Hm. (trigger warning?)

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He feels a little sick...he felt like throwing up, but he hadn't eaten anything yet so he couldn't really throw up anything inside since he doesn't have any contents in his ecto-stomach... Or maybe it was a metaphorical feeling - like he was touched inappropriately...he hates it. He especially hates the feeling of multiple pairs of hands touching him everywhere on his body, like he's just an object.

Then again, he couldn't really do anything about that, can he? Life decided to murder his ass and put him in the life of a Lust Sans. He liked Lust really, but he would rather fucking die painfully than having to deal with this bullshit.

It didn't help the fact he was forced into the life of a prostitute and a stripper.. Whatever really. And he hated the fact that he couldn't change shit about this one life at all.

At least Paps has a wonderful partner out of Mettaton, they look really adorable know damn well he had taken pictures of them together looking cute as fuck. He's saving 'em for safe keeping, and when he gotta embarrass the both of them.

He chuckled at the thought, a warm smile on his face as he thought of the two. They were really made for each other huh? Heh.. he wished he had someone like that. He shook his skull at the bizarre thought. 'course he wouldn't be with someone. That just can't happen with what he's currently experiencing! No one would want to be with him forever...nor would they live on to the next life like he does. Ugh, can't he at least have something good for once in his life?

Hm. Guess he won't. He doesn't mind it, really. He just... prefers to have someone beside him... for once in his many lives. But he can't have that, now can he? He really can't...


Reaper..was confused. Quite confused really. He wasn't really sure why. Someone..invited him, to just. Talk. That was it. Nothing else..

He really was desensitized to be confused to just be invited for small talk, huh? It was to Ccino's cafe too as Maybe he should go. It would be rude if he didn't go after all...

Should he get properly dressed than just going in with a robe? It would be..weird to see someone in a robe, and with no shoes...maybe he should wear a hoodie instead, it'd be a good enough cover for someone like him.

Did he even have a hoodie of some kind? He doesn't really..remember wearing one when he was younger, as Reaper at least. Wait- was this some form of a date?! Oh dear- he hadn't thought that far ahead...but- it was Nightmare who requested to meet him at the cafe to just have a conversation. was..? He isn't sure if he could love again...not after his last life.

He just hoped it wasn't some kind of date, he doesn't think he can handle that kind of stuff yet.. Well- he can't handle a lot of stuff now, to be fair. As if life can be fair, like right now. He keeps hoping for a lot of things to happen and to not happen.

He just- wants everything to stop..He wants it to stop. He kept wishing and hoping for a change, for a better outcome in life, and yet, he just couldn't have it. Like always. Every day, and every time. He honestly should stop at this point. It's getting tiring now. He's getting tired...


Was this some kind of Angel Dust and Valentino situation or what?! This guy looks like he could be Valentino! He even got the personality for it!

Lust was glad Mettaton was here to at least protect him..geez, this life of his really sucked. He hated this one actually.

He only had his brother and Mettaton to confide in..that's kinda sad, even for him.

Then again, he's already a sad bitch, so what else was new for him?

Lust chuckled lightly at his own thoughts, confusing Mettaton a bit but he shook it off. Maybe he was thinking to himself. He always seemed to be in thought as of lately..

"Hey- are you..alright? That bastard didn't hurt you did he?" Mettaton asked, worry placed in his tone as he placed a robotic hand on the skeletons shoulder.

Lust blinked up at him, staring for a moment before a small smile overtook his frown, "I'm fine darling, he didn't hurt me that bad, do not worry about it much dear!"

The robot didn't seem all that convinced, but didn't press any further on the subject, not wanting to make the other uncomfortable.

Lust felt relieved that he didn't ask anything else about it, and felt warmth seep into his SOUL. He was really glad he had someone here for him now.

Really, really glad. He just wished he had someone there for him in all eternity. Life was getting tiring as he kept getting reincarnated over and over again, never stopping and never ending...

Hm. He should stop now. It's no use thinking of change. He can't have that much of a change anyways. The universe won't let him. Not when they're in charge.


Reaper nervously messed with his sleeves, anxiously waiting for Nightmare. For someone like him, he was sure to be late. Maybe he wanted to relish in his negativity for a bit..

He hadn't ordered anything yet, not exactly wanting to accidentally dust someone with his death touch, even if he had gloves on to protect him and other people.

What did Nightmare even want? Other than having a conversation, did he want something out of the grim reaper? Or did he want a deal? Did Nightmare want him to join his team? Oh the possibilities were endless...

And he didn't know, and quite frankly, he felt like he didn't want to talk to him about it-

Speaking of the devil.. the god was here, seemingly also dressed up. And well, he was late. Very late.

"My sincere apologies for being late, I had to deal with some things, nothing too important." Nightmare said as he sat in front of Reaper, carefully looking at the other god, "You weren't getting uninterested while waiting, were you? You seem quite patient for someone like you."

He stuttered at the compliment, not expecting it to be from Nightmare at all, "Well- I..have to be..? Can't be impatient as a grim reaper, now can I..?" he chuckled lightly as he tried to not look nervous...

Today will surely be interesting, huh?

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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