Why, Bubble, Why

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The next morning Gray awoke, thinking about the comment Cain made about how people don't remember their names when they end up in the digital circus, they wondered why they could remember their name but no one else did, whatever though. They got out of bed and headed out of their bedroom. They met Jax in the hallway and decided to follow him. Due to their size he didn't see them, compared him they were tiny even though they were average height for a twelve year old, that plus their quiet steps caused them to go completely unnoticed by Jax. He only noticed them when he suddenly stopped and they walked into him.

"Oh heya kid, have you been following me this whole time?"

"Ummm yeah I guess i was just kinda lost."

"You sure you weren't just admiring my awesomeness."

He said with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Im pretty sure, because you are the lamest clown in this whole circus you ripoff William Afton."

You retorted with a shit eating grin of your own.

"Heh got some spice and a sense of humour unlike the rest of the dorks in this joint."

The purple rabbit said sounding mildly impressed. He started walking again without saying a word to you the rest of the way there.

                       Jax's POV

Heh, gotta hand it to them, the kids kinda funny. I like this kid they're different from everybody, what was their name again.......... Oh yeah! Gray. Im not gonna lie though it was kinda weird how they said their name so sure like they knew it instead of Cain giving it to them, like they had known it for a long time instead of just learning it. It took all of us a while to learn our names after we arrived here. Whatever.

                      Gray's POV

We arrived at a large table covered in different kinds of breakfast foods including: hash browns, french toast, pancakes, waffles, and more, your mouth watered at the sight as you went to an empty seat. You picked out some of the items on the table including (waffles pancakes or french toast and if you are gluten-free, you're lactose intolerant that does not go into the digital circus world because you are in a different body and eating only gives the virtual sensation of eating) and you also picked out some (bacon eggs or sausage unless your vegan then have some granola or something idk)

You ate your meal not saying a word to anyone else. Once you'd finished a literal chain chomp from Mario came and ate your plate to which Cain responded with

"Why Bubble, just why"

In an exasperated tone. The chain chomp thing who is now dubbed Bubble noticed you were not one of the usual members at the table but instead were new.

"Hey there im Bubble! We haven't met yet have we! What's your name!"

"I-i-I'm Gray"

An Urban Legend (A The Amazing Digital Circus x GN! child story)Where stories live. Discover now