Egypt 9

297 23 18

I stood at the head of the living room listening to the complaints of Raphael's line brothers and most of them were the same... why aren't we getting revenge for what happened to Raphael? I've spent the last few hours trying to explain to them the consequences of what they were suggesting but they didn't seem to care, they wanted blood. Truthfully, I really didn't give a fuck about Raphael, I didn't even like him and please don't get it twisted, just because we were in the same fraternity doesn't mean we were friends... you'd be surprised about the internal beefs that goes on inside a fraternity. Anyway, I noticed Jeremiah was absent from this meeting and I felt some type of way because he was the one who got all these dudes riled up and then dipped. That nigga was a fire starter, he caused drama between people and then sat back and watched, he was literally the worse type of person and I really didn't like him either.... I just wanted this meeting to be over, I looked at my boy T'Yan and he knew I was over it, I would tough it out because that's what leaders do, but this conversation wasn't getting us anywhere and I felt like we needed to take a break and then come back once everyone had calm down.

"Look let's take a beat and come back in an hour, I'm getting a headache and it's probably because I haven't eaten anything. So we'll meet back here in an hour... matter of fact, make it two because I might need to smoke." I said, they grumbled but didn't object and once they were out of the room I turned to T'Yan and shook my head. "What's on your mind?" I asked knowing he'd keep it real with me.

"On one hand, I feel like we've been disrespected and we need to find the person or people responsible for what happened to Raphael as a matter of pride... On the other hand, I'm pissed off because someone beat me to it... It was only a matter of time before that bitch Karma came knockin and as fucked up as it sounds... Raphael definitely had it coming." T'Yan said shrugging.

"I agree... but how are YOU feeling?" I asked, not to put my boy's business out there but it's been about ten months since the love of his life died in a car accident... Since then T'Yan has been existing... going to class and nothing else... I was worried about my boy and hoping he got back out there.

"You know me, I've been chillin..." T'Yan said and that had been his answer for the past few months, now what kind of friend would I be if I allowed my boy to stay in this funk... I could never understand what he was going through and I never wanted to experience that kind of loss but I wanted T'Yan to get back out there and see that there's still beauty in the world.

"Glad to hear it because Trez wants to go on a double date and I need a wingman. Besides, when was the last time you hit somethin?" I asked and his silence confirmed everything I already knew. "Exactly.... Now look I'm about to go grab something to eat and when we meet back here we can figure out this Raphael thing." I said dappin him up before walking out.

When I stepped out on the porch, the first thing I noticed was Trez running.... watching his ass.... I shook the thought from my head because I was on a schedule and couldn't allow myself to get distracted, that's when I noticed who he was running with and sucked my teeth. Now I wasn't a jealous dude, not in the slightest... but I knew the history between Trez and Eamon, and with Eamon transferring here.... I guess I'll say I wasn't above using underhanded methods to defend what me and Trez were building.... I got in my car and drove in the direction they were running cutting them off at an intersection.

"You done with your meeting?" Trez asked walking over to my car and as he leaned in for a kiss I pulled back. "Damn, it's like that?" Trez asked his eyes flickering with anger.

"If we start kissing.... let's just say one of us is going to be bent over the hood of this car and I'm not trying to catch no charges." I said smiling and I noticed him adjusting his dick, like always my words had an effect on him and he was weighing the options... "But nad... we're on a break right now I was about to go grab something to eat." I said shrugging.

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