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Chapter 71

[Crazy God] is very fast.

Or should I say, it changes at her own pace.

After absorbing the curse of Rainbow Child (Haru), Hoshi Sakurai can see everything clearly.

Even bullets should be easy to catch.

Because her power does not lie in magic... it is entirely in the power of her body, so it is not difficult to do this kind of thing.

The feet wearing wooden clogs, wrapped in snow-white footbags, stepped on the boy's chest carelessly, and with a slight force, crushed his wounds.


Zenyuan Naoya fell to the ground, with wounds all over his body. Blood kept pouring out, soaking the black feather fabric.

Sakurai Hoshi looked at him and without emotion uttered the word he once wanted to scold himself: "Trash."

She gently pressed the knife on Zenyuan Naoya's face, leaving a little red mark, and then slowly moved it to his neck.

"I am a guest of the Zen Garden...but I don't feel respect from you." With

lavender eyes, black eye circles, snow-white face and night-like hair...the girl was hugged by the black shadow creature. , looking down at him from above.

"Do you know how to respect me?"

She crushed his wound hard.

Pain, flesh and blood slowly torn apart... being trampled by her feet, but her foot bags were still white and not stained with any blood...

Zenyuan Naoya's breathing became rapid.

"I'm asking you. Talk." She said, "Waste."

Waste, waste...

Being insulted by her with the words she said most often, Zenyuan Naoya felt extreme humiliation and... indescribable trembling and excitement. .

[Zenyuan Naoya's favorability -80]

[Zenyuan Naoya's favorability +99]

[Zenyuan Naoya's favorability -100]

She... is not Shir.

The original sin of the weak...is not to understand what it means to be strong①.

This person...

she was the one on that side.

...are the people who are on the side of Shir and Satoru.




But he was deeply fascinated -

"I'm sorry..."

he spoke with difficulty, through the blood that kept rushing to his throat.

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