De'Montrez 1

418 27 19

Despite my annoyance with my dad, I was grateful for the food; drunk sex always left me hungry as fuck, and greasy food was the best hangover cure. While I scarfed down my food, I kept checking my phone, in anticipation for Egypt to call, my dad HATED when we looked at our phone during meals but he was just going to have to accept it because his anger wasn't shyt compared to mine. Why did it seem like I was the only one trying to figure out what happened to Derrick? My dad, Nazareth, Professor Bush, and even Tyrik were telling me to drop it but I couldn't, I felt like I was alone on an island with no help from the people who claimed they loved Derrck. I could feel my dad's gaze, he invited me to breakfast so he needed to be the only one to initiate the conversation. About ten minutes went by and for a second my dad seemed surprised by something, almost as if he saw something that he wasn't expecting but quickly played it off by rubbing his beard.... a lot of people say that when I get older I was going to look like my dad and I wasn't sure how to take that.

"What about you sweetheart? Can I get you anything else?" She asked, the girl couldn't have been much older than me, and I know she saw the wedding ring on my dad's finger but she clearly didn't give a fuck as she openly flirted with him.

"Just the check..." My dad said completely ignoring her obvious advances. Once she walked away from the table my dad pulled out his phone and sent a quick text message.

"I thought you weren't a fan of phones at the table?" I asked sarcastically and my dad either didn't hear me or ignored me as he continued looking out the window, though I wasn't entirely sure what he was looking at because I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

"Your mom told me to grab something on my way back to the house and I completely forgot what it was that she told me to grab..." My dad said and I could definitely relate, I can't remember the number of times I forgot to take the chicken out in the morning like she told me, I guess forgetfulness was a family trait. "Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about our conversation yestersday."

"In public? That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see how it plays out for him." I said quoting Derrick's favorite movie which for some strange reason was Dodgeball.

"I'm smart enough to know not to say anything too crazy. I'm wise enough to know my son... and I know that no matter what I say you're still going to be looking into what happened..." My dad said but he stopped talking when the waitress walked over to our table. "I just want you to be careful.... I can't lose another son." He said quietly.

"Dad, what aren't you telling me? I got the feeling last night there was more than what you were saying in front of the group." I said looking into his eyes. After what seemed like an eternity my dad straightened up and shook his head.

"We're getting Dream this weekend and your mom is cooking... hopefully you and Dralen will be there.... would I be wrong in assuming that you'll be bringing Egypt?" My dad asked and my ears started burning, I HATED when my dad asked questions like that because I always took it to be his way of asking if I was dating someone.

"Maybe... I don't... man go on somewhere." I said trying my hardest to keep myself from blushing. "You done? I got this paper I gotta finish writing...." I said unable to meet his eyes. The ride back was filled with small talk, mainly he wanted to keep the conversation focused on school but I got the sense he wanted to say more.

"Take a shower, you smell like you've been swimming in vodka." My dad said laughing.

"I was planning on taking a shower when you kidnapped me... Look I'll be there Sunday for dinner and HOPEFULLY we can finish our conversation." I said and he gave me a noncommittal grunt. My dad waited until I was on the porch before pulling off and I was about to head inside when I heard someone yelling. Egypt was running with what looked like his entire fraternity, Egpyt was in perfect form as if the run didn't bother him but his frat brothers looked pissed, sick, and miserable....

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