Chapter 21

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This has a bit of the episode "Point of No Return" in it from season five.

Harley ~

Dean left us in Blue Earth, Minnesota after the whore of Babylon was dealt with. Sam dropped me off at Bobby's so he could go look for him. I was furious at Dean for leaving us, letting us down by going to say yes to Michael. I was in Bobby's library with Bobby trying to figure out a way to stop the apocalypse when Sam, Dean, and Cas appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the room. Dean was obviously pissed that we brought him back here and started complaining.

"You ain't helping," Bobby said.

"Yeah, well, why don't you let me get out of your hair then," Dean said with his cocky smile and it took all I could not to punch his stupid face.

"What the hell happened to you?" Bobby asked.

"Reality happened, nuclear is the only option left, Michael can ice the devil, save a boatload of people-" Dean said forcefully to Bobby.

"But not all of them, we gotta think of something else," Bobby interrupted.

"Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say, if Lucifer burns this mother down, guess what? That's on me!" Dean yelled.

"You can't give up son," Bobby said.

Dean bowed his head then looked up and said, "You ain't my father... and you ain't in my shoes," he said to Bobby's face. I stepped towards Dean but Bobby took out a gun and bullet and I got confused.

"What's that?" Dean asked.

"That's the round I mean to put through my skull," Bobby said and put the bullet on the table. "Every morning I look at it, I think... Maybe today's the day I flip the lights out. But I don't do it, I never do it, you know why? BECUASE I PROMISED YOU I WOULDN'T GIVE UP!" Bobby bellowed at Dean and the room went silent. Then Cas bent over touching his head and hissing at the pain.

"Cas you okay?" Sam asked.

"No," Cas answered simply.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked again.

"Something's happening," he said.

"What?" Dean asked this time. and then Cas was gone. We all looked at each other quizzically and then I remembered I owed Dean something.

"Hey Dean," I said with my best poker face.

"What?" he asked.

"Come here," I said motioning toward me with my finger. He came over reluctantly. "Come on, I gotta tell you a secret," I said and he bent lower to my ear. I punched him right in the stomach with clenched teeth.

Dean huffed, "What was that for?" He asked clutching his stomach.

"It's for being a total douche bag, and leaving us in Blue Earth!" I said with an edge to my voice. "You know, I expected you to do it to me but not to Sam or Bobby or Cas!" I yelled.

"What?" he asked.

"You left us, you were going to leave us to say yes to that SOB, abandon us, you overgrown jerk!" I yelled and left the room. I ran outside as far as I could from the house and sat down on the hood of the nearest car and put my head in my hands and started to cry. I suddenly heard a noise coming from behind me, I turned around swiftly to find a woman wearing a fancy dress. I whipped out my knife from my sleeve and cut her.

"Ah uh, play nice," she said with a sickening smile and a wag of her finger

"Yeah? Who says?" I retorted and I was answered by someone grabbing my arms from behind. I struggled with gritted teeth to no avail.

"The big boss wants to see you sweetie," the woman said blinking her pitch, black eyes, she had blond hair and she was wearing heels. All I could think about was the poor girl trapped inside her body. The woman snapped her fingers and we were gone from Bobby's junkyard.


I woke up in a circular chamber made of brick, I couldn't see any signs of a window but there was a tray with all different kinds of weaponry. I saw pliers, knives, poker sticker thingies I couldn't even begin to figure out their real names, and ice water. Oh my god, this is where I'm going to die, I thought as I strained against my ropes. I was tied to a table, I realized as I started looking around for some way to escape.

"Oh, someone's awake," a male voice said to the right of me. The man approached and he was wearing a pair of bifocals.

"Yeah, no shit four eyes!" I said.

"No need to get feisty," he said. The guy had a mustache and gray hair, he was also wearing a sweater vest.

"So who's the meat suit? Accountant? Lawyer? Doctor?" I asked and he looked at himself pulling on the clothes.

"This is Larry from Capitol One bank in Burbank, California. He's not ideal but he's inconspicuous," The demon said. "Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners? I'm Valifar," he said and I was so surprised my jaw dropped. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," he said patting under my chin. I was completely and utterly screwed, I thought as the realization Sam and Dean didn't know I left the junkyard hit me. "No one's coming for you, you know," he said.

"I know," I said in more of a whisper.

"Well then, let's get started," Valifar said as he rubbed his hands together looking at all of his torturing toys. He picked up a circular serrated blade that was electrical. He came over towards me and cut my knee open deeply, I screamed through my teeth. "What do you know about the Winchesters?" Valifar said politely.

"Go to hell," I said looking him in the eye.

"Sounds like this time I'm going to need some patience. This time I'll get what I want, last time I was sloppy, I killed you before I got the information because I was frustrated but this time will be different. I will come here everyday and I will torture you until you wish you were never born and I will get what I want or you will never die," Valifar said.

"Go to hell," I repeated. He just shrugged and went back over to his tray and picked up another instrument and started carving my face with a steak knife. I screamed through gritted teeth. He went over to his tray and got a bottle of what looks like vodka and came back over.

"How do you feel about that answer now?" he asked.

"I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!" I said.

"If that's how you feel," he said with a shrug and poured the vodka on my knee and face where he cut me. I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"How bout now?" he asked and I didn't answer him. "Okay," and he dunked my face in  ice water. I gasped from the sudden cold. I started shivering from the already cold room and he kept dunking me until I had cuts on my face. I felt like I was swimming in the arctic. "Change your mind yet?" Valifar asked and I looked up at him with a look of hatred. "Fine, this is your choice, and by the way this hurts you way more than it hurts me," he said with a chuckle but it wasn't funny. He kept carving and slicing me up until I was out of breath from screaming.

"You worthless son of a bitch, I'm never going to talk! You will never get me to talk, ever!" I screamed at him.

"I think you're wrong, I think you are going to talk," he said and turned around and started punching me. He beat on me until I was swollen everywhere.

I started laughing out of hysteria. "That tickled," I choked out and spit blood to the side.

"Ugh, I'm losing my temper. I'll see you tomorrow sunshine bright and early. I hope you aren't fond of your bones because they are going to break tomorrow. He left the room and my head lolled to the side and I tasted blood. I started to cry and soon enough the events of today left me exhausted and I fell asleep.

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