The Circus

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Gray opened their eyes expecting to see one of two things; a black screen or some type of home menu or loading screen, but was instead met with a colourful playground type area which overjoyed them  i but they kept their composure and began to look around taking in their new surroundings. Gray walked around the circus, they hadn't encountered anyone yet but they were still wary of anything lurking in the shadows but what they were unaware of was Cain, who wad following them, watching their every move intently. He found it strange how they hadn't panicked at all even seeming a bit joyful at arriving, it confused him at how their reaction could be so vastly different from everyone else's.

                      Cain's POV

This human is so intriguing maybe I shouldn't introduce myself just yet, as i wish to observe their behaviour a bit more. I followed the strange new human around as they explored the circus curiosity overtaking their weariness as they started to interact with their surroundings more beginning to.... Enjoy themselves!?! No ones ever reacted this way after entering the digital circus, it got me even more curious. I decided to finally go and introduce myself to the strange new human.

                      Gray's POV

I was exploring my new surroundings when a literal pair of dentures appeared out of fucking thin air. "Im sorry but WHO THE      |—— | ARE YOU."                              "We don't allow that kind of language around here my dear, the digital circus is to be enjoyed by people of all ages!"
The pair of dentures chided like a parent telling off a young child.
"So anyways can you tell me where i am?"
"Of course my dear, you are in The Amazing Digital Circus! I am Cain, the ringleader!" "What might your name be?!"
"My name is.... Is... Gray? I think? Yeah that's my name!"
"Hmmm that's strange most people don't remember their name after entering the circus. Oh well!"
The pair of floating dentures, Cain, I guess said in a questioning tone.

Cain gave you a tour of all parts circus that you hadn't seen, and god damn was it huge! This place has everything, it even had a lake for drowning yourself in. He then called all the members of the circus down to the main stage to introduce you to them first down was Zooble who looked at you and left, upset to be bothered at this time in the evening. Next was Gangle, they were..... really underwhelming they just waved and meekly said hello before leaving. Then Kinger burst out of a pile of pillows behind you, startling you. You calmed down after a couple seconds, Kinger kinda just spazzed out and started talking about bugs before getting scared and running off. Your next meeting was with Ragatha who was actually pretty calm, you found her comforting.
Then came Pomni who was just a nervous wreck and then started asking you if you saw an exit anywhere frantically which freaked you out a little but she was okay otherwise. Then you met Jax. Jax was the most interactive with you, making snide remarks and teasing you. After meeting everyone Cain took you to your room. You got settled and went to sleep.

An Urban Legend (A The Amazing Digital Circus x GN! child story)Where stories live. Discover now