Chapter 4: My time to shine

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Something had woken him up. All he wanted to do was sleep and forget about what had happened. To see Gem as Gem and not Mother Nature. To see X as X and not The Admin. These people he had been told to fear his whole life were his friends! To look in the mirror and see someone besides a villain. Besides Cuteguy.

He was getting ready to go back to sleep when something beeped. Of course it wasn't just my thoughts. The villains need me.

Grian pulled the communicator out of his jumper's hidden pocket. He needed to go help the villains. Grian could force people to do anything. This was so far beyond Re- no. The King's powers. He was so special. But he didn't want to be.

Grian remembered when he was younger. The day he got his powers. He was ten. His parents took him in to see a doctor. He remembered thinking I'm going to be a hero just like my parents!

Then he got a lame power. All he could do was change his wings. He remembered his parent's fury.

Then two sentences changed his life.

"He only has one? Give him more!"

The doctor fought against her, but holding the power she did she forced him. He didn't want to have this gift. He never wanted to use it. It reminded him too much of a time he wanted to forget. About his parents. The monsters they were behind the face they put on for the camera.

They gave him the most dangerous yet most powerful one they could find.

Anyone who met him would immediately fall in love with him. He hated it. This "love" was what gave him his power.

It wasn't really love.

Ever since that day Grian had struggled with the fact that people instantly loved him. He worried that the only reason they talked to him was because of his curse. It wasn't a gift. It never was. He was just their guinea pig. They wanted to see what would happen. They nearly killed me. Seven times. It was all just some messed up curse. From messed up people. That messed up me.

It was all too much. His head was spiraling out of control. All he could think of was that day on the operating table. That pink substance they injected into him. The horrible feeling it brought with it as he felt his entire body rearrange. He didn't feel like himself. He felt... wrong. He passed out, the black void now filled with pink. Even beyond he could feel it. It took over.

Three days passed, and he opened his eyes.

He could see something that wasn't there before. A pink aura surrounded the doctor. Love. his brain thought that cursed word all on its own. What I have to manipulate in my favor.

Grian wasn't the smartest, but he did have ears. He heard his parents talking about what this would do. He would be able to make anyone do what he wanted and make all his enemies love him.

He hated the thought of it. He didn't want superficial love. He just wanted to be Grian. But suddenly the pranks he pulled were adorable and the whole neighborhood thought of him as their little gremlin. He hated this. Everyone used to hate him for messing with their kitchen or leaving oreos full of mayonnaise at their doorstep. Now it was all fun and games, and people thought of mayonnaise oreos as a special treat. It was so wrong.

The communicator in his hand buzzed again, taking him out of his thoughts.

<Redstone> You coming to your own debut?

He texted back, thankful to have something to distract him.

<Cuteguy> On my way

He hated that his texts showed up like that. Like he wasn't grian. All over again.

Still, he was pumped to have a chance to be true to his chaotic nature. He loved being a villain, but everything he had grown up being taught screamed against him.

Grian flew out of the base, ready to start his first mission.

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