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Chapter 59


His speaking speed was very even, like the latest artificial intelligence voice. The voice was obviously very nice, but it had an inhuman quality.

"You fell asleep and the channeling failed."

Sakurai Hoshi blinked slowly.

"...It seems it was successful." She asked curiously: "Who are you?" "

Ah...are you exposed?"

The male voice returned to its normal tone, his voice was soft and gentle, as if he was whispering to his lover. Qingrou: "How did you find out?"

His voice was very pleasant, reminiscent of soft things like velvet and satin, but it also had a casual coolness, like a cold-blooded creature gently rubbing against the skin. .

It doesn't feel like the cursed spirit I met during my previous channeling... is it an intelligent creature? Humanity? monster?

"Because my game elf can't talk."

Sakurai Hoshi had a lot of random thoughts in his mind, and answered him with a little curiosity, "You can talk, are you a curse spirit? Or Mr. Wraith?" "

Kufufu ...Whether it's a wraith, an interesting term."

The bed suddenly sank, and a dark blue-haired boy appeared next to her. He sat on the bed and looked down at her with a smile: "Yes... you can think so... …I am an evil spirit crawling back from hell to take revenge.”

………What a good second grade…! ! !

How can there be such a middle-class resentful spirit? This guy must be a living person.

But players never lose when it comes to shame.

Sakurai Hoshi sat up and changed his words cooperatively: "I see, Evil Ghost-kun, why are you wearing the uniform of Obsidian Middle School?" "

Because the uniforms of this school look better."

Evil Ghost said, with a red right eye. A "six" appeared - yes, this guy actually had heterochromatic eyes, an indigo left eye and a blood red right eye, very fashionable.

After the numbers appeared in the slightly uncomfortable red right eye, the feeling on his body suddenly changed.


Sakurai Hoshi lowered his head.

The clothes she was wearing suddenly turned into the uniform of Obsidian Middle School.

Sakurai Hoshi got off the bed without saying a word, ran to the mirror, and looked at the new clothes.

The short green top reveals a small portion of her delicate waist, with a stand-up collar; the length of the skirt is also just right... Compared to the serious uniforms of Bingsheng Middle School, it has a more refined sense of fashion.

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