The "adventure"

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Gray was, somewhat scarred after meeting bubble but that's not important. What's important right now is the "adventure" Cain had to thrown them into. You Pomni Jax and Zooble were currently running from a giant ant that was attempting to take you back to its nest to the queen. Gangle Ragatha and Kinger had hidden somewhere after your group had been forcefully separated from theirs.

You were running alongside Pomni when the giant ant snatched her up into its mandibles

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god  we're being chased by a giant ant holy shit oh no oh no- Ahhhhh!"

/gasp\ "Pomni! Oh shit what do i do?!?"

The ant left you Jax and Zooble alone for now, happy with it's success.

"So what do we do?"

You said out of breath.

"How the  fuck am I supposed to know"

Zooble said exhausted and upset due to the fact that she was dragged into another one of Cain's adventures.

"I say we should dip and let Ragatha and the others figure it out."

Jax said, seemingly unaffected by all the running.

" we're not doing that we need to help Kinger, Gangle, Pomni, and Ragatha."

Gray whined, somewhat upset because they liked Ragatha, Pomni, Kinger, and Gangle.

"Fine, fine, we'll help them. Don't get your cereal soggy kid."

Jax said, in what seemed to be an attempt to comfort you. Which strangely enough, it worked. Soon enough the three of you were headed off to find Ragatha and company and save Pomni from wherever those ants were taking her.

about thirty minutes later you guys ended up finding Ragatha, Kinger and Gangle hiding in the playground area.

"oh, there you guys are, we've been looking all over for you."

Jax said calmly, and surprisingly without any sarcastic or mean comments.

"So anyways, that little clown girl, that you guys like so much got kidnapped by ants and now we gotta go save her."

Jax added before anyone else could say anything.


Ragatha exclaimed in disbelief and distress. Gangle began to cry and Kinger just kinda started uncontrollably shaking. Everyone began to make a plan, well minus Kinger and Gangle because Gangle was still crying but this time it was because Jax pushed her over and broke her comedy mask, and Kinger was just too mentally unstable at the moment.

/sobs and shakes\ "m-my comedy 
/sniff\ mas-sk, it's /heavy breathing\ its broken again." /bursts out in uncontrollable tears\

Gangle wasn't anywhere close to being done sobbing.

"We need to find their nest then Jax and me will distract the ants while you go and find Pomni. Sound like a plan?"

Ragatha asked you and Jax.

"Whatever you say dollface."

Jax replied not paying any attention.

"I'll do my best Ragatha."

You said.

Authors note* underlined text means it has been bleeped out due to Cain's censorship. Because the digital circus is meant to be enjoyed by all ages-blablablaabla

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