Jerian 8

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Jeremiah showed his entire ass and I was completely unphased by his tantrum, all I said was we needed to take a break and he completely lost it... Personally, I felt like I was being reasonable, I wasn't outright disrespecting him and yet he stood before me snot running down his nose while accusing me of 'playing' him. Question. How can you play someone when you've been 100% honest with them from the jump? I told him I wasn't trying to be in a relationship, I told him it was strictly transactional between us, I provide dick and he provides money... nothing more, nothing less. I wasn't mean, I was just honest... Whenever I got an inkling that Jeremiah was going to express any type of feelings, I would quickly shut it down and remind him what it was between. Did I feel bad for hurting his feelings? Yes and no, yes because I was a complete dick and I could see that he was hurting (or at least putting on a good show), and no because what else did he expect? I was 18 and he was trying to turn me into his trophy dick, someone he could show off to his rich friends and brag about... I wasn't stupid, Jeremiah liked the idea of me... if you were to ask him anything about my personality he'd have to guess, he knew me physically, not personally.

"My best friend is laying up in the hospital... and now I'm losing someone who I THOUGHT would be there for me..." Jeremiah sniffed. "It's fine... I understand." He said blinking back tears.

"Glad we're on the same page.... I got business to handle." I said walking off and leaving him there crying, when I reached Russ the three dudes were glaring at me like I was this heartless monster... they'd be aight once they got some dick, that usually cleared up any confusion about me. And for the record, I wasn't heartless, I just had an amazing BS detector and could tell when a nigga was trying to play me. "You ready?" I asked Russ who nodded and unlocked his doors.

"You almost fucked up my 3v1 for tonight." Russ said as he slid into the car five minutes later. "Luckily for you, I'm very persuasive and managed to salvage the night... but I told you, you shouldn't fuck with Jeremiah and now you're learning the hard way."

"Hopefully he takes the hint, I mean... it sucks what he's going through, but at times like this, he should be leaning on his LBs, not some freshman who really doesn't have any sympathy for the dude in question. Raphael played in my brother's face and he was a fuckin weirdo... so honestly, fuck that nigga." I said shrugging.

"At the risk of sounding like a sucka... you could've handled that a lot more tactfully. Granted, you weren't wrong in ending things with him, but be a little more sensitive." Russ said.

"Weren't you just saying how hardheaded I was for messing with him? Now you're saying I should've let him down easy... which is it? Because I'm confused." I said as Russ weaved through traffic.

"I think I'm in the mood for steak, I haven't had a good steak in a hot minute, and given that I'm battling three bottoms tonight, I'm going to need my strength... and possibly a honey pack." Russ said completely ignoring my question. "Professor Bush will call us when he's ready so we got some time to get some grub and while we eat, I can teach you things about being tactfully honest and how to cut a dude off with minimal drama." Russ said.

We pulled up to a restaurant that looked like a log cabin, I didn't even know the name of it or that it even existed but when we walked in I could see why is was so... discreet. It seemed upscale and I felt underdressed, but the staff didn't seem to mind my jeans and t-shirt, upon seeing Russ the host seemed almost excited and nervous.

"So what is this place?" I asked as we were led to a table by a brown-skinned dude who had, what I could only describe as the fattest ass I had ever seen. Given the way the dude whispered in Russ's ear, I could tell they had something going on currently which lowkey pissed me off because I really wanted to fuck dude...

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