Chapter 20

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Dean ~

I walked in to find that Harley was cleaning Sam's weapons while he made breakfast. When she was done polishing a small knife she tried to tuck it into her pocket discreetly but Sam caught her.

"Nice try midget," Sam said taking the knife.

"I was so close, and I'm not a midget!" Harley said.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that short stop," he said with a smile and Harley went back to work but not without glaring at Sam.

"It's better than being a sasquatch," Harley muttered under her breath but Sam heard her.

"Oh yeah?" Sam asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Yeah, you can't fit anywhere, you need jumbo size everything, and you aren't stealthy," Harley said matter of factly.

"All very valid points, but if you're small it's easier to be carried somewhere," Sam said hugged her from behind and picked her up.

"Sam, put me down or I'll stab you in the neck!" Harley said and Sam put her down.

"Am I interrupting something?" I said with a chuckle and they finally noticed me.

"No," they said simultaneously looking guilty.

"No?" I asked.

"No," they said simultaneously again. I gave them a suspicious glance and I went to sit over at the table with Harley.

"So, how are you doing?" I asked Harley awkwardly.

"You mean with the possession?" I nodded. "I'm doing okay, I mean I'm getting over being unable to control my body. It really sucked in there, Dean," she said.

"I know," I said.

"That's the scariest thing that's ever happened to me, and I'm pretty familiar with scary," she said.

"Yeah, I know," I said.

"Breakfast is ready, Harley go get Bobby and Jack, I made waffles," Sam said and Harley got up and left while Sam set the food on the table. "So?" Sam said.

"So, what?" I asked.

"So, did you get the truth or is she more like you?" Sam asked.

"What do you mean 'like me'" I said.

"You avoid the truth a lot, Dean," Sam said.

"Well, I did get the truth from her," I said.

"And?" and that's when Bobby and Harley joined us for breakfast. Sam and I would have to finish that conversation later. we all talked and ate Sam's waffles. I decided that online school would be good for Harley, she seemed reluctant but she agreed. We already had another case to do by the time breakfast was over. We were headed to Arcadia, Oklahoma on a vamp case probably. Harley told me we should head for Lincoln, Nebraska for Valifar and Vetis but I wouldn't have it. I knew she wasn't ready for this destiny she was supposed to have, I knew too much about destiny.


Harley ~

The vamp case was a piece of cake, so we came back to Bobby's to get a hold of another case. Bobby had nothing for us so I got to work on the computer trying to find anything.  I was in the middle of gathering omens in Blue Earth, Minnesota when Jack came in.

"Hey, what are you up to?" He asked sitting across from me at the table.

"Looking for omens, work," I said without looking up from the screen.

"You know you've been at this for at least three hours, right?" He asked.

"I have?" I said looking up from the screen finally.

"You need a break, what do you say we take a little walk," he said.

"Jack, I got a lot of work to do on these demon omens, they are everywhere on that side of the state," I said.

"Come on, just a little break?" He coaxed.

"Jack it's the apocalypse," I said.

"The damn apocalypse can wait," he said grabbing my hand leading me outside. 

"Jack, what are you doing?" I giggled.

"I'm being a friend," he said. Soon enough we were laughing and walking outside in the junkyard. It was a full moon and the stars were out. We decided to settle on the hood of a beat up Camaro in the middle of the yard. We pointed out constellations and made out own. Jack wrapped an arm around me and kissed me. I barely knew what hit me. When we pulled away I blinked my eyes open to find a very happy looking Jack.

"How was it?" He asked excitedly.

"... Wow," was all I could say. He jumped up off the hood and did a little happy dance and I laughed. "You're such a freak," I giggled.

"Yeah, I may be a freak, but I'm your freak," he said and kissed me again.

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