De'Montrez 2

321 27 15

Y'all... I think... I think I'm falling... I'm falling and falling HARD! I knew I had class in two hours and I needed to go back to the house and start getting ready but I really didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want Egypt to remove his head from my chest. The fact that he was slobbering on my chest and snoring loudly didn't bother me in the slightest, in fact, I found it to be kinda sexy... Yeah, this dude definitely had me on lock and I hated it (not really) but still. The morning was perfect, I knew it was cold as fuck outside and yet in this bedroom, I couldn't have been more comfortable; Egypt's body kept me warm and the change from snoring to steady breathing told me he was close to waking up... Fuck I hated that classes started back up today, I just wanted one more day of this.... Egypt's phone continued ringing in the bathroom as it had been for over an hour, my thinking is that if it was that important whoever was calling would've shown up, but still that ringing was starting to annoy the fuck out of me. I felt Egypt shift and then he sat up quickly looking around the room confused... until his eyes settled on me and a small smile became etched on his face.

"My bad, I didn't mean to wake you up... go back to sleep...." He said laying back down and adjusting his position so that our heads were touching and his lips were inches from my ear. "You're going to have to work on your aim, my fuckin eye is still burning..." He said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You didn't wake me up... I've been up, you're phone has been going crazy for the past hour. I really don't know how you slept through that..." I said, Egypt reached down and grabbed my dick, basically letting me know the reason he was out cold.

"Aight let me go handle that and brush my teeth, then maybe we can get a quickie in before heading back to campus...." Egypt said kissing me on the cheek, then jumping out of bed... If we were going to get a quickie in, then I should probably stretch a little... see this nigga was going to have me late for cla.... "WHAT THE FUCK!!!! NIGGA SAID DON'T COME OVER UNLESS IT'S AN EMERGENCY AND THIS SOUNDS LIKE A FUCKIN EMERGENCY TO ME!!!! IF I WASN'T ANSWERING OBVIOUSLY IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS FUCKIN BUSY BUT THIS IS A FAMILY MATTER SO YOU SHOULD'VE COME OVER!!!! WHATEVER I'LL BE THERE... NIGGA I SAID I'LL BE THERE!!!" Egypt said. "COME ON...." Egypt stopped and took a deep breath before he started throwing clothes on. "Come on I need to get back to campus...." He said lowering his tone.

"Is everything alright?" I asked because even though his tone was calm, I could see Egypt's hands shaking and all the veins in his neck and arms were popping out.

"Yeah... yeah, just some fraternity stuff, nothing too crazy. Sucks that we won't get to have that quickie but once I get everything settled I'll make it up to you...." He said kissing me on the cheek. "Come on..." He said and I quickly got dressed and followed him out of his apartment. The entire drive, I could tell Egypt was on edge... the lack of music only made the ride even more uncomfortable.

"Ayy if you need me... just call." I said getting ready to get out of the car but Egypt stopped me and leaned over to kiss me.

"Thanks, Trez... call me when you get out of class and maybe we can grab something to eat." Egypt said and I nodded. "I'm serious call me because something tells me that I'm going to need someone to keep me calm.... but I'll explain everything when I get more details." Egypt said before kissing me one more time.

Once out of the car Egypt waited until I was on the porch before pulling off, when I walked inside it was eerily quiet... usually someone was up doing something but now it just seemed empty. I walked into my dorm and Kaevon was still passed out on my bed and Silas's bed still looked exactly how it did when I left yesterday. My mind wandered to what was going on with Egypt but I really couldn't focus on that right now, I needed to start getting ready for class and hopefully, by the time I was done Egypt would have some answers for me.

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