Chapter 11: Dead

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My eyes flicker open to see Scar above me. Maybe he'd forgive me. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as they said it would be. Maybe I can fix this all. Then I see the expression on his face. "I'm sorry, Scar." I plead. "I can explain everything."

"Save it for Notch" he says with no hint of the man I love. Maybe this is my fault. I could've saved him.

"I don't know who you are anymore"

I fall into a whirl of memories of happiness that I know is my fault will be no more. The colours of the world I knew flashing before my eyes as Scar comforting me after a hard day at work gives way to a sleepover when we were kids as I lie awake on the floor with him at my side. It all fades into black.

By the time my vision clears I'm in the hero headquarters. I'm tied to a chair with Scar standing over me. The man I once knew only from legends stands beside him.

"Notch will want to hear what you had to say, fiend!" Scar proclaims like in those games we played as kids. Only this time it was real. "I'm so sorry..." I whisper

"If you were really sorry, you would have told me!" Scar's yell sounded like a cry for help."You didn't think about how I would feel!"

"I can explain..."

"You'll speak when spoken to, and only when spoken to." Notch commanded. I couldn't stop myself from feeling an illogical fear. Maybe it was part of being a demigod, but I was terrified of Notch.

"Where is the villain's headquarters?" It sounded like a question, but I don't know if he was asking. Clinging to the hope that he didn't know, I defiantly answered "Never!"

"What a shame." Notch said, his voice like poisoned honey. "Well, then. You know what to do." For just a moment, the room falls silent. Scar hesitates. Notch nods toward the axe in the hero's hand. "Hurry up, or I'll do it myself. And there will be no mercy."

Scar swings at my wrist. I scream in pain. I don't want to look down for fear I've lost my hand. I can't feel anything there except pain. I reluctantly look down to find a bloody gash with white bone visible. But I still have my hand.

"Good. Hopefully, that'll make you more agreeable." Notch said, with no regret or sympathy in his voice. "Now, I ask you again, Where is the hero headquarters?" His voice distorted to the point of which I could barely make it out. The chair grew hot and uncomfortable beneath me. A faint deep blue glow emanates from it.

"You'll have to pry the answer out of my cold dead body." I say, my voice strong. Inside, I'm terrified.

"Very well." He says. "That can be arranged."

Notch turns to leave. " You could have been a brilliant hero, you know. What a shame to waste such glorious potential. What a shame indeed."

"I could never have been a hero!" I yell, years of pent-up anger coming out at once. "Not after you killed Taurtis!"

Scar's eyes flash in shock. He backs away from Notch.

"So you finally spilled our little secret then. Go on."

I flash back to that cold January evening. I'm in line to get his autograph. Then I see a flash of blue falling from a building. The same building Taurtis was on, watching the sun set. He screamed for help, and Notch gave me a look. He knew. He let him die. Now I'm running towards him, launching myself through the air on outstretched wings. I'm a second too late. The crack of his bones as he hit the ground. A flash of fabric above. Someone killed him. And Notch couldn't be bothered to save him.

"Someone pushed him off the building. You saw. You didn't try to save him." My voice shakes with fury. "You left him to die! It's your fault he's dead!"

Scar's gaze flicks between me and Notch. "Why?" Scar asked, his voice desperate. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried once." I say. "But now two of your friends will be killed by Notch.

Scar pushed a few buttons on his communicator, and the ropes binding me fell from the chair. The cuff around my wrist clattered to the ground. He grabbed my hand and ran as fast as he could, dragging me along. I only realised what happened when it was too late.

He jumped out the window.

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