Chapter IX : The Pure Soul

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Fleur POV
A Few Hours Ago

They locked me up in the study room but I noticed that the sun is up and rising so I took the chance to break free and run away.

So using all my strength I used my powers to break open the glass window as it shattered from the moment I clenched my fist and surely enough the noise caught their attention but I had to leave fast.

As I jumped down from the second storey I immediately rushed towards the forest seeing that its the closest and if weren't for the sunlight even the countess would've already caught me.

Then while I ran and ran throughout the forest I called our for Jhayke not stopping for a minute to even take a break.

Your sister's been taken over by the madness,but your purity will save her from it.

It's either now or never if you ever want to save her,but know that if you made this choice you'll never see me again.

In order for you to use my powers,I'll have to give my entire spiritual energy to you so you could use the full extent of my powers.

Your purity may be a threat to them but to those who fights will see it as a spark of hope.

I'll do anything to save Y/N from whatever darkness she's been put through.

We made a vow to one another that we'll always be there for each other and its time I live up to that part we made.

So how do I get it?

You don't,the owner must give it to you and that's what I'm doing.

Your purity is what'll save this world from the darkness,Fleur.

And it'll be your most powerful weapon to use against the forces of darkness,your heart is brighter than the sun and your soul is more purer than the holy light.

I'm giving you this power to use it for peace and to protect those you loved,let your innocence lead the world to freedom and liberty against the darkness.

With that given vow I suddenly felt a strong surge of energy travelling in my body giving me strength.

Then in a blink of an eye my entire body became so light like a feather that my surroundings are moving so fast while my feet is running slow.

Soon I made it into the abbey where the priest is kneeling against the altar praying as I noticed the sun being blocked by the moon and I knew there isn't much to waste.

"Father,the vampires are coming and we need to stop them."

I insisted running up to him and he just remained on his knees praying while muttering a prayer.

"It's already too late for me,child.

My fate has already been written but not for you,under the abbey is where the machine lies.

Destroy it and you'll free the night creatures I've created from their nightmares.

Go now,while there's still time."

He replied as I nodded in defeat and teleported right to the machine he claimed and to my surprise I can feel its evil essence.

With all my strength I combined to my powers I destroyed the mechanism turning it into dusts while it scattered in the air.

Just when I thought this is all over I suddenly felt Y/N's presence in the abbey but its much darker that a heavy feeling of dread washed over me.

But I'm not gonna let it stop me as I ran back to the abbey finding her about to kill the man if I hadn't arrived on time and used my powers to push her away.

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