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☆ 18. Chapter 18

Chapter 18

"..." Sakurai Hoshi: "Do you have difficulty choosing...?"

Kageyama Tobio said "hmm" in a daze.

He seemed to be seriously troubled by this, glaring at the buns like a cold tyrant, almost shouting, "Quickly pick one of yourselves and let me eat it."

...It seems that we are already at an advanced stage of difficulty in choosing.

Sakurai Hoshi thought for a while and suggested tentatively: "If you don't know how to choose, just reach in and pick up any one, and eat whichever one you get?" The young man was stunned for a moment, showed an expression of sudden realization, and nodded seriously: "Yeah

! "

[Kageyama Tobio's favorability towards you: 30 ([Kageyama Tobio] is very grateful to you for teaching him a special move.)]

No, it's too much to say it's a special move...

How troubled is he.

When they first met, her favorability score was obviously only 10 points. After agreeing to help serve, it suddenly increased to 10 points, and this time it increased to 5 points... She seemed to understand the so-called "single-celled organisms" a little bit.

However... she is seriously worried about which bun to eat first, and although her expression and tone are fierce, she is very respectful to her seniors...

...and is surprisingly cute.

"Long wait."

Not long after, Kunimi and Kindaichi also came back with shopping. The three teenagers stood together, their stomachs growling faintly, but they just looked at her quietly and did not move.

Sakurai Hoshi faced the gazes of the three people, tentatively picked up the rice ball and took a bite. He said a little vaguely: "Um...I started...?" "Yes."


teenagers lowered their heads and slowly Eat a late lunch.

...It turned out that I was really waiting for her to be the first to eat.

The hierarchy of sports clubs is really strict.

At noon, the gentle wind blows across the cheeks, and the fragrance of the sun-baked grass hits the face, mixed with the smell of food, making it warm and comfortable.

"It's almost time." The handsome-looking Kunimi Hide seemed to be eating a little less. The boy swallowed the last bite of the sandwich, inserted the straw into the milk carton, and said casually: "Let's just go back to the gym." Kageyama Tobio immediately raised his head:

" I want to practice tossing."

"You can still play...!" Kindaichi almost choked and stared at him like a monster, "Is there no limit to your physical strength?"

Kunimi Hide said simply and indifferently: " I refuse. Today's amount is enough."

"..." Neither of his friends had any intention of accompanying him. Before Tobio Kageyama could swallow the bun in his mouth, his eyes had already fallen on Sakurai Hoshi, and he was not thinking. It goes without saying.

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