Buck's Diary

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AN - It is 14 year old Buck's Diary.

Dear Diary, 

I'm alone, my life is worthless and I don't think I can take it anymore. They scare me. I've locked myself in my room its the only place that I feel safe, but their loud, knocking on my door I think they might brake it, that can't happen or I won't be safe anywhere. I want to cry but if my dad hears me he will beat me more and humiliate me in front of his friends. I want to run away but they will find me, they always do, so instead i'll starve my self to death. They're still screaming, mostly saying i'm "fat, overweight and obese" and I was "a mistake". Maybe I was. I shouldn't be here anymore. I'm in constant pain and my arms are always bruised but I just cover them up and get on with my day. If this is my last diary entry then I just want to say, Maddie you were they one ray of joy in my never ending pit of sorrow and suffering, so thank you.

I hope I have a good next life if thats real,


Buck in present day:

I read that entry and I was on the floor crying, if she didn't get there in time I would have done it, I owe my life to Maddie, the fact that i'm here with my forever family, the 118 with new people to call my 'parents' ( Bobby and Athena ) and the love of my life Eddie. I'm happy now, and thats all thanks to my sister.

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