You're my everything..💜 (Christmas Special <3..)

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[In our MC's POV, but not current timeline obviously <3]

Somewhere, far, far back into the reincarnation cycle...

Reincarnation cycle number...unknown.

Current status of the Multiverse...alive.

This was a very, very special day for him! So special he had to go out and get gifts for his friends! (Were they his friends? His not sure if they like him so much...)

The magnificent Sans, aka Swap (They call him Blue or Blueberry sometimes. His..uncomfortable. Please do not call him that...) one of the protectors of the Multiverse! And someone as magnificent as him is getting presents for his friends!

The ones in his AU, and two outside his AU! (Maybe some more friends outside that two of his friends didn't know. And his glad actually.) Because he wouldn't be a great friend and brother if he didn't get presents! That was simply outrageous!

So his getting presents! He already knows what his friends want. Wasn't so hard if you payed attention to their needs. Maybe way too much...

But that's fine! They wouldn't mind that much, right?

It's only for their best after all! Who'd know if something happened...

Anyways! Enough of that! He'll get stuff to wrap it all up and let it sit in his room for now!

He should label them too, can't have him forgetting stuff now! (He blames Ink again. His been blaming him a lot for his forgetfulness...maybe he should tone it down..) That'll be quite a hazard.


He was excited! Well. He would've been extremely excited, but it was dimmed down since he and his friends had to...fight his other friends just earlier ago.

Well, Dream and Ink doesn't know his friends with their enemies. He prefers it that way, he doesn't know what they'd do if they found out.

He really doesn't want to find out if they do know about his..little secret.

I mean. If they kept secrets from him, he'll keep secrets from them! It's only fair if he didn't tell them about his almost unlikely friendship with their enemies!

And the fact he was a Reincarnation. Of multiple people, or Sanses in this case, at the very least.

(And the fact he kept changing his personality to fit the person he was reborn as. Like a certain turtle in a fandom...what was his name again?

Was it Leo..?)

But nevertheless! He got his presents wrapped up for the others, as always ready as he should!

And his just gonna patiently wait for christmas to roll around, just so he can give them the presents! He hoped they would like it.

He sincerely hoped they did. If they didn't, it would've been a waste of G! And he couldn't afford that on happening...

He of course got what they seemed to always want! Even if they didn't say it outright- but he still got it!

Well, no use on mopping around, he should get ready! It was almost christmas and he didn't get decorations!

Silly him, he should've gotten the decorations earlier, then maybe it wouldn't be such a hassle on trying to find the perfect ones and setting them up!

No matter, this wasn't anything new for him. He keeps forgetting to get things, as opposed to being Ink and his human past as to having very awful memory.

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