Silas 6

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I was frozen in terror... memories came flooding back as I stared into the eyes of my abuser. Byron used to be someone I looked up to, but then he showed his true colors.... I always wanted to be around my big cousin and he let me hang out with him and his friends; we'd work out, play the game, he even taught me how to drive. Then he brought me home and give me some of his 'special water' and I didn't remember a thing, just waking up with my ass bleeding and stomach hurting.... I think the gaslighting was worse, he really had me believing I was crazy, that he wasn't drugging me and raping me with his friends... Turning my family against me was just the icing on a shyt cake. Now, after YEARS of trying to distance myself from his torture, I was finally face to face with him... there was a point where I believed I could face him and yet, the sight of him had me shaking.... Was it rage or fear? I really couldn't say but my mouth was dry and I found myself looking for the nearest exit, but my legs wouldn't move I was frozen as he stepped towards me.... I thought I was ready, I thought...Why is he reaching out for me? Why is his hand on my face? Why couldn't I move? I was shaking, I truly believed I was going to pass out... This wasn't like me at all.

"Wassup Silas..." Byron said grabbing my chin. "Look at you, all grown up....." He said stepping towards me, he was standing close to me... too close. I could feel his hot breath on my face, smell his Axe Body Spray, see the plaque growing on his teeth..... "Look at you shaking and shyt... you must be remembering how good this dick use to make you feel...." Byron said and it was almost as if his words snapped me out of whatever paralyzed state I was just in and fear turned to anger.

"Excuse me...." Someone said tapping Byron on the shoulder.

"MAN WHAT CAN'T YOU SEE I'M....." Whatever Byron was about to say was cut off, because when he turned his head slightly the next thing I knew he went flying into the chip display. Iyron was on top of him before he even hit the ground, Byron did everything he could to protect himself but his attempts proved futile as Iyron unleashed all his rage onto Byron. I noticed the cashier on the phone, most likely calling the police so I grabbed Iyron and somehow managed to pull him away.

We got to his car and I grabbed the keys from his pocket and sped to his apartment. The drive was short but it seemed like an eternity as Iyron continuously looked at his knuckles which were bleeding and slightly swollen. When we walked inside, I wasn't sure what to say as he walked straight to the bathroom and slammed the door, since I wasn't entirely sure what to do... I hopped in our line group chat and let them know what happened, I just wanted to keep them informed and of course, they were on ten... well most of them, Trez was the only one who didn't respond (probably because he was sleeping). The conversation lasted for over an hour and by the end I was the one trying to calm them down, and eventually, we agreed to meet up later to talk about everything that happened.

"Iyron... are you okay?" I asked knocking on the bathroom door, he didn't respond and I was starting to get worried so I started to turn the handle, before I could open the door he tapped me on the shoulder. "Umm, are you okay?" I asked unable to meet his eyes.

"Me? I'm good...." He said smiling. "I just needed to calm myself down... make a couple of phone calls and the most dire dilemma that I'm trying to figure out is this..." He said holding up his right hand. "This is my throwing hand... luckily the season is over but I wanna make sure there isn't any permanent damage... now this is the real issue..." He said showing me his left hand which was even more swollen than his right. "This is my strokin hand and judging by how swollen it is... I'm guessing two or three weeks before it's back to normal." He said examining his hand.

"You are insane... you just beat the fuck out of Byron and you're worried about stroking your lil meat." I said rolling my eyes and laughing.

"Hold up 'lil'?" Iyron asked before pulling out his dick and I couldn't help but stare at it, even soft it was long and fat..... "Oh we need a new name for dude, his name is way too close to mine and I don't like it... umm, let's call him... I don't know we'll figure it out later (suggestions are welcomed). Come on..." He said pulling me into the living room.

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