators did this as well. Damn them. Always sneaky and mischievous to do anything to mess their creations more, even if unknowingly making them unstable.

And yeah, he was gonna ignore the fact he was a creator once. In his teenage years when he was human, but whatever-

And is he thinking about this while literally on his death bed? Yes, yes he was. Does he care? Mostly. Probably not. He wouldn't actually die anyways.

And he was probably the biggest prick ever. And he doesn't know how to feel about it..maybe he should just ignore his thoughts and try to stay alive for his SOULmates.

He really did not want to know what their reactions will be when his gone...why does his mind keep thinking about it? His just gonna feel guilt and shame till his next life..and he wasn't sure if he deserved it.

Maybe he did. For even worrying them anyway.


What were they talking about? He can't hear anything past static...and he was wrapped up in Nightmare's tentacles. It felt cold..he liked it. It was like ice.

He suddenly feels sleepy...maybe he could nap for a few hours, he was pretty sure he hadn't slept in a while...the idea of it seemed nice..

They aren't allowing him though, having to shake him awake if he even thought of letting his sockets droop down. They look concerned though, no matter how they tried to hide it.

It would've been nice, if he didn't feel the faint pressure of anger and resentment right now. But those were like a blanket being gently placed on top of him. So he'll just ignore it..

What were they talking about? He couldn't hear anything past ringing static..it kind of hurts his nonexistent ears. But the grounding and cold weight of Nightmare's tentacles felt good..he really wants to sleep now.

Unfortunate that they aren't letting him though. It would've been nice if he just drifted away to sleep.

He wonders about his next life..was he gonna be Dream? He hoped not...he didn't wanna die painfully, and be manipulated as a child..it would just break his mental health more.

Oh. Their walking away. With him? That's a first, his wondering what they're gonna do to him...nothing bad, he hoped.

His thinking on how he still has hope..he thought it would dissolve into nothingness. Guess not huh? It's interesting to him though..on how he still has hope, still wishing that something good for once will happen to him..

He knows that'll just be a faraway dream. He knew it wouldn't happen. Not now, and certainly not in a thousand years since this was about him.

But maybe...just maybe it would..

Ah. His getting distracted...what was he even talking about again? It didn't seem to be important anyway. His a bit more concerned on what the others are gonna do to him.

Maybe....they'd throw him in the VOID of Outertale? He kinda liked the VOID...if you ignore the agonizing pain of being ripped apart again and again..

He got used to it anyway...it didn't hurt..much.

Wonder what's gonna happen...


He feels extremely lightheaded...and he feels like his gonna pass out at any second..and he sees black spots dancing around his vision. Well, he definitely knows that isn't good.

The room was spinning..and he wasn't sure if he could feel his body right now. He felt like he was there..but also not.

And Sci seems really panicked right now...pacing back and forth around and in front of the bed he was on..at least he thought it was? Great. He already dissociated from reality.

He grunts quietly, and weakly too, as Sci gently places both his hands on his skull and chest. Both glowed a green color and immediately warmth, and relief seeped into him.

But it certainly wasn't enough. It just seemed to make him feel more tired...but it did at least help him a little..but not enough.

Sci's breathing sped up in panic, as he notices the machine that was used to stabilize the Sans was beeping more slowly and not as rapidly as before.

Sci was certainly going to berate himself if he didn't at least save this Sans, he was brought in by the Bad Sanses for goodness sake! And he wasn't going to just try and give up..not now.

He shouldn't have hope.

Not even a minute after, the machine rang loudly as the scientist fell to his knees, dust coating the hospital bed and his fingertips as his eyelights turned to small dots. Tears swelled up in his eye-sockets.

That would be the day where Sci will continuously feel guilt for not helping faster, or even just enough as he told the news to the others with a choked voice and a heavy weight settling in his SOUL.

Sci will feel guilt for his entire life, since he couldn't save a life, no matter how much he tried. He'd continuously degrade himself whenever he remembered that moment.

He couldn't even look at them when he told them about the news and apologized for their loss.

(That day, will also be the day where the grim reaper felt confused. Since the SOUL he was looking for to take with him...


Repeated Reincarnation (REWRITE!) {LONG HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now