Jerian 7

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It took me a second to figure out where I was, last night was a blur and I really didn't know where I ended up crashing... I couldn't tell you whose room I was in because it was dark as fuck, barely in light was in here and I actually kinda liked it. I felt around the bed and my hand made contact with bare skin, I jumped up and landed on some soft-ass carpet.... it was definitely a nigga laying next to me, I just hope he wasn't busted or worse... Jeremiah. That nigga was attached to my nuts, throwing around the 'B' word when I've made it perfectly clear that we weren't in a relationship and even if we were, he better accept the fact that I was going to undoubtedly cheat on him. Undeterred he insisted on giving me money and taking me on lavish shopping trips, I probably should've turned them down but I was young and it's not like I was rolling in money. More on that later because I was sure he was going to pop up eventually, right now I needed to figure out who I fell asleep next to, I grabbed my phone and turned on my flashlight, once I say that it was Aiyon I let out a sigh of relief and took a second to just look at him... He was definitely sexy as fuck and I tried to remember everything that happened last night just to make sure we didn't.... but I don't think we did... though I was 100% sure. No condom wrappers were laying around and my dick was dry... so nah we didn't... Before I could finish, I heard moaning coming from somewhere in the apartment and decided to investigate.

"Fuuuuccckkkk...." Malcolm moaned, I walked down the stairs and found Malcolm getting slow stroked by Virgil, Malcolm's legs were in the air shaking and I could tell Virgil was whispering something in his ear... Never one to block, I turned around and walked back upstairs.

"Oh shyt...." I said as I stepped back into Aiyon's room and found him in the process of gathering things for a shower, he was facing towards the window so I got a perfect view of his ass, no matter how many times I've seen it, Aiyon's ass always made my mouth water and it was a crying shame that I haven't tasted it yet; the most we've done is kiss and it was becoming harder and harder to be around him. "My bad, I should've knocked..." I said not budging from my spot.

"It's coo... so do you remember what happened last night? Not gonna lie, I was fucked up... I don't even remember how we got back here." Aiyon asked and I shook my head. "Damn, maybe we can ask Virgil, I do remember him driving last night so if anyone remembers it would probably be him...." Aiyon said and I barely registered what he was saying because he was just so damn sexy. "So umm... I'm about to take a shower, you wanna order some food?" He asked, I wasn't in the mood for talking...

"That can wait..." I said stepping towards him. "Come on...." I said grabbing his hand and leading him into the bathroom.

Real talk, I didn't have a plan... I just wanted to see how far things between us would go and to my surprise, they went further than ever... I'm not going to give all the details, I wanna save that for when we actually fuck, but I will say this much.... the head was trash. I think the crazier part was the fact that I didn't care that it was trash... Aiyon was inexperienced and new to all this, a blank sheet of paper, and honestly I think it would be fun getting him up to my level. Shame I didn't get to eat his ass but we were inching closer to the inevitable, as we stood in his bedroom getting dressed I wanted nothing more than to spend all day giving him lessons.... I walked up behind him and let my dick rest on his soft ass, to my delight Aiyon didn't pull away, in fact, he moved closer towards me and started rubbing his ass against my dick.

"Umm... your phone is ringing." He said as the sound of my phone interrupted the moment. My phone was right in front of him so he could definitely see who was calling, I really wasn't trying to move so instead of replying I started kissing his neck and teasing his hole with the head of my dick. "It says Ignore...." Aiyon said and I chuckled quietly.

"Obviously it's someone I don't wanna talk to, so ignore it... I'll call them later." I said pulling him back towards the bed. "Can I ask you something? IF we were to move forward... would I be the first nigga to fuck you?" I asked and Aiyon nodded, I've asked this question before but him confirming it... I don't know it just did something to me.

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