Waylon 3

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I was ready to let Quest do whatever the fuck he wanted to me... like no fuckin limits. When he told me that he had something better for us to do, this was the last thing I expected. Quest had signed me up for classes where I could learn to fly helicopters and to top it off we went on a little helicopter ride around Columbus. Even though that was a few days ago I was still buzzing with energy and every time I saw him I couldn't help but smile like a fuckin goofy.... The ONLY thing that pissed me off was his stupid ass rules, 1) we couldn't fuck and 2) I couldn't nut..... This shyt was driving me crazy, especially when he did romantic shyt like that. I rolled out of bed and checked my phone, not even the least bit surprised that there was a 'good morning' text from Quest. I quickly responded before hopping out of bed and taking an ice cold shower, hoping that would help with my morning problem... it helped a little but all that went out the window when Quest pulled up with some food... At this point, he just needed to let me suck his dick because this was getting ridiculous.

"Are you excited to be heading back to class?" Quest asked as he purposely brushed his dick against my hand.

"I'm really not, ever since someone leaked the fact that I almost killed my dad... everyone has been looking at me like they're waiting for me to snap." I said quietly, I hadn't even told him about the investigation that was going on but I knew it was only a matter of time before that leaked as well. "Seems like someone is trying to sabotage me and my future... but I've never been the type to run from my problems, I usually face them head on..." I said and Quest smiled.

"You got this Way... just hold your head up and eventually people will find a new person to talk about." Quest said leaning down and kissing me. "I'm going to get in so much trouble if I get caught over here...." He said but I could tell by his tone he really didn't give a fuck.

"It's whatever... so am I staying with you tonight?" I asked hoping he said yes because I was truly starting to hate being in this place, it just reminded me of my broken relationship with my dad and I knew next semester I'd be looking for a new place to stay.

"Yeah, you can... IF you promise to be on your best behavior. I'm man enough to admit that being around you it's becoming harder and harder to resist you. I think about the pure joy in your face when we were flying around Columbus and seeing you that happy.... It did something to me." Quest said and I really wanted to say fuck class and hop on top of him.

"You sound like a pussy..." I said playfully and Quest pushed my arm, before walking into the kitchen. I sat there eating my food and ignoring the text I was getting from Faze, I really didn't know why that nigga was texting me because I thought it was pretty obvious that after the fight with Trez I wasn't fuckin with him... then came the knock at the door. "Bruh, you can't just be showing up at my place...." I said as Faze tried to walk in but I blocked his path.

"Damn, it's like that Waylon? I remember when you use to beg me to come over and slut you out.... now you're acting funny." Faze said and I resisted the urge to rock his shyt, which definitely wasn't like me because I usually didn't give a fuck. "Look we really need to talk, it's about this shyt with Bell and I know you don't want everyone in your business... let me in so we can talk." Faze said and against my better judgment, I stepped aside and let him in.

"Make it quick, I gotta get to class here in a few..." I said quickly looking around to make sure Quest didn't leave anything out, not that I was trying to hide our relationship but I didn't want to give Faze any ammo to use against us in the future.

"Look, I know we haven't been on the best of terms... but I really do have your best interest at heart and I think I MAY have a way of getting you out of this situation. Just come see Bell, he's really good at these sorts of things and you know he's always been interested in you...." Faze said and the way his voice changed when he said that Bell has 'always been interested in me'.... that shyt made my skin crawl.

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