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Soon enough you had found the nest and were about to put the plan into action.

"You sure this'll work Ragatha?"

You said peering over at the nest full of giant ants that looked very much ready to devour you.

"Eh get over it kid, I don't want to do this either."

Jax said while examining his nonexistent fingernails.

"Don't worry Gray I'm sure this will work."

Ragatha said in a very encouraging tone causing you to have a little bit more confidence in this plan.

Jax and Ragatha were distracting the large arthropods, meanwhile, you snuck around them deeper into the nest, hiding in the shadows. There weren't a lot of ants in this part of the nest for some reason, you'd think they would be more this deep in the nest. Eventually you heard muffled screams coming from one of the holes in the walls. You climbed up into it, discovering a large nursery full of ant eggs and smack dab in the centre was a Pomni,  buried in other food stuffs to feed the baby ants when they hatched.

"Pomni, I'm up here I'm coming to get you."

You call down to her .

"Gray thank God you're here."

Pomni shouted back up to you. You climbed down into the nursery, making your way towards the middle. You helped Pomni up pulling her out of the pile of consumable matter. Then you felt a shaking you looked over towards the large doorway made for the giant insects, there standing in the doorway, was the biggest ant you'd seen so far.

"Pomni I think that's the queen."

You said nervously, panic filling your voice

"Uh oh."

Pomni said meekly.

"I think we gotta go now."

You quickly grabbed  Pomni's hand before pulling her out of that room down the large tunnel, sprinting as fast as you could while towing a whole other person with you. The queen was catching up fast. As well as multiple other ants that were now chasing you as well.

After about two minutes of sprinting, you were beginning to get tired. You shouted your other companions names.

"Jax, Ragatha!"

You were seriously running out of breath. You saw your other companions standing in a now empty room. Where there were originally about three of the oversized arthropods.

" we gotta go now"

You said, panting multiple ants in tow as you ran into the empty room.

"Oh you found Pomni."

Jax said nonchalantly. The four of you began running until you found Zooble Kinger and Gangle. Ragatha began desperately calling out for Cain. Now all of you were running, when you fell into a hole in the ground. You just kinda popped into the void.

                     Cain's POV

I was drinking tea with bubble when I got an alert on my WackyWatchTM telling me that someone was in the void! I teleported there immediately to stop whoever it was from seeing anything they shouldn't, like my unfinished work. I looked around for a moment to see Gray aimlessly floating staring off into the distance at something that wasn't there, how peculiar. Anyway I grabbed them and took them back to the circus. I ended the adventure as well after seeing how upset everyone looked.

An Urban Legend (A The Amazing Digital Circus x GN! child story)Where stories live. Discover now